Hilda Sugarman’s dystopic vision of wireless iPads: Every single child will have one 24/7

Hilda Sugarman, a member of the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees, “My vision: Every single child will have one 24/7,” Sugarman said about iPad use. “

The dangers of microwave radiation have been known for decades. The dangers of the wrong people in positions of authority have been known for millenia. 

Wireless dangers have been thoroughly presented to the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees for the better part of over a year now. 

There are well over 20,000 research papers written on the effects of RF/EMF radiation according to John Osepchuck, PhD the chair of IEEE/ASTM and the the biological effects have been known since the 1920s.



FSD’s very own Hilda Sugarman in the Orange County Register.

My vision: Every single child will have one 24/7,” Sugarman said about iPad use.


This woman along with the rest of  https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-fullerton-five/  have chosen to make receiving a public education in The Fullerton School District conditional upon being continuously forcibly irradiated with pulse modulated microwave wireless radiation at levels trillions of times the normal background levels that we and our ancestors were exposed to as children. I guess in her infinite wisdom, forced exposure at school is not enough. It appears that our very own Dr. Strangelove is pushing for it 24/7.  

These wireless classrooms are loaded with upwards of 30-40 of these wireless devices that emit as much or more pulse modulated wireless microwave radiation than in use cell phones.


Nowhere on earth does this environment exist in terms of the levels of wireless microwave radio frequency electromagnetic radiation exposure, except perhaps the Operating Room where Roman Schulze spent much of his adult life. One, however, must consider the age of subjects being exposed being exclusively young, developing children, having the distance to the source of the emissions approaching zero in almost all cases, the duration of constant exposure in terms of it being chronic, as well as the sheer number of transmitters present in such close quarters. 



I won’t even get into the lighting, the magnetic fields from the HVAC units on the roof, the indoor air quality and the forced vaccinations. Those are all important but Hilda http://www.fulltech.org/#!hilda-sugarman/zoom/c8zl/image1ig8 seems to have the hots for wireless so we will attempt to stay focused on that for now.  

How can this be safe for children crammed in these rooms all day? It has to be safe because a trillion dollar industry and their bought and paid for scientists and experts say it is.



It has to be safe because the establishment worshipers say that it is:


It has to be because Simon Says

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Yes folks, these school district lackeys have been sold a bill of goods with your tax dollars and Hilda Sugarman wants your kid to have an iPad 24/7.

The sickening reality is these school required devices are the gateways to other addictions that you are in total denial of as we speak, in addition to the radiation health concerns.  Do you really want your kid addicted to and staring at these things all day while it irradiates their brains and reproductive organs at school and under their pillow at night while setting the state for macular degeneration from staring at back lit screens all the time.  Infertility Pads I mean iPads and wireless devices are constantly emitting a potential human carcinogen called wireless microwave radiation.

Did the school district ever go over the safety warnings with you at any of the meetings?  No Pletka says “….totally safe for the children..” https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/wireless.doc-3.pdf Yeah, I thought so.

Yup, we now have upwards of 15,000 young children who are in the district with no waiver, no opt out and no options. To be or not to be exposed, that is the question. 8536213


So you have five choices as a parent:

1) You can listen to Pletka, Hilda, the rest of the Fullerton Five, the trillion dollar wireless industry, or Roman Schulze, and go along with the 24/7 iPad routine.

2) You can stand up to the district and its servile minions and demand that they stop irradiating your children.

3) You can sell your new car, your home, quit your job, or dole out some serious dough and home school your child.

4) You can search high and low all over the country to find a private school that is not irradiating the students like the the FSD is. Good luck on that one.

5) OR-you can call me a nut job, a conspiracy theorist, a junk science purveyor, a fear monger, and while you are at it, feel free to assign me any other derogatory implication as a vicarious appeasement to your conscience and keep your kids exposed in these classrooms while you find a fertility doctor and an insurance plan that will cover in Vitro for your children.

You see the choice is yours. Sadly the choice is not your child’s.

