Fullerton School District Board of Trustees agrees to agendize alignment of PBE filing deadline with SB 277 implementation date.

FSD parents continue to fight SB277

Thank you to all who attended last night’s meeting.

ca Thank you to Chris Thompson who clearly intended to respect the opinions of the audience and their right to voice them.


FSD board president Chris Thompson

At their next meeting, the Fullerton School Board, under a motion at the direction of outgoing board president Chris Thompson, will vote on an item that will involve district legal counsel preparing a request to send  a request to the State of California to investigate the possibility of having date alignment of the 12-31-15 PBE filing deadline with the July 1, 2016 SB 277 implementation date. If approved by the board and subsequently by the State, it would mean that parents will have until July 1, 2016 to file their personal beliefs exemption rather than 12-31-15. This at the very least will give parents more time to educate themselves, investigate the issue and become compliant if they choose to exercise their rights before it is too late.

In spite of what Trustee Janny Catlin Meyer (wife of ex Fullerton city manager Chris Meyer) stated that she doesn’t want to see the Fullerton School District become the breeding ground for some sort of movement against this horrible law, the board will take what I believe to be the first step in advancing a common sense approach to dealing with this tyrannical edict. Janny, lay off the clorox will ya?

Here is some of the footage of the meeting in which legal counsel and parents can both agree we are in uncharted territory with a poorly written, toothless law that I believe should have never been passed in the first place.




SB 277 was signed into law back in the summer. The school district failed to notify parents only until they were forced to weeks before the filing date deadline of the impacts of SB 277 and to this date has still failed to advise parents that the school nurse can sign a PBE. How many PTA bake sales, fundraisers of fluff ads have come home with your child since August? Not a peep on the end of your parental rights as they relate to your children.s health under SB 277.

What is needed is more time for parents to understand their rights, exercise their rights and investigate fully what their options really are. The vaccination debate is far from over. Special thanks to Chris Thompson who ran the meeting fairly and who wasn’t afraid to state his favorable personal position on this very serious issue.

The next FSD board meeting will be scheduled for January 2016.



  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on December 9, 2015 - 4:47 pm

    Great job by all those who spoke against SB277 and the many very valid reasons why this law is so, so bad. Big brother has so much power and control over us like never before. In too many ways the idea that we are a free people is being dismantled one bad overreaching law at a time. In the U.S. we used to have some semblance of control of our local schools as well as the way we get our medical care. In the last few years, Big Brother has gone after our individual freedoms in those areas big time. The so-called silent majority has begun to wake up and going forward we will not be silent anymore.

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