Barry Levinson
It is here where you will get the unvarnished truth, a unique and fresh perspective on the current status of College Town.
Let me just say this for starters. The plan deserved to be voted down, not just put on a temporary hold. The hungry beast (the city government) still wants to feed at the trough of taxpayer monies. It is our job to stop them.
I was very proud of my fellow citizens Wednesday night at the Planning Committee Meeting. All of you who spoke did a fantastic job. You may not realize it, but collectively we have the ability to greatly impact the decision making of our city leaders. It is only when we use that collective voice that we can force our city leaders to listen to us. The people have common sense and know instinctively when their city government is blowing smoke in their faces!
The display of arrogance of those committee members who spoke ill of some of the people at city hall was shameful. These citizens came to speak at this very important committee meeting to address not only the committee members but also the in-house audience and those watching on TV. If a speaker chooses to momentarily turn his or her head to the audience, you as committee members should not chastise the speaker. It is those people of Fullerton who deserve the accolades and great respect for taking the time out of their very busy schedules to speak before you. They do not earn a $75 dollar stipend for attending the meeting like the committee members. The bogus claim by Committee Member Ma’Ayn Johnson that there was public intimidation and harassment from some of the audience was a failed attempt to put the public on the defensive. It was both not true and only made Ms. Johnson look self-important, pompous and small. It is the committee who should be so embarrassed that they reduced the public comments to only 2 minutes. That action demonstrates a lack of respect shown by the committee to the public and they should apologize to us. Over and over again the chairperson interrupted public speaker time and time again.
The majority of the committee heard from the public who except for very few who had a connection to the project were 100% against it.
The committee members said it was important to continue to work on the project because of its importance but then stated that almost all major portions of the project were very flawed. They said the traffic, congestion, pedestrian safety and the partial closure of Nutwood were all problems. Some said that the adjoining colleges have not been good neighbors, especially as it pertains to the parking problems they cause to the surrounding residential neighborhoods that has exited over the last 20 years or more. They said that some intersections that would still be graded an F after the mitigation efforts were done were a problem. But don’t worry folks, they will probably remove the closure of Nutwood from the plan, maybe add a roundabout and then claim success in 3, 6 or 9 months from now and then salivate as the $40 million in fees starts arriving at city hall. What a total farce?
This plan should be scrapped for all of the above. Oh I did not mention the air quality concerns with the addition of thousands of cars was also mentioned as a problem.
It is clear that the city desperately needs to make up for the large budget deficits that already exists ($2.8 million) and which they have recently increased by millions of dollars in the form of large city employee raises especially the 6% next year raises for police and fire and the authorization of 5 new police officers. All these moves are done without a confirmed source of where those millions of dollars are going to come from. The city council and our city manager are guilty of abandoning their fiduciary responsibilities to the citizens of Fullerton. It is really that simple.
So we have exposed a simple truth. The College Town project is a terrible idea that has no community support but is being pushed hard by the city because the CITY COUNCIL WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER CONTINUE TO SPEND MONEY ON THEMSELVES WE DO NOT HAVE!!
They state the parking, safety, congestion, air quality and the closure of Nutwood for thru traffic are all problems with the plan but at the end of the day the majority said they think the plan in theory is a Great Idea.
I will continue to shine a very bright light on the machinations of our city government. They far too often represent the special interests over the needs and wants of Fullertonians.
I report, you decide.
Barry Levinson
#1 by Reality Is..... on February 21, 2016 - 10:55 pm
LOL that was funny. Your little feelings get hurt?. Can’t stand reading reality anymore huh? LOL thanks for the giggle.
#2 by Fullerton Lover on February 22, 2016 - 12:18 pm
Strong people do not put others down.
They lift others up.