Korea Shatters Its Own Record for World’s Lowest Fertility Rate

Apple 666, The infertility pad (iPad), Artemis, Project Inkwell and Agenda 21-an expose with an all star cast

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I Came For The Yelling. Biden Cancels Student Loans #joeimbriano

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Spinning Ball Or Flat Plane- Why It’s A Big Deal #JoeImbriano 8-25-02

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It appears that over in these Asian countries where these 5G directional beam forming phased array weapons systems are, they’re contributing to the vaxxed deaths. Whoever has these metal antennas/graphene (ferromagnetic compounds)in them.. It appears the weaponry is sending a pulse (project bizarre frequencies) with help through the phones to the electrical areas of the body like the heart, spinal cord, brain, and dropping them! I believe they’re picking people off whether it’s by choice, randomly, or the body not being able to handle the frequencies.. This guy appeared to be at a gas station, and I’m sure there’s weaponry on a cell mast, LED 5G street light, or small cell node to shoot at him or ping his phone to either or cause and overload charge (zap) to the heart and kill him on the spot! Just look at the video and he has the phone right to his upper chest area. There is no doubt by seeing this, they’re using the weapons to target, acquire, and murder. You have been warned.






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It’s Time To Repeal The Second Amendment #JoeImbriano

a complete piece of junk

all right

this is john brianna your host the

fullerton informer coming to you live

from the busted up streets of

fullerton california today is monday

july 11


and all of the talk and the headlines

right now

are on repealing the second amendment


and it is time

for the united states to repeal the

second amendment ladies and gentlemen

you heard me

it is time for the united states


it is necessary for the government to do


is so they can steal our property

so they can steal our bank accounts

so they can steal our homes

so they can steal our children

and so they can torture us

and murder us

and mess with us

and physically and psychologically

control us

and have their way with us

and of course to get rid of us you see

folks that is the reason why we need to

get rid of the second amendment

now the key phrase here

is who is we

this is john brianna your host p.o box

4121 fullerton california 92834 on the

web at the fullerton informer dot com 5g

dangers.com faxdangers.com


coming to you

in the name of jesus christ

as a christian who is not controlled by

the deniers of jesus christ ladies and


all right

so we know right now that what’s going

on in china is shanghai’s going back

into lockdown probably because they’re

moving a bunch of troops through the


a bunch of military equipment and

everything else

but there is another province in china

that has been in lockdown but the

central bank

has reported massive losses

and they’ve frozen

people’s deposits

and so what’s happening is because of

the kova shutdown in china these people

have not been able to run their


and uh they haven’t been able to make

any money and now that the businesses

are opening they can’t make payroll they

can’t pay their employees there are

people that can’t access their savings

because they’re unemployed

so people have money in the bank in

china and they went to protest in fact

they’ve been locked out of their


and the police in china beat the living

crap out of them and we’re talking about

you know protests over

give me my money you know my life

savings right and these are elderly

people children just people that are

just at the mercy of this uh

this group of goons if you will

and the police literally you know beat

the living crap out of elderly people

and children in this protest

and you know they can’t get them

the clarion call from the deniers of

jesus christ who control the media

and who control the god

and who control the judiciary

and who control the military industrial

complex and of course even control the


just look at what they’re teaching and

that’ll tell you everything you need to


the clarion call is to take the

americans guns away ladies and gentlemen


i assure you that if

they try

it’s going to be a very

very big mess

it will be the biggest miscalculation in

human history

the bottom line is the reason why the

united states is what it is and has been

what it has been

is because of the way it was created

and there are certain rights that have

been given

to us by god

by man

you know we are not citizens folks we’re

not subjects okay

we’re sovereign



that were created in the image of god

with rights that were given to us by god

that cannot be taken away

the rights

that we have although they may be

enumerated and spelled out laid out and

codified in law

and we can argue back and forth whether

it even

even applies to us

because of the uniform commercial code

and how your names and all caps on your

driver’s license and uh you know how

you’re registered with the department of

commerce as chateau property

and how your birth certificate

they take a soul print right

and you know folks look

the bottom line is

no one has a right to make us


and just ask jesus about that uh in

luke’s gospel jesus said hey guys

he who has no sword let him sell his

cloak and buy one


you won’t hear that in church service

you’re going to hear about you know

it’s time for donuts and uh you know

there’s gonna be a a a cupcake contest

at the women’s retreat or something

folks the bottom line is we have the

right to defend ourselves against who

against anyone

that is a threat

to our life to our liberty to our

pursuit of happiness

to our ability to do what is right and

that could come in the form of a

domestic threat like crazies that like

kick your door in the middle of the

night they want to rape your wife and

steal your possessions or rape your


or you know domestic threats such as


elements of the government or rogue

elements of street gangs


foreign enemies that you know may make

landfall and and try to invade the

united states or you know come out of

parachutes and come down in parachutes

you know like red dawn

folks we have a duty to defend our


to defend our property and to defend our


so the reason why

we need to repeal the second amendment

is not for us folks and the we applies

to the people that want us dead see the

people that i refer to as we are the

ones that want to kill us and to steal

everything we have

they want us to be

their property their human cattle

so that they can have their way with us

you see folks they have a serious

problem on their hands all right

there are hundreds of millions of


who own hundreds of millions of guns who

have an attitude problem with anybody

who wants to take them away

don’t turn them in

don’t be stupid

you know this guy i think his name is

michael moore um

he’s uh

quite a piece of work i mean just look

at the guy and you know it’s it’s he’s

pretty pathetic from a

from a lot of


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Joe Imbriano delivers 24.1 Solid Minutes of Hard Truth #JoeImbriano

