Jane Rands, Where are the keys to your house?


Jane Rands pictured here (left) and Sex Ed Sharon Quirk Silva (right). Silva is a radical Agenda 21 open borders activist in the State Legislature

 Does Jane Rands, Sharon Kennedy’s long term close associate, want to open the doors to all of those who wish to unlawfully enter and hand over everything we own to anyone who asks?

Jane Rands is a reporter for The Fullerton Observer  who wants Fullerton to be a sanctuary city. Listen to her statements above after the presentation of hard hitting truth at the March 19 Fullerton City Council Meeting by Gary Gileno below.

Jesse Letour, also a reporter for the Fullerton Observer, another Sanctuary city supporter, won’t cover any of our statements or print our names in the paper even though we attend and speak at nearly every meeting.


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Public Records Requests <publicrecord@exchange.fullerton.edu>
Date: Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 4:05 PM

Dear Mr. Joe Imbriano,

You have made the following request for documents pursuant to the California Public Records Act.

1-Total number of undocumented students currently enrolled in CSF.

2- Total amount of tuition and fees paid by undocumented students enrolled in CSF

3-Total amount of financial aid paid for the undocumented students enrolled in CSF.

4-Total annual budget for Dream Center operations at CSF.

5-Sources of funding for Dream Center operations at CSF.

6-Complete description of all available fee waivers, financial aid, cost reductions, and any and all benefits available to undocumented students at CSF.


Information about students is retained electronically in various University databases, the extrapolation of which would require several steps in order to attempt to extract the information you have requested and to provide you with supporting documents. The extraction and redaction of names and personal information in order to print and provide you with documents would be time consuming. In an effort to provide you with the information you are seeking that is public, and in order not to violate any right to privacy of any individual student, as protected by state and federal law (Article 1, Section 1 of the California Constitution, the Information Practices Act, Cal. Civil Code Section 1798 et seq. and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. 1232g), the University has researched the questions you have posed and without further charge to you shares the following information:

  1. 1-Total number of undocumented students currently enrolled in CSF.

It is not entirely clear what is meant by the term “undocumented” but the University confirms that 914 students as of census for Spring 2017 both (1) requested in-state tuition pursuant to Education Code Section 68130.5 and (2) informed the campus  that their legal immigration status is “none of the above” when asked  to confirm their legal immigration status.


  1. Total amount of tuition and fees paid by undocumented students enrolled in CSF

The 914 students referenced in request (1) were assessed the standard in-state tuition due to their meeting the requirements of Education Code Section 68130.5.


  1. Total amount of financial aid paid for the undocumented students enrolled in CSF.

The total amount of financial aid received by the students as of the census date for the spring 2017 semester who were (1) eligible for in-state tuition under Education Code Section 68130.5 and who self-identified as “none of the above” of legal immigration status, and (2) who applied for financial aid was:   $4,562,136. The entire amount of financial aid distributed for that semester to all CSUF students was:  $301,506,483. 


  1. Total annual budget for Dream Center operations at CSF.

The approximate total funds allocated to the Dream Center in the 2016-17 fiscal year was $76,509 from state-side funds and $38,000 from Student Success Initiative Fees.  The  total operating budget for the campus for 2016-2017 fiscal year was $425,600,000.

  1. Sources of funding for Dream Center operations at CSF.

The funds allocated to the Dream Center in the 2016-17 fiscal year were generated either from the University’s state general fund allocation or the University’s Student Success Initiative, which is a student fee.

  1. Complete description of all available fee waivers, financial aid, cost reductions, and any and all benefits available to undocumented students at CSF.

Generally all students are eligible to apply for all programs and the University does not determine availability for benefits offered to students such as fee waivers, cost reductions or program eligibility on the basis of legal status except where having such status is required by law for eligibility; for example, student financial aid programs designated for AB540 students.

Please confirm whether this information is sufficient for your purposes and if not what information you are still seeking. Thank you.” 

Olivia Uphoff 
Public Records Request Coordinator


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Kai Stearns Moore <kstearnsmoore@nocccd.edu>
Date: Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 8:52 AM
Subject: Fullerton College Public Records Request
Cc: Gregory Schulz <gschulz@fullcoll.edu>, Rodrigo Garcia <RGarcia1@fullcoll.edu>, Lisa McPheron <lisa.mcpheron@gmail.com>

Dear Mr. Imbriano,

This letter is in response to your Public Records Act request, dated April 13, 2017.  With regard to whether your request seeks disclosable public records, the District responds as follows:

  1. Total number of undocumented students currently enrolled in Fullerton College.

The District does not track undocumented status, therefore the District has no responsive records.

  1. Total amount of tuition and fees paid by undocumented students enrolled in Fullerton College.

The District does not track undocumented status, therefore the District has no responsive records.

  1. Total amount of financial aid paid for the undocumented students enrolled in Fullerton college.

The District does not track undocumented status, therefore the District has no responsive records.

  1. Total annual budget for Dream Center operations at Fullerton College

There is no Dream Center at Fullerton College.

  1. Sources of funding for Dream Center operations at Fullerton College

There is no Dream Center at Fullerton College.

  1. Complete description of all available fee waivers, financial aid, cost reductions, and any and all benefits available to undocumented students.

Undocumented students is not a recognized category for community college financial aid. A complete description of financial aid awards available to recognized categories of students is located on the Fullerton College website at: http://financialaid.fullcoll.edu/.

Have a good day,

Kai Stearns Moore

District Director, Public and Government Affairs

North Orange County Community College District



Take the time to research. I did.  This is not a race/religion thing but a stand for the sovereignty we are guaranteed and the truth of what transpires when it is given up via sanctuary cities. For every illegal alien enrolled at Cal State Fullerton, an American Citizen gets a rejection letter.


Examine the obvious, dig up the evidence, and the crimes that are taking place in US, and acknowledge that.  

  * Jane Rands:  Has she done her research or does she just not care?  If she has researched the crime going on in US from sanctuary policies, is she in active denial of the suffering of the victims?  Does she not understand the results of “multiculturism”?

  * Jane Rands makes naive and ignorant public statements or is she deliberately turning her back on the truth sanctuary city policy devastation? 
  * Does Jane Rands live in a bubble of naiveté? What does Jane Rands say to the Bay Area young woman that was murdered?
  * Has Jane Rands no compassion for women being raped?  That is going on.
  * Does Jane Rands support the illegal overlay of UN of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, does she support the disillusionment of US sovereignty?
  * Does Jane Rands  know how “kind” is it to:   create sanctuaries to allow criminals to enter and commit rapes & murders?
  *Does Jane Rands know how “kind” is it to:  create sanctuaries to allow the fraud of taxpayer funded safety nets?  
Does Jane Rands know what happens when other countries have let in “refugees”? 

Mass Sexual Assaults in Germany and the Liberal Dilemma

“The fact is that many on the liberal left side of the spectrum, at times end up giving up some of their own professed principles likewomen’s right for the sake of being politically correct and not offending some groups.
 More Germans arm themselves amid fears around refugees

The murder that shocked Germany – and why its leaders are still in denial over migrant crisis: Medical student, 19, was raped and throttled to death by Afghan in German town with signs proudly saying ‘refugees welcome’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4449330/Murder-shocked-Germany-leaders-deny-migrant-crisis.html#ixzz5AUtuRkjI 

Muslims trying to close down free speech through violence


London acid attack map reveals the areas of the capital too dangerous for delivery drivers because of the epidemic

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  1. #1 by Anonymous on March 24, 2018 - 10:25 pm

    Ryan Cantor is a SCAG operative.

(will not be published)

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