I Thought It Important To Reprint A Post On NextDoor By Carol Edmonston, One Of The Leaders Of Citizens For Responsible Development – Fullerton And The Responses It Garnered As Well. Question: Why Did Carol Edmonston Attempt So Very Quickly To Discredit The Very Important Posts About the Very Real Possibility Of Large High-density, High-rise Developments Going Into Sunrise Village? By Barry Levinson

Question:  Why Did Carol Edmonston Attempt So Very Quickly To Discredit The Very Important Posts About the Very Real Possibility Of Large High-density, High-rise Developments Going Into Sunrise Village? By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

UPDATE: High Density Residential proposal

Carol Edmonston from Sunnyhills · 1d ago



“From Carol Edmondston:

Dear Neighbors,

There has been an unsubstantiated rumor about a high density residential proposal for Sunrise Village Center (Euclid and Rosecrans). I contacted the City Development office this morning and spoke with Director Karen Haluza, who confirmed there are NO PLANS for any residential building. The site is NOT part of a Focus Area where there would be any discussion concerning a zone change from Commercial to Residential. There is NO framework to change the existing zone. It will remain Commercial. However, that does not mean a developer is prohibited from inquiring or engaging in any dialogue with the City, as Watt Communities (a division of Watt Residential) has recently done. At this time, there is NO need to worry about any future residential development at Sunrise Village Center.

Senna Nursery site on Bastanchury: There is no update news about any development at this time.

Old St. Jude Medical Heritage site: Oakmont Senior Living is currently in the process of putting together a proposal for the old St. Jude Medical Heritage site on Bastanchury and Morelia. The proposal is for a full service Assisted Living facility, which is different than Capriana, the luxury Retirement Community they built in Brea. Oakmont has also built numerous facilities throughout CA. Final plans have not yet been submitted, but several of us did meet with their VP of Development and Director of Development to share our concerns about any development at that location. We feel an Assisted Living facility is an appropriate choice for that site and hope to work closely with their team to ensure the building does not overpower the neighborhood. They are aware of our concerns. Because this proposal is commercial and in alignment with the current zone (no zone change request), they are not obligated to hold any Community meetings prior to presenting their proposal to the Planning Commission and City Council (which will be months down the road). It is our intent to stay in contact with Oakmont as their proposal moves along. They appear to be sensitive to the concerns of the neighbors and hopefully this will become a win/win project for all of us. We will keep you posted about the specific details as things move along.

Your neighbor,
Carol Edmonston”

Christie, Gizmo, Lisa, and 22 others thanked Carol


Marlene Halvorson from Fern Drive · 1d ago

Oh my goodness Carol, thank you for the information. I am concerned about all of the sights you spoke of, ……(and more). I feel some relief after reading your update. Have you heard anything on the Commonwealth Row project ?
1501 and 1525 Commonwealth – West Commonwealth and Orchard. Heather Allen is the Planning Consultant. I sent her an email two weeks ago…… haven’t heard back…




Kathy Collett from Coyote Hills · 1d ago

Thank You so much for checking on this…..sure wish we could get a TJ there..


Debby and Marlene thanked Kathy


Bob Blanton from Las Palmas Hermosa · 1d ago

Thank you, Carol. I (We) appreciate you keeping us updated via this app. You are putting it to good use.


Debby and Marlene thanked Bob


Carol Edmonston from Sunnyhills · 1d ago

Marlene…If you have any concerns or questions you can contact Karen Haluza at 714.738.3347