all right i don’t know if this is

working but let’s have a look here we

got a stream

all right looks like we got a handful of

people popping in do we got audio can

you guys hear me okay

can i get a confirmation that we have


i’m not seeing comments on the screen


all right let’s have let’s have just a

moment here

loud and clear okay good all right this

is your host joe imbriano the fullerton


coming to you live from the busted up

streets of fullerton california

a city run

by moronic


some of them are married to moronic

morally bankrupt criminals

that hold higher office

and you know who you are

i digress

this is your host the fullerton and

former p.o box 4121 fullerton california

92834 on the web at

thefullertoninformer.com wi-fi


celltowerdangers.com and 5gdangers.com



666.com look that one up folks

might as well tell you that the uh

ukraine war has created a shortage of

argon gas which is necessary for

directed energy weapon production and so

that’s what cern is for

that hadron collider is not looking for

a god particle folks

look up

cern666.com and you’ll see what it is

you see folks nothing is as it appears

to be

and yet we’re expected to believe

that everything

at face value

is honest

and forthright which is insane right

so i want to pick up this broadcast

where i got cut off i i was talking

about the second amendment

and why it is necessary for certain

people to repeal the second amendment

and i was going into a gentleman or a

man or a person or a goblin or a

whatever you want to call this guy

michael moore

i don’t really know much about him

except for what he has

put forth writing his own constitutional


and uh then i went to google the guy and

i was horrified it uh you know just what

a mess this guy is and what he’s

proposing which is totally treasonous


but folks the reason that they don’t

want us to be able to defend ourselves

is very simple okay

they don’t want us fighting back when

they do horrible things to us

everyone that seeks to

inflict misery or harm

or worse like murder or genocide wants

to make sure that they don’t meet any

opposition or at least they minimalize

the forces of opposition and that’s

what’s going on here

you need to understand that

i’ve said this over and over again but

there are a lot of things involved with

getting us

to give up our rights okay


one of the largest and most dangerous


or systems that is involved in getting

us to give up our rights


christian pacifism folks

the emasculation of

christians right

and that is done through

the teachings of things like the

catholic church

where we’re supposed to live like saints

and fold our hands and just love

everybody and i’m not saying that we’re

not supposed to love others what i’m

telling you is

you know as a catholic i was raised to

you know do all these things right and

you know

they don’t teach you

that there is this

level of wickedness in the world that is

out to kill you and to destroy you and

to enslave you and to bankrupt you and


cannibalize you

and to feed off of your


and to feed off of your perversion and

to feed off of your filth and there’s

this demonic realm that runs the very

upper echelons of all societies

that are literally working for it loving

parents my mother and my father

my dad you know

the guy had more integrity

i’ll just leave with that my father he

couldn’t lie

all he did was work and

give give give to his family and all he

did was help others

in the neighborhood growing up he was a

wonderful man

but he was never taught

to fight evil

okay he was taught to love

and that to me growing up

was a very difficult thing for me to


because i saw all this evil around me

growing up


quite frankly there was a big disconnect

between what i was being taught as a

catholic and what i was instinctively

inclined to do


a human being

and the same thing goes for christianity

folks you know a lot of the christian

churches are telling everybody that

jesus is going to come back next week

you know people keep sending me videos

about how the rapture is coming

folks that is an invention

okay that’s a cop-out don’t put your


in uh the teachings of man

and don’t put your faith in hope in

anything but

the finished work of jesus christ on the

cross and his conquering death and his

guaranteeing us eternal life

and guaranteeing us the forgiveness and

complete obliteration of our sin

and complete guarantee

of eternity with god

that’s what you put your hope in that’s

the blessed hope folks not some escaped

cop-out clause that was invented by the

same people who run the media

all right i’ve already gone into that

so the reason that they want us

disarmed is because they want to have

their way with us now

so you know things like the catholic

church that preach uh you know all this

lovey-dovey soft touchy-feely stuff

and then you know you’ve got the

christians that are teaching this

cop-out eschatology

and then you have people

that take it to another level well you

know we’re not supposed to uh you know

stand up and fight but yet it’s okay for

the old testament to be full of all

kinds of genocide and and and you know

murdering women and children and genital

mutilation of boys

i don’t understand this big disconnect

with what

it’s pretty obvious ladies and gentlemen

what’s going on okay

there’s a there’s a systemic approach


uh to


the masses all right now it’s also done

through hollywood hollywood’s a big part

of this emasculation all right

and this uh pacification

of the masses

sports is a big part of it

you know men generally uh have

these hormones called testosterone i

know a lot of men have been

feminized by

the phytoestrogens in their beer did you

know beers got some of the highest

levels of phytoestrogens of any beverage

out there

did you know that folks

did you know that hops are loaded with


you know they laugh about the soy boys

well you know you guys all drinking your

beer you’re a bunch of soy boys did you

know that that’s right beers loaded with


similar compounds to soy protein folks

phytoestrogens come from the hops and as

a matter of fact the higher the ipa


generally that will correspond with a

higher concentration of hops

levels of phytoestrogens yeah you didn’t

know that did you

so you know they’re pushing the beer on

the man then they push

another thing that is very useful in

emasculating men is

the uh

the explicit imagery

in a sexual context right

now another thing that is very important

is the tribal mentality of the sports

teams like i said the sports are a big

part of it where you know hey you root

for the team you’re right your

identity’s wrapped up in the denver

broncos or whatever you know baseball

team you’re following or whatever it is

i don’t even follow sports folks okay i

remember when i played little league i

would listen to the

the kmpc uh am radio angels broadcast

and i used to enjoy that because i used

to dream of hitting a home run and one

day i finally did right it was the most

amazing experience of my life and after

that you know the thrill is gone i was

12 years old i hit a home run okay

they’re been there done that [ __ ]

