If the FFFF website was run by objective straight-forward people they would know that they only had to look into a mirror to find some of the people responsible for the construction disaster, known as the City of Fullerton Hillcrest Park to Lion’s Field Stairs. For you blame Ms. Cox for her phony, contrived and orchestrated statements.
Yet who put Ms. Cox in the position of Park and Recreation Committee member? That person was none other than Council member Jennifer Fitzgerald. And what Council member among others has this website given a pass over the last 5 years? I believe that would be the same aforementioned Ms. Fitzgerald. So FFFF, look no further than into a mirror to place some blame for those hideously constructed stairs.
I believe that would be the same aforementioned Ms. Fitzgerald. So FFFF, look no further than into a mirror to place some blame for those hideously constructed stairs.
It is so obvious to see that this website is exactly the carbon copy of the political careers of Bruce Whitaker and Greg Sebourn who they so often tout.
They acknowledge problems, wring their hands over the issues and then do absolutely nothing to solve the problems. Giving Greg Sebourn credit for stating the obvious after the many problems with the stairs were exposed by the public is so, so ridiculous.
Sebourn failed to bring forth a motion to agendize an internal investigation over whom within the city approved the shoddy and very substandard construction and then Sebourn did not bring a motion to sue the contractor responsible for all the derelict construction. This demonstrates clearly that he is only good at grandstanding. The same could easily and correctly be said about Appointed Mayor Bruce Whitaker who touts limited fiscally conservative government. But did he make either of the above motions as Mayor…of course not. For it is so obvious that neither have the integrity or the courage to do the right thing for the people of Fullerton. However, they are all too often ready to take credit for statements they make that never do the good people of Fullerton any darn good. What a pair they make on that dais!
Questions for those responsible for the Friends for Fullerton’s Future as follows:
- Please explain as libertarians your censorship and your lack of candor about your moderation and canceling comments that you obviously do not want to be posted to your website?
- Please also explain why this web page waited until literally the day after the 2016 election to go back on the Internet. I guess the outcome of the 2016 election for a so-called political reform website was not important enough to restart it prior to rather than immediately after the 2016 elections.
I believe you owe it to your readership to answer the above two questions.
One last comment concerning the name of the website. Friends for Fullerton’s Future can’t be a more vague and nebulous title. Unless you believe that the end of days is quickly approaching, or a meteorite will destroy the entire planet very soon, or if the entire world will cease to exist due to a nuclear annihilation, the future is a given. But it is a very appropriate title for your website because it says nothing, means nothing and your website accomplishes nothing; no solutions, no improvements just grandstanding and allowing undisclosed bloggers to defame good people like myself.
What I am concerned about is the quality of the future we will leave to our children and grandchildren and the honesty and integrity of those we call our leaders including those that work at Fullerton City Hall.
#1 by Barry Levinson on May 30, 2017 - 9:19 am
Based on the total silence by Bushala concerning the DCCSP and the millions of dollars of properties he owns in and around downtown Fullerton, I have to suspect that Bushala was indeed in favor of the DCCSP. It would have very likely resulted in tens of millions of additional dollars in his pocket. Is having friends on the council to approve his future development projects the real reason Bushala restarted the FFFF website right after the reelection of his buddies, Whitaker and Fitzgerald? My educated guess is YES!