Marlene thanked Carol


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 1d ago

With all due respect to Carol I must disagree with her conclusion about the Sunrise Village Shopping Center. I spoke with several employees including the assistant bank manager of Banc of California. I was told that a developer bought the bank property and wanted to put a mixed use high-density development in that entire shopping center and that is why they would not renew the bank’s lease. This person was told that leases are not being renewed throughout the shopping center for the purpose of developing the property for high-rise, high-density residential units. The information about developer interest in converting the shopping center to a high-rise, high-density mixed use residential unit area is very similar to what they tried to do to Polly’s Shopping Center. It is real and should not be discounted at all. Therefore, Carol just because the city states there is no official action in place to do this does not mean that it is not in the works and that conversations between the developers and the city have not taken place already! Since the city has done this before and has pushed for even more of these mixed-use centers just last year trying to convert 6 major properties from Commercial;/retail centers to mixed-use, should make everyone concerned about the real intentions of our City leaders including our City Council members. If we want to keep Sunrise Village as purely a shopping area it is IMPERATIVE FOR US TO LET THE CITY COUNCIL KNOW IN PERSON THAT WE ARE AGAINST ANY MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT FOR THAT CENTER AND WE WILL STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING!

Edited 1d ago


Marlene, Angie, and Donna thanked you


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 1d ago

When I mentioned this at the last City Council meeting, no one on the dais indicated that my remarks were off the mark!! In fact they ignored my comments entirely!


Margret and Marlene thanked you


Charly Choo from Coyote Hills · 1d ago

If there was an ownership change wouldn’t it be public record?


Marlene thanked Charly


Donna Powers from Grissom Park · 22h ago

I did some digging Appears that Barry Levinson is correct……check out this site…https://thefullertoninformer.com/sunset-on-sunrise-village-600-800-high-density-wood-framed-death-trap-housing-units-coming-to-sunny-hills/

Edited 22h ago


Marlene and Dayna thanked Donna


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 6h ago

Here is another post concerning the corruption of the FPD and the plans to do high-density, high-rise development in Sunny Hills. https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-cha…


Marlene thanked you


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 5h ago

Carol I would ask respectfully that the next time you update the community on such an important topic such as the fate of the Sunrise Village Shopping Center you speak to those with contrary information first. In this case Joe Imbriano or myself before coming to what I believe is a false conclusion. You have a lot of people depending on you and it is incumbent that you do more research before you shoot down other people’s important messages. Yes there is probably nothing official with regard to the zoning change or plans for Sunrise Village Shopping Center, but what I have learned from businesses at the site, my knowledge of how this city works behind the scenes in secrecy and finally my understanding of business finances gives me great confidence that the city would love to convert that shopping center into a mixed use high-rise nightmare to collect $11,700 per residential unit in fees/taxes since the city is in very bad financial shape. When leaders of Fullerton City Government have been caught numerous times in misstatements, misinformation campaigns and outright lies… to accept their verbal assurances is extremely dangerous in my humble opinion. I do appreciate your going back to Ms. Haluza but to expect honesty and transparency from a Fullerton City department head is unrealistic.

Edited 4h ago


Marlene, Angie, and Corvette thanked you


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 4h ago

Thanks for your response, Jenn but my purpose was not to shoot anyone down. Those that take leadership positions have a great responsibility to be as accurate as possible. Carol’s stating that there is an “unsubstantiated rumor” (she failed to identify the source) to describe the reporting of Joe Imbriano and myself, was not only not accurate but was not fair or objective! She accepted the word of a government bureaucrat over the information and evidence of people like myself without contacting either of us. I pride myself in being honest and accurate in my reporting. When I make a mistake, I am the first to correct it in writing. But the well-being of our neighborhood is of paramount importance to me as it should be of everyone on this website.




Carol Edmonston from Sunnyhills · 3h ago

Thank you Jenn for the note of support. I agree with your comments and feel Barry has crossed a line of having respectful dialogue when it comes to using this site. I was about to send an update to everyone after having additional contact with the City and personally visiting two businesses at Sunrise Village yesterday afternoon (update below). My sole purpose and intent in sending emails to our extended neighborhood is to kept everyone informed and up to date with issues related to high density residential proposals in the greater Sunny Hills area, and NOT expound my personal views related to my perceptions and opinions of how City Development, Planning Commission and City Council operate. That’s not to say I am without opinions. I have had numerous occasions in dealing with those entities related to the Melia Homes proposal on Bastanchury/Morelia, and other proposals, when I’ve left meetings feeling frustrated by their lack of vision to see how those projects would have a negative impact in our neighborhoods – from density, aesthetics and parking. 

