
Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for all you law and order types to listen up and listen good. This candidate for Judge is doubling down against the house and she means business. Regardless of what she is up to and what side of the political aisle you are on, what she is saying, cannot be ignored.

If you don’t think the establishment from the top down is corrupt then you might as well put your 1000 dollar a bottle cognac into old wine skins folks.

The CRA is the heart, soul and morality of the Republican party and it is no wonder the establishment hacks didn’t even bother to show their faces yesterday. Does she embody it? You decide that for yourself. Do your homework. I am here to report on the event at Republican HQ and I can tell you that those trusted names should never be blindly trusted. Local politics are a mess and the only way out of these muddy waters is to look for some clarity in your navigation and that means opening your eyes and ears to what those on both sides have to present and say.

KAREN LEE SHATZLE is telling it like it is about some trusted household names, and believe me. you had better rethink what it means to have an (R) next to your name and blindly cast a vote for those who hide behind one.

  1. #1 by Joe Imbriano on March 20, 2016 - 7:35 pm

    She is going after Judge Scott Steiner for his Judicial seat, no. 48-

(will not be published)

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