baseball football soccer whatever it’s

okay to you know maybe enjoy a game but

not to start wearing the jerseys and

follow all the stats when you don’t even

know what the uh the fifth amendment is

you better get back to square one shut

your stupid television

all right

i mean it

because i’m really sick of how they have


and uh and destroyed

the very fabric of our society now

another thing they do

is they get us just totally morally

bankrupt and corrupt where like you know

you’ll see somebody getting the crap

beat out of them on the street you’ll

just take out your phone and film it

right you won’t get involved uh you know

you’ll just sit there as a spectator and

you won’t step in right that’s becoming

very common

your neighbor gets dragged away by a

bunch of guys

in the middle of the night you’re going

to stand there with your phones filming

it you’re not going to say hey what the

heck’s going on hey leave that guy alone

he’s a good guy

they’ve taken everybody

and just turned them into my optic uh

self-serving selfish greedy


emasculated cowards

that won’t stand up for anything and

that’s done through a lot of

conditioning in the movies that’s done

through a lot of conditioning in the


and i want to talk to you about the

schools folks

yes the schools now

the schools are designed for girls and


schools are left brain mind control

institutions and they’re there

to emasculate the man

and to make the men give up

and to put the women in charge of

everything and that’s what they’re doing

school is a left brain operation

there is nothing going on in schools now

that makes you use your hands except for

pushing buttons on an infertility pad

they’re not training people

to survive in a world they are training

people to be slaves in a hive

of a matrix

and they’re training the prison guards

and the psychologists and the pill

pushers and the vaccine injectors and

the legislators and the lock-up lawyers

and the criminal politicians to keep the

system rolling folks okay

there are no more skills being taught in

schools all right only conformity and


and mindless rote


curriculum that has no bearing or any

relevance or importance on your

existence or survival unless you’re

going to be part of the matrix

management team of enslavement and

destruction of humanity

and so

they teach the children at a very young

age to sit still to not speak up

to to only do what you’re told when

you’re told to do it no independent

thinking no critical thinking only wrote

repetition and trauma-based mind control


deaf education kinky sex education moral


social uh marxism darwinian evolution

just moral relativism just all garbage


and they teach you all these math

classes that you’ll never use you only

need about a seventh grade math to

survive in life folks

all right

you need to understand you know how to

balance a checkbook and and i guess you

don’t balance a checkbook saying marky

manage a budget it doesn’t take but

you know 99 calculator okay x amount of

money for the electric bill x amount of

money for the

the water bill x amount of money for the

groceries x amount of money for the

retirement fund x amount of money for

the emergency fund and if i’m not making

enough money that means i should stop

spending right it’s basic addition and

subtraction with a little bit of

multiplication you do not need the

quadratic formula to survive in life


but they’ve got these young people

staying up until two o’clock in the

morning getting up at six o’clock in the

morning learning all this crap as they

adjust all the shakespeare kill yourself

romantic satanic garbage right they call

that british literature

it’s the tavistock institute’s design

for a vomit session is what it is it’s

disgusting you don’t need that garbage

so they ruin the children make them

psychologically messed up with all these

movies and make them feel inadequate

with all of this uh

you know the the immortalization of

these plastic surgery satan servant

[ __ ] in hollywood


you know no one feels adequate after

trying to measure up to that trash when

it’s not even real

and so they start checking out they

start getting into drugs and

you know the sackler family puts out

this uh

this epidemic of uh opioids to you know

sends the drug reps to all the doctors


somebody right and they turn you into a

nut job

as you as you become a junkie right and

there goes half of them

in the meantime

we’ve got a government and the

intelligence agencies that are all in on

this scam running false flags and you

know grooming people to commit

atrocities to blame

specific targeted groups that they need

to target because they are posing a

threat to the agendas right and so

you’ve got the intelligence agencies and

the government actually working against


on top of the media who’s trying to make

everybody corrupt and morally bankrupt

and abuse their uh

privileges and rights by making them

into quote unquote natural born killers

end quote thanks woody harrelson


natural born killers you know the other

night i was looking at a website that

had all these movies on it

and i do this once a while i just look

and see and it’s all like goons and

goblins and monsters and murderers and

perverts and blowing up things and

murdering and killing


you know


uh did i forget anything terrorism

apocalyptic stuff alien monsters


uh you know



uh twisted kinky uh

sexual uh

you know in

entanglements and you know divorce and

and kidnapping and robbery and

and ruining children and and you know

just all this demonic occultic merging

of aliens and humans and machines and

demons together and these creatures with

like blue light everywhere

blowing things up and then there’s all

this plasma effects involved


you know

i remember when i was a child i used to

love to wake up in the morning and go

out in the backyard

and uh you know my mother would be there

in the kitchen and you know she’d be you

know making waffles or whatever and she

said good morning son and i go outside

and i see how my cabbage was growing or

my carrots were doing and you know i’d

go outside and look at the birds flying

around and you know then i’d look

forward to a phone call on the weekend

from my nana in massachusetts or my

nanny in boston you know i loved my

grandparents and and i love my family

and i you know

all i had growing up was happiness folks

i was not surrounded by all this

abominable filth that they’re submerging

us in right now to destroy us okay

we only had channel 2 4 5

7 9 11 and 13 and most of them went off

at 10 o’clock at night

right and then came what subscription tv

remember on tv where you had to have a

decoder box they had a line going

through the thing unless you had a

decoder box and they started piping the

porn into the houses with that trash



look what they’ve done

the reason they’re doing this to us

is because they want to kill us okay

they want us to kill ourselves they want

us to kill each other they want us to go

unhinged come on glued and go off

so they can say oh

looky here

we gotta take these away from you

because you’re not worthy

that’s why we’ve got decades of

hollywood movies

decades of hollywood this and that

of gun violence of murder