As far as Barry’s latest post, let me say to him – Barry…there was no need for you publicly post that second note in such a condescending way. You come across as ‘holier than thou.’ As a courtesy, I took the liberty of copying you the note I sent to Karen Haluza yesterday. If you wished you respond to that personal note, the decent thing to do would have been to send me a personal note. You and Joe certainly have strong feelings about City related issues, and it’s your right to share them with others. But I certainly would hope that if it’s your intent to have something positive come out of whatever issue you’re speaking about, you take extra time to check in with your inner guidance and ask if the words and sentiments you wish to express are in alignment with the positive outcome you’d like to see happen. As for me, you’ve made your point very clear and hope you will respect my wishes not to have this dialogue continue on this public app. 

In an effort to provide neighbors with accurate information after reading Barry’s first NextDoor response, I personally went over to the shopping center yesterday, and spoke with the three remaining bank employees and then to staff at the pet groomers (near the old CVS). Afterwards, I sent the following email to Karen Haluza and copied the note to all City Council members and BCC to Barry. Karen’s response is also included below. I hope this update will help clarify any confusion. I also want to add that it’s my understanding (from the pet groomers) that the entire commercial site is owned by three different owners. The pet groomers mentioned there are three sections and three owners. Perhaps it would be in our best interests to find out who the owners are and attempt to dialogue with them. As for future updates, I will continue to post them. If anyone would rather receive update via private email notices instead of reading the posts on this site, send me a private message. Thank you, Carol
Thrusday, April 20 

After our conversation yesterday, when I asked for clarification about the rumored ‘possible’ high density (mixed use) development at Euclid/Rosecrans, I felt confident your response accurately reflected an intention that the City of Fullerton had no plans to approve any developer’s request to secure a zone change to build residential units on that site. You also clearly stated that a developer does have  the right to TRY and secure approval from the City.  And when I repeated your statement, you clearly restated that a requested zone change would not be indicated for that location, as it’s not in a Focus Area.  I therefore sent a note to the large mailing list of those living in the greater Sunny Hills area. 

However, I was very surprised to have received the two responses from neighbors who feel the information given to me was not 100% accurate. I would greatly appreciate if you would clarify and respond to the concerns raised, as any misleading information is what ultimately brings out the ire in people,  and I genuinely hope this is not the case.  

Many thanks.. Carol 
Hi  Carol,
Thank you for contacting me for additional clarification.  As we discussed, and as you accurately wrote in your e-mail, the Sunrise Plaza Shopping Center is designated as Commercial in the City’s General Plan (The Fullerton Plan – 2012) and is zoned GC – General Commercial.  The General Plan does not identify the property as being in a Focus Area, which means that it was not identified as a site anticipated for any zone change or General Plan amendment that would allow for residential or mixed-use development.  The only inquiry I have had on the property was from a representative of Watt Companies who said they were interested in developing townhouses on a portion of the site.  I explained to them that there were no current policies identifying the site as a candidate for a zone change to allow residential development, but that all property owners have the right to apply for such land use changes.  To date we have not received such an application and I have not been contacted by the property owner or any other members of the public, save yourself.  I can’t speak to the intent of the property owner as it regards their current tenant leases because we are not notified of these types of private property transactions, but I would encourage those who see any maintenance concerns due to vacant buildings to contact Code Enforcement.   I checked recent building permits for the property and there have been no requests for demolition permits.  Thank you also for letting people know that they can contact me directly.  We are always happy to share any information that we have and I hope that this helps to provide you with further confirmation of the property’s current status.
Best regards, Karen


Marlene thanked Carol


Charly Choo from Coyote Hills · 47m ago

I believe ownership is a partnership of Packo Investments and HK Investments. There may be more “owners” which is typical in privately owned real estate. The plaza has undergone a exterior renovation pretty recently and is listing rental rates at relatively attractive rates. Keep in mind it is difficult to fill a anchor space like the old cvs and bank space is costly to convert to a more standard retail use.



Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 43m ago

Carol I do not have any need or desire to argue with you. I set the record straight and if that offends you I can’t do anything about it. It is too bad that you do not hold yourself to the same standards you expect from others. Your making the vague statement that the information about Sunrise Village is “an unsubstantiated rumor” was not a particularly nice way to get your message across; for I believe you had to know Joe and I were the ones who posted the information about Sunrise Village

So you believe I owed you a personal note after you failed to either identify Joe and/or myself as the source of the accurate information you labeled as unsubstantiated rumors about Sunrise Village. You yourself failed to call/contact either of us personally or publicly for that matter before posting misinformation to scores of people. If anything you owe your readers an apology.

Edited 1m ago




Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 2d ago

It is interesting that once the public learned the truth and Carol again asks for clarification from Ms. Haluza, then she has additional information for us. Ms. Haluza should have mentioned the interest of Watt Properties to develop townhouses when first asked by Carol Edmonston. What else may Ms. Haluza know that is not being disclosed to the public? What discussions/understandings did Watt Properties have with former City Manager, Joe Felz? With our Fullerton City Government it is all about the money. Follow the money trail and you will get your answers.

Edited 2d ago


Marlene thanked you


Corvette Brandon from Lakeview · 13h ago

I’m just a resident here, but it seems we have some folks on this thread that seem more connected or professionally involved than others. Sure would be nice to know who the players are in this discussion and what their angle is.


Barbara and Marlene thanked Corvette


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 12h ago

My angle Corvette is to provide the facts and to hold our city government accountable. Crony phony capitalism from outside developers is alive and well in the City Fullerton at the great expense of our quality of life.


Marlene and Corvette thanked you


Angie Spencer from Fern Drive · 11h ago

Corvette, I’ve lived in Fullerton since 1977. I am not connected or professional involved politically. What I see is a city council that is taking away our quality of life for a quick buck to balance … View more


Marlene and Corvette thanked Angie


Marlene Halvorson from Fern Drive · 3h ago

Just found documents on the rural overlay we have on Stephens and nearby streets. It dictates specifically how large a lot can be, and what design structure is acceptable and unacceptable. Unfortunately, we were a little late in getting the rural overlay, and we have unacceptable houses that were built on our street. I am in the middle of two unacceptable architecturally designed houses – one on each side of me. Ugg My house was built in 1921. Everyone should look into this quickly. Look up Pico rural overlay on the city website. 
We must fight to retain (although it be too late for some areas) our once fine city. Development and Council just want

I’m so sad for our city

Edited 2h ago


Angie thanked Marlene


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 1h ago

Angie you are so right. Let me add one more big negative concerning high density development. When converting retail/commercial space to primarily high density residential space you are hurting our budget long term. Studies clearly show that on a net basis commercial/retail is better for our financial health. The city has already admitted that we are dreadfully low on commercial/retail space approximately only 6% of our buildings. Yet they push to make this problem worse, much worse. In other words our council is selling us down the river. We have one of the worst run cities in all of California. When people like me attempt to turn things around they get rid of us. I say shame on you Mayor Bruce Whitaker who fired me for doing my job on the Park and Recreation Committee for almost 6 years. For all of your information Bruce Whitaker was supported and endorsed by Fullertonians for Responsible Development. What is there angle?

Edited 17m ago


Marlene and Angie thanked you

  1. #1 by Joe Imbriano on June 13, 2017 - 8:50 pm

    Edmonston didn’t even have the guts or the decency to meet with me when I was a candidate and her group asked to interview me over at Jensen’s. Such a phony.

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