I am very surprised-I report, you decide by Barry Levinson

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Barry Levinson

Fullerton California Campaign Central – 53 days and counting until Election Day.

(In 24 days Absentee ballots will become available for the November 4th, 2014 Election.)

Last night I revisited all the city council candidates’ websites. I am putting together a review of them that I will be presenting in the next couple of days. But for now I would like to give all of you a brief update as I promised I would keep all of you informed.

In reading the existing websites of Jane Rands, Greg Sebourn, Larry Bennett, Rick Alvarez and Doug Chaffee, I noted no material additions (actually I did not notice any additions) to their sites. That is disappointing in that none of them have any details on how they are going to solve our city’s many problems.

Bill Chaffee has no website and at this point I have no information that one is in the works for him.

The only new activity I have personally witnessed is the addition of candidate signs being put up in more numbers throughout the city. With regard to signs, I have noticed that Mayor Chaffee has probably put up the most signs so far, followed by Mayor Pro-Tem Sebourn, Rands, Bennett and Alvarez.

I have not seen any signs for either Bill Chaffee or Sean Paden. It is interesting to note that no candidate flyers have been left at my personal residence nor have I received any mailers for the candidates as of today. I would assume that some Fullerton residents may have already begun to receive hand carried information about one or more candidates. However, I do expect to get my fair share of them starting in the next few weeks.

I was just contacted by Kim Wolfe that Sean Paden has now set up his website as of today.  http://padenforfullerton.com/ However, in looking at it just now, I noticed that it is still not complete by his own admission. Under the “Issues Section” it states “Coming Soon” and all it has is a reprint of his official 200-word campaign statement. Hopefully, he will add the Issue Section quickly.  My Issues Paden for Fullerton

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