of infidelity

of torture and bombings and car chases

and all this illegal activity to

encourage young people to go do that so

they end up in jail and ruin their lives

and if that doesn’t work then the

government just ships in a railroad car

full ak-47s and crack and leaves it in

the middle of the

the railroad yard at night lets the

inner city youth go grab the stuff and

the gangs get a hold of it all

you know and then they bring in all the

liquor stores and take out all the uh

grocery stores out of the inner city and

then they get everybody on welfare so

they can’t get married and the only way

they can keep their welfare benefits is

to not get married so all the children

grow up without a father can’t have a

man in the house on welfare so you don’t

get married

better make sure his underwear is not in

your drawer because you won’t get your

benefits right

so fatherless youth and then the

government raises them in in unison with

hollywood turns them into thugs and then

they have a stimulus program where they

give them all money and then they tell

them to wear masks so then they figure

out if they just put the mask on all the

way they can run around with a gun and

kill people and rob and steal and get

away with it

now we got district attorneys like the

one in l.a who just puts everybody on

the streets after they commit

violent crimes

because there’s nothing and the

government owns you and if you don’t

like it they’re going to lock you up or

kill you

and you’re just getting a little taste

of it right now because they’re being

nice they said look you need to get this

test or you need to get this injection

and we’ll give you 20 bucks or 50 bucks

or free this or free that

believe me folks when they turn up the

heat they’re not going to be so nice

that’s why they want the guns okay

because they don’t want to say no

they want to say aha looky here

all you guys can’t behave so we got to

take away your recess oh you’re

misbehaving so we got to take away your

toys oh you’re misbehaving so we got to

take away your rights oh you’re

misbehaving so you can’t have a gun

you know that’s okay we’ll protect you

we’re here from the government we’re

here to help

my name’s not

my name’s not idi amin

my name’s not fidel castro oh my name’s

not kim jong-il

my name’s not kim jong-un my name’s not

masei tong

my name’s not pol pot

my name is not

all of these people like stalin and and

all of these butchers

and i purposely left them out because

that’s the only one they ever talk about

and he was the least of our troubles


when you look at what’s going on in the

scheme of things

you need to look at what they don’t tell

us and these [ __ ] communists were

the enemy and they still are and they’re

alive and well in the united states if

you don’t think the united states is

being plunged into a marxist takeover


you’re out of your mind

why do you think

everything is being given away for free

right now man i remember

years ago

you used to have to qualify for medical

insurance and pay through the nose for

it right have a job for it and when you

lost your job you had to go on this

thing called cobra and it cost a fortune

to keep it going

now heck you can jump the fence with a

fake id

make up a name make up a social security

number get your whole family covered for



hey where are the comments by the way i

don’t see any comments on here

i don’t know what they did with the

comments but

folks you know why they’re doing what

they’re doing it’s because they don’t

want us fighting back and they’re gonna

play every dirty trick they can

including faking stuff to get you to go

along with giving up your rights and i

say no folks all right i say no and we

all need to say no

this is the last place on earth

there is where we can take a stand all


my father

came from italy

he lived through world war ii and uh you

know mussolini coming through the region

in italy stealing all his provisions and

poisoning the well and

you know ruining his farm and you know

there were already you know a couple of

meals away from starvation as it was in

the dead of winter and they came through

took whatever they could left the whole

family for dead but they survived

my wife’s family same thing when north

korea rolled the troops

you know their family barely get out

with the shirts on their back

you know running away from these

genocidal monsters right these

communists right

and and so here we are

facing the same threat here

except they’re doing it

in a way

where they want us to you know just

cling to our little blankie and feel


as they have the knife to our throat

right that that’s what they’re doing


and if you can’t see that there’s

something wrong with you all right i

think most people right now know that

something’s seriously wrong

and they’re afraid because they got to

pay their bills and that’s the other way

they get us folks is they print the


and they get us enslaved okay

do you understand what’s going on folks

there’s no place left to go okay

in mexico there’s one gun store in the

entire country look it up i’m not

kidding you

folks you cannot

run away from this problem here we’re

gonna have to stand up and say no all


that’s all there is to it

and they have to go very slow and

methodically here in the united states

because they don’t want to awake the

sleeping giant that’s why they’re taking

this step by step

all right they’re going very slow with

their agenda on disarming us

it’s step by step

piece by piece and they’re methodical

they’re not going to stop

until they get their way and guess what

folks uh between me and you and the

fence post they don’t have a chance this

is joel brianna the fullerton informer

coming to you live

in the name of jesus christ with the


and remember

this world is not all there is what a

bunch it is

take care ladies and gentlemen


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July 21, 2022

Back to School Immunizations

The new school year is just around the corner and now is the time to get pediatric patients caught up on vaccinations! During the pandemic, many children missed routine checkups and immunizations. Children need to catch-up to meet school immunization requirements and to stay protected against vaccine-preventable diseases such as whooping cough and measles.

Please offer your patients 6 months and older the COVID-19 vaccine (or refer them for vaccination) if they haven’t already been vaccinated. Check out 6 Things to Know about COVID-19 Vaccination for Children!

Strategies to Consider:

  1. Use the immunization registry and your EHR to identify children who missed well-child visits and/or recommended vaccinations.
  2. Reach out to schedule in-person appointments using a Robocall Script or Letter.
  3. Plan back-to-school immunization catch-up clinics at convenient times for working parents, including weekends.
  4. Administer needed vaccines at all visits, not just well-child checks.
  5. Use effective communication techniques. Talk openly with parents about vaccine safety and concerns. Educational materials should supplement, not replace, conversations. Personal accounts are persuasive and memorable; share the reasons why you support vaccines!

