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#1 by Barry Levinson on July 21, 2017 - 10:04 am
The Whitaker’s are desperately trying to discredit me. Their problem with these attempts is that they knowingly make false statements about me and therefore in so doing are discrediting themselves.
Linda Whitaker you claim that I am a flat earth proponent. Absolutely not true Linda.
Please provide one shred of evidence to prove your very false assertion. For the record as you already know, I have never stated in public or in private that I believe the earth is flat.
But your a politician’s wife Linda, so I guess you feel entitled to make false statements about me when Bruce feels politically threatened by me.
Since my comments about your husband’s record on the city council is factual, you instead do what phony politicians and their wives’ do, which is put out misinformation trying desperately to change the subject of your husbands many failures and lack of accomplishments over 6+ years on the Fullerton City Council.
All I have done is shine a very bright light on Bruce’s actions and inactions on the Fullerton City Council. Linda the truth is a very stubborn thing and I intend to keep on telling the truth about all of our local politicians.
Either provide any evidence that I ever stated I was a flat earth proponent or apologize in writing.
I know you can’t support your false allegations and therefore a sincere apology is warranted from you.
I suspect you will not retract that statement and apologize to me. Then I will be very justified to call you Linda a liar.
You and Bruce make such a desperate pair of politicians. You both are apparently more than willing to discredit yourselves. What is the reason for your despicable behavior? A chance to achieve some financial stability at the public trough.
#2 by Anonymous on July 21, 2017 - 9:38 pm
You post on this site through Joe, so you’re de facto connected to all the flat earth inanity.
#3 by Barry Levinson on July 22, 2017 - 11:47 am
I was in attendance at the meeting referred to by Sean Paden. We were seated around a dining room table.
I remember exactly what took place. What Sean said was correct but not the whole story, not even close.
Joe did inquire if Bruce would like to join forces with him. He was testing Bruce and Bruce failed with flying colors.
Bruce’s response almost made me fall out of my chair for it was pure Bruce Whitaker phoniness on display.
Bruce said that he would not consider joining forces with Joe because….he runs solo campaigns.
I reminded Bruce that in 2012 he ran a totally joint campaign with Travis Kiger. They did fund raisers together, mailers together and both took large sums of campaign cash either directly or indirectly (from a PAC) from Tony Bushala. They totally ran as a team!
After Bruce dominated our meeting, which was supposed to be a strategy session, Bruce then totally ignored my comments. For about two or three minutes there was totally silence until one of Bruce’s supporters conveniently changed the subject.
So Joe and I proved once again what a total phony, fraud and in this case a bold face liar we have in one Bruce Whitaker. As Paul Harvey used to sign off with….Now you know the rest of the story!!
I wonder why Sean Paden left this extremely important part of the story out? The group that night represented a handful of activist conservatives in Fullerton. Yet Bruce Whitaker lied to all of us. He was not acting like a leader or our friend but a totally phony and disingenious politician. I was already having some doubts about the authenticity of Bruce Whitaker but seeing him be that deceptive to a room of close associates and supporters was something I could not and would not overlook. It was then that I knew that Bruce was not a statesman but rather a run of the mill phony politician. It was a sad night for me to realize that I had been fooled by Bruce’s rhetoric but now the real Bruce Whitaker was before me and it was not a pretty picture.
I report, you decide.
#4 by Anonymous on July 24, 2017 - 6:52 pm
So you’re not denying that you support the flat earth lunacy here?
#5 by Joe Imbriano on July 24, 2017 - 11:15 pm
The biggest frauds locally are Tony’s tools.
A much larger fraud on a grand scale is the lies of the educational system. You know the one you all worship. You know the one dumbing down the children. You know the one you fundraise for. You know the one protecting pedophiles. Perhaps you are friends with a board member or two. You know the one sterilizing the children with forced wireless exposure that requires you, cowards, to pump 60 plus vaccines into your children just so they can sit in an overcrowded electronic sardine can microwave matrix common core classroom with the doors and windows blacked out and sealed up as they sit under toxic fluorescent lights with the infertility pads in their laps all day while your wife gets her nails done.
#6 by Anonymous on July 25, 2017 - 7:03 am
This is what you enable, Barry.
Maybe you aren’t a flat earther, but you might as well be.
Great job, Lenny.
#7 by Anonymous on July 25, 2017 - 9:31 am
I would like to see some of you adolescent minded cowards take on the causes Joe has trying to protect children. In case you didn’t know, school board member Chris Thompson was the Fullerton City Planning Commission appointee of none other than Shawn Nelson. I love it, another one of Tony’s tools! This is what you enable, harming children and the fleecing of the taxpayers. Tony’s tools, yup, Tony’s tools-that’s classic Joe.
#8 by Anonymous on July 25, 2017 - 9:43 pm
Sure, Joe.