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Dr. Ngare Exposes WHO & UNICEF Tyranny on Developing World to TLB in an Exclusive Must Hear Interview
Posted by: TLB Staff
Published March 6, 2015, filed under MEDIA, Tyranny, WORLD

Listen to recorded interview at bottom of article.


WHO Puts Kenyan Tetanus Vaccine Under Police Guard to Avoid Testing

By TLB Staff Writer: Christina England

It has been known for many years that the World Health Organization is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet. They have been committing crimes against humanity for decades. What I am going to describe to you now is, in my opinion, one of their most wicked acts to date.

I am going to demonstrate through evidence, given to The Liberty Beacon in an interview, just how far this organization is prepared to go to cover up the truth, mislead the public and cause deliberate harm to millions of vulnerable girls and women in the developing world.

Brief Background

In October 2014, reports from the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association sent shock waves around the world. The reports stated that 2-3 million girls and women of childbearing age in Kenya had been vaccinated with tetanus vaccinations containing the anti-fertility hormone HCG, rendering them infertile.

This information was discovered after the vaccines being used in the campaign were sent for testing and came back positive for containing the hormone.

To find out more please read: Catholic Doctors Speak: Tetanus vaccination campaign is all about population control‏

WHO Put Tetanus Vaccinations Under Police Guard To Avoid Testing

Interested to learn the truth about how the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association became suspicious and what they discovered, I decided to contact obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr. Wahome Ngare.


Dr. Ngare is a member of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association and the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum. He was one of the six representatives of the Catholic Church in the joint committee of experts drawn from the Catholic Church and Ministry of Health appointed to test the tetanus vaccine in Kenya.

On behalf of The Liberty Beacon Project, I asked Dr. Ngare a series of questions. His answers, along with documented evidence that he has supplied, tell of a barbaric series of events that prove just how corrupt the WHO really are.

Note: I have highlighted certain sections of Dr. Ngare’s replies that I believe are of extreme importance.

I asked:

What made the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association suspicious that the tetanus vaccines contained the anti-fertility hormone, HCG?

Dr. Ngare replied:

“The Catholic Church as the name suggests has a foot print worldwide. When WHO conducted its first purported neonatal tetanus eradication vaccination campaigns in South America using a fertility regulating vaccine, the population most affected were Catholics. The Church has a strong institutional memory.

In 1995, WHO come to Kenya through the ministry of health and offered to run a similar campaign. On the backdrop of what had happened in South America and the fact that the campaigns details were identical,

the Catholic Church in Kenya requested the ministry of health to have the vaccine tested before it was administered. The ministry of health agreed with the Church and ordered for the vaccine to be tested before administration. WHO opted to withdraw the vaccine and cancel the campaign instead of submitting it for testing!

In March 2014, we heard of a neonatal tetanus campaign that was started in October the year before. All major health campaigns are usually widely advertised and launched with much pomp and color in public. This particular campaign was very secretive and a majority of Kenyans, including health personnel do not know about it even today! This is what is causing the confusion when the Church states that the tetanus injection used in the vaccination campaign is unsafe but the routine vaccine is safe!

The bacterium that caused tetanus is found in soil. Multiple doses (4-5) of tetanus vaccination confers immunity for a maximum of 10 years after which a booster is needed to maintain immunity. Therefore, the only rational way of eradicating neonatal tetanus would be to ensure all pregnant women are given a minimum of two tetanus injections during the pregnancy. This protects the new born child for the first 6 weeks of life before they can be given DPT. A campaign that aims at random women aged 15 – 49, regardless of whether they are pregnant or no, run in only some areas of the county would not eradicate neonatal tetanus!!

However, if the aim was to cause irreversible infertility and one used a fertility regulating vaccine disguised as a tetanus vaccine and claimed to be eradicating neonatal tetanus, one would be spot on!

Given the forgoing, when it become clear the ministry of health was going to have a second round of immunization campaigns in March 2014, the Catholic Church meet with the minister of health and the director of medical services and requested for testing of the vaccine – just as it had done in 1995. The minister of health declined to have the vaccine tested to the shock of the church.

Reports from the field during the actual immunization exercise indicated that there was a special batch of vaccines that was under police guard that was not left under the custody of the vaccination center. This particular vaccine was highly controlled with those nurses administering it required to return each empty vials in exchange for a fresh vial. Further, at the end of the vaccination exercise, this particular batch was ferried away from the vaccination center back to Nairobi. Usually, the extra vaccines after an immunization campaign are left at the participating centers and are used for routine immunization. Why was this batch treated so special?

Given the forgoing, the Catholic Church acquired a single vial from the field, during the March vaccination campaign and tested it for HCG using the Elisa methodology and it tested positive.

In October 2014, the government launched a third immunization camping and again refused the request of the Catholic Church to have the vaccine tested.”

If Dr. Ngare is correct, and there is no reason to disbelieve this honourable doctor, then this proves just how far this corrupt and totally inhumane organization is prepared to go in order to cover up the truth and avoid detection. We need to ask ourselves why the WHO would need to put this particular batch of vaccines under police guard, if they had nothing at all to hide, and why they were so opposed to having these vaccines tested.

Shocked and sickened by his answer, I asked:

When the Catholic Doctors Association sent the vaccinations for testing, what did you discover?