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Joe Imbriano delivers 24.1 Solid Minutes of Hard Truth #JoeImbriano


The Coming United States Famine: California’s engineered Bolshevik food supply destruction.

No water, no farms. No farms, no exports which translates to no food for alot of people.

25-40% of the United State’s food supply is in jeopardy by this alone.

Using fewer than 1% of U.S. farmland, the Central Valley supplies 8% of U.S. agricultural output (by value) and produces 1/4 of the Nation’s food, including 40% of the Nation’s fruits, nuts, and other table foods. This monster is in charge of California.

A seething Gavin Newsom pictured here as he pushes gun control.

Communists, Marxists, and Bolsheviks have 2 things in common:

  1. They want your guns.
  2. They want you starving.

The following document was the beginning stage of the Bolshevik takeover of California’s agricultural system via the pseudoscience of hydrology. Click on the image for the full document or click this link –SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY drainage authority

You must prepare now for a famine that is by design, going to overtake the Nation in early 2024. I wrote about this coming to a head way back in December of 2015.

California’s geo-engineered drought

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Fake Virus from Evil Liars and Demonic Filth that want you injected

Take a look at both articles.  
both using the exact same picture.

Monkeyposx is just shingles. 

Shingles is a side effect of the Covid 19 vaccine. 

 There have been multiple cases of individuals experiencing shingles—a painful skin rash caused by the same varicella-zoster virus responsible for chicken pox—after receiving COVID-19 vaccines.


Third case of monkeypox reported in the UK, in health care worker

By Meera Senthilingam, CNN
Updated 9:28 AM EDT, Wed September 26, 2018

NYC patient tests positive for virus related to monkeypox

May 20, 2022 8:34pm 

NYC patient tests positive for virus related to monkeypox

May 20, 2022 8:34pm

One patient in New York City tested positive for Orthopoxvirus, a diease related to monkeypox, according to the health department.One patient in New York City tested positive for Orthopoxvirus, a diease related to monkeypox, according to the health department.Courtesy of CDC/Getty Images

A New York City patient tested positive for a family of viruses that monkeypox belongs to, health officials said Friday, but it was still unclear if the person was infected with the rare disease.

Two patients had been under investigation by the city’s health department for possibly carrying the virus, which has been spreading around the western world “within sexual networks”, according to officials.

One possible case of monkeypox in the city was ruled out, while the other person tested positive for “Orthopoxvirus, the family of viruses to which monkeypox belongs,” the health department said in a statement.

The patient was in isolation and presumed to be positive while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determines if the person does indeed have the virus. Local health officials are carrying out contact tracing in the meantime, they said.

Health officials said masks were effective at preventing the spread of monkeypox, which produces skin lesions and leaves patients with flu symptoms.

“As a precaution, any New Yorkers who experience flu-like illness with swelling of the lymph nodes and rashes on the face and body should contact their health care provider,” New York City health officials wrote in a press release.

“Monkeypox is rare but can spread through close contact with an infected person or animal. This includes via respiratory droplets – usually after prolonged contact — body fluids or other forms of close contact, such as sharing clothes or other materials that have been used by someone who is infectious.”

This 2003 electron microscope image made available by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows mature, oval-shaped monkeypox virions, left, and spherical immature virions, right, obtained from a sample of human skin associated with the 2003 prairie dog outbreak.New York City health officials stated monkeypox call be spread through “respiratory droplets.”Cynthia S. Goldsmith, Russell Regner/CDC via APThe World Health Organization called an emergency meeting Friday after more than 100 confirmed or suspected cases were identified in Europe, along with cases in Canada and Australia.


WHO reportedly convening emergency meeting on monkeypox

The virus was first identified in monkeys and rarely spreads outside of Africa, which has made the latest rash of cases alarming to health officials.

The first signs of the new outbreak started on May 7 when a man who had been in Nigeria tested positive for the virus in England.

Officials in England and Portugal have said most patients in their country are men who have sex with other men.

The cluster of cases was classified as an epidemic, according to Dr. Fabian Leendertz, a Robert Koch Institute epidemiologist.

“However, it is very unlikely that this epidemic will last long. The cases can be well isolated via contact tracing and there are also drugs and effective vaccines that can be used if necessary,” he said.

With Post wires

Third case of monkeypox reported in the UK, in health care worker

By Meera Senthilingam, CNN
Updated 9:28 AM EDT, Wed September 26, 2018
CDC/Getty Images
CNN — 

A third person has been diagnosed with monkeypox in England, Public Health England have confirmed.

The latest case is a health care worker who had cared for a patient at Blackpool Victoria Hospital in the north of England before they had been diagnosed.

Earlier this month, two people were reported to have been diagnosed with monkeypox in the UK in unrelated cases, with both having contracted the disease in Nigeria before traveling to England.

Symptoms of monkeypox include rashes and muscle aches.

Monkeypox: First cases of rare infection diagnosed in UK

One was a Nigerian resident in Cornwall, followed by the case at the Blackpool Victoria hospital.

“This health care worker cared for the patient before a diagnosis of monkeypox was made,” said Dr. Nick Phin, deputy director of National Infection Service at PHE.

“We have been actively monitoring contacts for 21 days after exposure to detect anyone presenting with an illness so that they can be assessed quickly. It is therefore not wholly unexpected that a case has been identified.”

The latest patient has been isolated to reduce risk of transmission to others, receiving treatment at a specialist unit at the Royal Infirmary in Newcastle in the UK, according to PHE, who said they are following up with close contacts of the health care worker and tracing anyone who had contact with them 24 hours before they first noticed a rash.

Symptoms of monkeypox include rashes and muscle aches.