Wireless microwave radiation is a class 2B carcinogen:

Here is a list of some class 2B carciongens.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IARC_Group_2B_carcinogens

Polymeric, prepared as thin smooth films (with the exception of poly(glycolic acid))
Metallic, prepared as thin smooth films
Metallic cobalt, metallic nickel and an alloy powder containing 66-67% nickel, 13-16% chromium and 7% iron



Inquiring minds want to know, how this woman, being married to a medical doctor, could make such a despotically arrogant statement? Has she lost her mind? Is she drunk on wireless?   There are thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies that show harm. The wireless industry is several trillion dollars now. Obama wants to irradiate the entire US school system with Connect-Ed. Looks like with her project inkwell connections, she thinks she is in the car.

Ladies and gentlemen, the road to hell may be paved with good intentions but based on the behavior of the school board in this town, I wouldn’t even give them that much.

The alleged health affects that wireless causes are not my assertions, they are the assertions of medical and scientific experts.


What have we become where we willingly hand over our children to a forced irradiation babysitting program and collectively turn our backs on decades of scientific research jeopardizing an entire generation just so we can keep our new cars, enjoy our free time during the day and get our nails done? The next time you drive by us on the sidewalk outside your school with our banner, ponder these things. Pletka can fundamentally reject all the studies, science and common sense all he wants and Hilda can wish for 24/7 iPad exposure till the cows come home. We will not rest until we end the largest forced irradiation program of school children that the world has ever known.

May God help us ladies and gentlemen. 

  1. #1 by Anonymous on April 23, 2014 - 5:21 pm

    This article is long, but has much information in it that explains the goings on in panels of the 21st Century and panels of the 20th century.
    Paul Demers is one such person who changes his stripes very quickly as a brown paper bag accidentally falls on the floor below his work desk. This statement by Demers’s panel on the issue of cancer risk:
    “The authoritative reviews considered by the Panel find that a causal association between cancer and exposure to RF energy is possible (based on the IARC definition for Group 2B). This Panel agrees with that assessment. The present review also considered numerous studies that appeared after these authoritative reviews were completed. None of the newer studies materially affect the conclusions of the authoritative reviews. However, a weight-of-evidence evaluation shows that the current evidence for a causal association between cancer and exposure to RF energy is weak. The epidemiological evidence is largely limited to a weak association of prolonged mobile phone use with increased incidence of glioma and acoustic neuroma. The epidemiological associations are not strong and the various studies are inconsistent with each other.”
    The text associates between cancer and exposure to RF energy as “weak” and “inconsistent”, which contradicts, or at least undermines, the IARC 2B classification. Demers stressed that he agreed with IARC’s evaluation, as did the panel, but Demers said that he considered the phrase “weak” evidence to be consistent with “limited” evidence, the criterion used by IARC to designate a 2B carcinogen.
    Demers statement of evidence of 2B being weak, and Demers said that he could not recall and was not aware that what he wrote was virtually word for word from another review nine years that appeared in the International Journal of Radiation Biology in 2005: “Overall, a weight-of-evidence evaluation shows that the current evidence for a causal association between cancer and exposure to RF energy is weak and unconvincing.”
    It’s amazing how the 1999 Panel Report”, 15 years earlier, and the RF panel of 1999 commented said about non-thermal effects: “There are documented biological effects of RF fields even at low, non-thermal exposure levels, below Safety Code 6 exposure limits. These biological effects include alterations in the activity of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), in calcium regulation, and in the permeability of the blood-brain barrier … Some of these biological effects brought about by non-thermal exposure levels of RF could potentially be associated with adverse health effects” (p.3).
    Now early in Demers career, he worked on a study that linked occupational exposures to EMFs and male breast cancer, and his results were published on the 15th August 1991, in the American Journal of Epidemiology (see MWn, J/A90 P1 and s/091, P3).
    So have a complete read of this article, as it gives you some good insight into the old saying: “Money talks all languages!”

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