Nigeria to investigate rare monkeypox cases in UK

“This person has been isolated and we are taking a highly precautionary approach to ensure that all contacts are traced,” said Phin.

“The fact that only one of the fifty contacts of the initial monkeypox-infected patient has been infected shows how poorly infectious the virus is.” commented Jonathan Ball, a professor of molecular virology at the University of Nottingham. ” It is wrong to think that we are on the brink of a nationwide outbreak.”

Monkeypox is a rare viral infection, similar to human smallpox, that typically occurs in remote parts of central and West Africa, according to the World Health Organization.

The virus is mostly transmitted to humans from infected wild animals, such as rodents or monkeys, but can spread from person to person.

Symptoms include fever, muscle aches and rash. People usually recover within a few weeks, though it can lead to serious illness in some cases. Fatality rates are between 1% and 10% and there is no specific treatment or vaccine for the disease.


Is There a Link Between COVID Vaccines and Shingles? What Experts Want You to Know

There have been reported cases of shingles after COVID vaccines, so we spoke with UBC’s Dr. Fawziah Lalji to learn more.



What is shingles? (with pictures)

A persons hand showing the distinctive blisters and rash of shingles


You may have heard of chickenpox, but have you heard of shingles?

Shingles—also known as herpes zoster—is a disease caused by a reactivation of the chickenpox virus.

Shingles is a serious disease and 1 in 10 people have nerve pain (which can be severe) caused by shingles which can sometimes last for months or even years.

Shingles causes a blistering rash and can only develop if you’ve had chickenpox before.



Is There a Link Between COVID Vaccines and Shingles? What Experts Want You to Know

Ishani NathIshani NathUpdated: Dec. 01, 2021
Covid Vaccines And Shingles InlineIMAGE: SHUTTERSTOCK

There have been reported cases of shingles after COVID vaccines, so we spoke with UBC’s Dr. Fawziah Lalji to learn more.

Canadians are well on our way to becoming fully vaccinated.

With COVID-19 vaccines now available to kids between ages 5 and 11, more than 78 percent of Canadians have received at least one dose of their COVID vaccine. At the time of publication, three quarters of the country’s entire population is fully vaccinated. And as the public health officials navigate the new Omicron variant, Canadians may be headed for a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccines.

There is no question that the vaccines save lives and are essential tools, in addition to public health measures, to combating the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Commonly reported vaccine side effects include headache, tingling or prickling, pain at the vaccination site and some Canadians experienced redness, hives, fatigue or fever.

There have been multiple cases of individuals experiencing shingles—a painful skin rash caused by the same varicella-zoster virus responsible for chicken pox—after receiving COVID-19 vaccines. But UBC pharmaceutical sciences professor Dr. Fawziah Lalji warns there is no conclusive evidence that COVID vaccines causes shingles. In fact, she notes that experiencing shingles after a vaccination has been documented following inactivated vaccines ranging from the flu shot to rabies and yellow fever.

We spoke with Lalji to clarify what we know so far about COVID vaccines and shingles. Here’s what she wants you to know.

Based on the current research, what do we know so far about the connection between the COVID vaccines and shingles?

Both chickenpox and shingles are caused by the same virus, the varicella zoster virus (VZV). After a person has had chickenpox, the virus rests in the body’s nerves permanently as it cannot be eliminated. For many people, it remains dormant in the nerve roots, but approximately 30 percent of all people who have been infected with chickenpox will later develop herpes zoster, commonly known as zoster or shingles.

The two biggest risk factors for reactivating the virus is age (particularly after the age of 50 years) and people with an immune system that is not working properly because of their medical conditions or medications. These two categories of individuals are also the ones we are targeting with the COVID-19 vaccine because they are also at risk of complications from the COVID-19 virus.

In other words, the populations who are receiving the COVID-19 vaccine are also the ones who are at risk for shingles reactivation, and so it’s possible that they would have reactivated anyway. Another hypothesis which has yet to be proven by science, is that activation of the immune system after getting the COVID-19 vaccine triggers the shingles flareup. This phenomenon can occur with other autoimmune diseases as well such rheumatoid arthritis.

(Related: Shingles Appears to Be on the Rise in Canada. Here’s Why.)

So, is it fair to say that shingles is a possible side effect of COVID vaccines?

Yes, shingles is considered a side effect of the vaccine. As a recent systematic review of research on COVID-19 vaccination and shingles concluded: There is not yet an established definite link but there may be possible association between COVID-19 vaccine and shingles. Large-scale studies may help to understand the cause-effect relationship.

Does it matter what COVID vaccine, or what mix of vaccines, people receive?

No. Shingles reactivation post COVID-19 vaccine have been reported after most of the current available vaccines on the market. The United States Vaccine Adverse Event Report System (VAERS) reported 2,607 cases after Moderna, 3,786 cases after Pfizer-BioNTech and 336 cases after Janssen. That is a total of 6,774 cases of shingles out of 453.9 million doses given (incidence 14.9 per million). The majority of cases were reported after the first dose and on average, after seven days post-COVID19 vaccination; cases have occurred in men and women equally.

As Canadians prepare for a possible third dose, what can Canadians do to limit their risk of shingles after COVID vaccines?

As you prepare for your third dose, you may want to talk to your health-care professional about getting the Shingrix® vaccine. This product, which is given as two doses, has been shown to reduce the risk of getting shingles and post-herpetic neuralgia (a type of severe pain that lasts months to years after shingles) by more than 90 percent. The National Advisory Committee for Immunization (NACI) recommends the shingles vaccine for everyone over the age of 50 years, including those who have had shingles disease and those who are not sure if they had chickenpox infection in the past. Your health-care provider can recommend when you should receive the vaccine around your COVID-19 shot

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Gun Control In America and The Second Amendment #JoeImbriano

Ca Gov. Newsom seething with rage to disarm Americans

the moment

let’s let the notifications go out if

they are even going out this is joe and

brianna your host

the fullerton informer coming to you

from the busted up streets of

fullerton california on this saturday

the 28th of may

2022 and today we’re going to cover a


that is our turn to cover folks that’s

right we’re going to talk about gun


because aside from


alleged pandemic that is the top story

and i first of all want to extend my

condolences to any family

that has lost a loved one

from any type of violence

whether it’s a drunk driver whether it’s

loss of life in the military whether

it’s from a doctor’s error or whether

it’s from a mass murderer okay

it doesn’t matter all life is important

i wanted to discuss this issue because

you know there’s all this talk

and we all know what the agenda is

from those that control the media

and it’s been the same agenda for a very

long time folks

and that is

to turn us into unarmed peasants okay

it’s not a mystery it’s not a it’s not a

secret that that is a plan

it’s been a plan used throughout history

so that wicked evil people

can have the upper hand and gain and

maintain control

over large masses of people that

eventually end up getting killed or


in the tyrannical

radical insane psychotic



dreams becoming a reality


for the bolshevik marxist

jesus christ denying communists

that have murdered 250 million people in

the 20th century


and that’s a fact folks

numbers don’t lie

i picked up a uh a book the other day at

a thrift store and it happens to be

all these pulitzer prize winning photos


and it spans about 30 years of the

pulitzer prize am i pronouncing that

right the pulitzer prize whatever you

call it the pulitzer prize award-winning

photos from the last 30 years i paid 50

cents for it

quite a quite an astonishing collection

of tragic photos of tragic scenarios

that are all a direct result

of people that are being victimized or

have been victimized

by tyrannical governments

that at some point prior to the events

were disarmed

the second amendment to the united

states constitution states

a well

militia comma

for the security of a free state comma

the right to bear arms shall not be


now you can say anything you want about

what that means

but we all know what it says

the right to bear arms shall not be


is the closing statement

the middle statement is

for the security of a free state

i want to focus on that

the united states is a corporation

and whether or not you believe that we

are parties to the constitution

based on our name being in all capital


and of course having our

real identity killed at birth

and replaced with a fictitious business


on the birth certificate

as the soles of your feet are imprinted

and logged

and as you are registered with the

department of commerce as chateau


that’s a debate for another discussion

but what is very clear

is that the intent of the framers

was to make sure

that we had

collectively as a people

the right

to enforce the security of a free state

by forming

what is called a well-regulated militia

regulated well anytime you regulate


it involves


well first of all creation

and second of all funding

the united states government

after the civil war

and i might as well throw this out

because this is really important

before the civil war

the united states

after the civil war

the united states was

okay and what you need to understand

about that

is that before the civil war the united

states was a group of independent

sovereign states

after the civil war

it became a federalized conglomerate

going from an existence

of multiple


to a single



under the corporation of the united

states government run out of the

district of columbia which isn’t even

the state

by the way

just kind of like the vatican

runs the uh

the church of universal pedophilia out

of uh vatican city it’s not even a

state right


we do not have the right to own guns to

go hunting we do not have the right to

own guns

to shoot burglars

we have the right to own guns

for the security of a free state

and that is clearly defined

as being able to defend ourselves

against tyrannical oppression

that is brought about by our government

turning against

us that is the intent

of the second amendment it is to protect


from the government


i want to talk to you about what has

been going on


the problem of what they like to call

gun control and gun violence in america

they always like to compare the united

states to all these countries

that don’t have gun violence

well they don’t have any rights

they’re either fascist or communist

or they’re monarchies or they’re

they’re a hybridization of a banana

republic dictatorship under some sort of

colonial rule

but by and large the majority mechanisms

in place


enslave and murder people

are communist mechanisms

that came from

the model from marx

and trotsky

and lenin

and stalin

and mao

and castro and chavez

come here rouge


kim jong-il


communism is the goal



marxist ideological

bloody communism

is what they have in store

for the world

henry kissinger is in charge of china

david rockefeller told us china was the


so if you want to know what awaits us

if they

disarm successfully

american people which i believe will

never happen

for a variety of reasons

then you can know what to expect now

i will tell you

that what

is happening in the united states has

been happening for a long time there has

been a war

for the minds of the american people

through the media

and hollywood has taken it upon itself

to do everything it can

in conjunction with the educational


the publishing houses the magazines the


and all forms of print media and


they’re all working in unison in unison

and lockstep

to make you crazy immoral


and then they join forces with the food

and the drug industry

and then the government gets involved a

little more by bringing drugs in

uh and then the music industry takes it

up another notch

by giving us all this uh you know death

lyrics rap and gangsterism and you know

just all this bloodletting uh red carpet

ritual stuff right

but the goal has always been to take a

nation of people

that by and large were moral

who has been given a constitution



govern a moral people

and turn them into immoral monsters

so they can abuse their rights and


so they can ostensibly be revoked


you understand what i just said

that’s one of the largest conspiracies

in american history


which is the intentional satanization


destruction of the morality of the

american people and it has been going on

from hollywood

for a very long time

and of course hollywood never started

out as innocent although they’d like to

try to

disguise themselves as such

by and large

uh the hollywood


are black magicians they’re sorcerers

they’re occultists they’re satan

worshipers and at the core of their

being they hate jesus christ

the united states of america

has been subjected to decades and

decades and decades of the glorification

of gun violence

the glorification and glamorization of

criminal mentalities

that’s the way you get the girl by being

a hoodlum by being a gangster by being a

tough guy by beating up and killing and

murdering and destroying and blowing

things up

and eventually

as with anything that is administered to

create an addiction or a desired effect

you’ve got to increase the dosage with


because the effect wears off because

people become sensitized

desensitized i should say


to the effects

and so consequently uh you’ve gone from

leave it to beaver

to the chainsaw massacre right and you

know everything now is just gun violence

and they’ve drawn they’ve brought it

over to the video game sector folks

and it’s intentional all right

so i want to continue to talk about this

because all the movies

all the the everything you see on

television is programming you it’s

designed to program the masses and it is

designed to inculcate

a world view

that embraces debauchery and murder and


and perversion

and evil and the degradation and

destruction of human life

and all decency and morality

so that

they can take the governing documents

like the constitution

and wipe their butts with it

because it will no longer be effective

in governing a people

because the constitution

was designed and written to govern

a moral people and it is wholly

inadequate to govern and immoral people


and that is why

they have purposely been trying to turn

you into an immoral monster

and that is why the schools teach you

that there is no god

that you are related to animals and that

you will act like an animal and treat

others like an animal so that they can

say that we’re all animals and we’re not

worthy of the rights and they can

legislate them away

i mean after all they just print the

money and pay everybody off they’ve got

the magic printing press i’ve talked

about this

so the reality is

do not accept their excuse that we have

to give up our rights to defend


against bloodthirsty tyrants

that have militarized every aspect of

law enforcement


the military in this country

do you realize what could happen and and

you know i hear this all the time in

these uh these talking points

that that talking about

the government turning on its people is

considered a paranoid delusion

even though

the government

turned on its people so many times in

the 20th century

that 250 million people lost their lives

that is not a paranoid delusion folks

that is a factoid


now with that being said we cannot

accept the conversation direction

that they’re attempting to lure you to


with what has been laid before you

the people that should no longer have

the rights to own weapons are the ones

who have produced the movies

the ones that are intentionally

conspiring and actively participating in

the conspiracy

to destroy the moral fabric of the

united states and its people

so that

they can either

mind control individuals

or actually coach along individuals or

actually create a climate in which


literally lose their minds

through pharmacological imbalance

through uh psychotronic weaponry or

through flicker rate manipulation or

through just about any other technique

not limited to overdosing on video games

social media pressure academic


anything that drives people to the brink

and then they reflexively revert to what

they’ve been subconsciously programmed

to do

in all of the years of the media


going back

decades and decades and decades and


that involve pulling a trigger and

taking an innocent life

those are facts folks

those are facts that’s what’s going on

i mean it’s so over the top you know i

haven’t watched television

for 25 years okay

the last movie i saw in the theater was

the titanic in 1997. and to be honest

with you uh you know i i i just like

look i mean okay let’s cheat on your

husband and uh have sex with some guy

and commit suicide and go to heaven

is that okay

that’s pretty much what happened in that

movie isn’t it but my point is i haven’t

been in a movie theater for 25 years i

haven’t watched television for 25 years

when i’m at a restaurant i’ll

occasionally glance at the screen and

turn away from it because i realize it’s

just nonsense but it’s filth and it’s

crazy and compared to what it was 25

years ago

it’s gone so far off the deep end that

it’s totally obvious

what they’re doing with it folks they’re

programming everyone to kill

and to use weapons

to kill

and the blame

just a moment folks

ten minutes okay

so they have been doing everything they


to use every aspect of the media and the

educational system the publishing houses

the magazines the newspapers

to take our guns away by corrupting and

ruining the minds of our children

of our relatives of our parents of our

uncles our aunts and they’ve made people

deathly afraid

of owning firearms and handling firearms


uh you know

for example

the demonization

i mean i remember going back

watching the twilight zone episodes and

there was always a gun being shot you

know you know the rockford files always

the you know all these shootouts you

know have you ever shot some of these

handguns they’re not that accurate folks

i mean come on if any of you have been

to the range you know it’s it’s it’s not

they make it we cannot allow them

to con us out of

what people gave their lives for you

know this is memorial day weekend and uh

monday we’re supposed to be

honoring those that gave their lives for


and you know

i have to be honest with you

i don’t think we killed the right people

in these wars okay

and when you look at what is happening

and how many people have lost their

lives defending what is called freedom

and yet they’re trying to take all our

freedoms away here

by using a mass psychosis inducement

process involving the

television and

it it really is the reason why i don’t

fly the flag and if i do it’s only

upside down

ladies and gentlemen

no law-abiding

sovereign citizen free american human

being whatever you want to call yourself

we are living breathing

human beings free people created in the

image of god with inalienable rights

that have been endowed upon us by him

our creator they’re not gifts they’re

not revocable assets

they have been endowed upon us

permanently given to us

they cannot take them away unless you

say yes

the second amendment is right

and the reason why these tragedies keep

happening is because it’s all a setup

the schools do not have adequate


the concealed carry laws are so

restrictive that most people cannot walk

around and defend themselves so they’ve

created an environment of sitting ducks

in public

and they’ve created a system whereby

they try to turn everybody into a


[ __ ] maniac with the video games with

the music with the movies with the


with the with with the imagery

everywhere the magazines the newspapers

and worst of all the schools

how they drive children insane folks and

they drive young people to the brink and

then of course you have okay they’re

literally just making it up but i will

tell you this i know what’s real and i

know what is written

and i know what it means

to be an american

we have rights

and don’t let these dirty rats trick you

out of the rights to died for

and left you

and you don’t want to end up

a victim

of their agenda

this is joan briano your host p.o box

4121 fullerton california 92834

and i want you all to realize something

ladies and gentlemen

in the name of jesus christ say no

we have rights

and they’re only as good

as those you exercise take care


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Zero draft report of the Working Group on Strengthening WHO Preparedness and Response to Health Emergencies to the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly





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roe v wade recission

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