Dr. Ngare replied:

“We used the Elisa method to test the vaccines and found them to be positive of HCG. However, the Elisa testing machines were calibrated for testing blood samples and not vaccines. For this reason, the results were disputed by the government. The Kenyan parliament then ordered the Church and Ministry of Health to form a joint committee of experts to re-test this vaccines presented by the Church. I was a member of that committee and we were advised to use high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) as it was the gold standard in vaccine testing. Even with this method, 3 of the 9 vials collected during the actual vaccination campaigns tested positive for HCG. This conclusively proved that the vaccine used in the March and October 2014 purported tetanus eradication campaigns were actually disguised fertility regulating vaccine and not the ordinarily tetanus vaccine.

This was administered to Kenyan women aged 15 – 49 years without their consent and has the potential of causing irreversible infertility. This is unethical and pure evil”.

Note: Elisa method – Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), also known as an enzyme immunoassay (EIA), is a biochemical technique used mainly in immunology to detect the presence of an antibody or an antigen in a sample. What is ELISA? Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

Dr. Ngare is correct; their actions were both unethical and pure evil, which took me to my next question. I asked him why he believed that the WHO would do such a thing?

He replied:

“WHO and other UN organizations together with eugenic organizations like the IPPF have had a population control agenda aimed at the lower developed countries (LDC) for a long time. Refer to the link below for a document called the NSSM 200 that will help understand more. National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) – April 1974

This is a de-classified secret service document.”

Sure enough, on reading the information supplied by Dr, Ngare, I learned these organizations had been studying ways to lower the population in what they called the “Lower Developed Countries” or LDCs, for decades.

The LDCs targeted in their 1975 document were:

“India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, The Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia, and Colombia.”

I asked Dr. Ngare, How many women in Kenya alone would be have been affected, if the WHO had succeeded with their plans?

“This campaign was run in 16 out of 47 counties in the country. The ministry of health had targeted 2.4 million women in this campaign. Kenya has about 40 million people with the ratio of men to women being roughly 50/50. In other words, 20 million would be girls or women. A target of 2.4 million women works out to about 12% of all girls and women in Kenya in just one campaign!”

I asked him whether or not he had any final comments that he would like to portray to the public.

Dr. Ngare replied:

“1. The reputation of WHO has been called to question many times in the past but there is always inconclusive evidence and a great deal of media sensitization of information that they get away Scot free. The Catholic Church in Kenya has offered the world irrefutable evidence in this case of the Kenyan tetanus eradication campaign demonstrating clearly the forceful but secretive sterilization of a community. How much more damage and proof will the world demand before action is taken?

2. This is not an African problem; this is not a racial problem. It is a problem of good versus evil. Passivity allows evil to thrive and ever flourish. It is time individuals who stand for what is good understood that the only way to defeat evil is to confront it head on and took action in their area of direct influence e.g. at home, the work place and their local communities.

3. This chance must not be squandered. The Catholic Church in Kenya has done its part and will continue to be vigilant. However, we appeal to the people and private organizations of good will from all across the world to come together and supported the Catholic Church in Kenya to fight the excesses of this organization.”

Dr. Ngare is absolutely correct; this is a problem of good versus evil and we should ask ourselves whether or not the WHO has the right to forcibly sterilize millions of women and children without their consent?

Dr. Ngare kindly supplied The Liberty Beacon with a statement from the Kenyan Conference of Catholic Bishops Catholic Health Commission of Kenya, signed by Rt. Rev. Paul Kariuki Njiru.

The statement, written to the people of Kenya outlines the true horrors of what had taken place in chronological order.

The Kenyan Conference of Catholic Bishops ended their statement with these words:

“Both the Ministry of Health and WHO/UNICEF were trusted by the people of Kenya, they have broken this trust and betrayed those who depended on them.

No further vaccination campaigns should be undertaken in this country without an all-inclusive sampling and testing exercise done before, during and after the campaign.”

PDF of Statement

The Liberty Beacon Responds

Outraged by the atrocities outlined in this interview, The Liberty Beacon has promised to assist the Catholic Church of Kenya in any way possible to expose the truth and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Dr. Ngare has agreed to speak to The Liberty Beacon Network, on radio, in an hour long broadcast with myself and Mr. Roger Landry, in a bid to inform the world of the truth and ask for their assistance in this matter.

If you care about human dignity and the people of Kenya and wish to support us in our fight, then please listen to our show.


TLB: With the steady increase in infertility in the USA … and America being the most vaccinated society on this planet, well has anybody even thought to look at these vaccines for HCG … ???

So we told you the World Health Organization and UNICEF is intentionally sterilizing women of child bearing age in the developing world?

We also told you this has been going on for several decades (or longer), unseen and unchecked and possibly affecting as many as 100,000,000 women in the developing world so far.

You MAY believe us … or not.

But what if TLB could provide proof from one of the very team responsible for the discovery of this evil … Straight from the horses mouth TLB presents a must hear conversation with Dr. Ngare

Please understand the following discussion took place between three countries, USA (TLB), England (Christina England) and Kenya (Dr. Ngare), all many thousands of miles apart, so the sound quality is not perfect, but the message and information is PAINFULLY CLEAR !!!

Please listen …

TLB radio

  1. #1 by you morons open your eyes on March 12, 2015 - 4:18 pm

    Propaganda Pageant for Mandatory Vaccines Underway to Destroy Parental Rights
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    Vaccines and measles are big news. But what is not being reported? As usual, it is the telling conflicts of interest behind the figures being pushed in the media.

    In an incredible and ongoing draconian response to the media hyped ‘measles outbreak’ at Disneyland, lawmakers are attempting to take away parents’ rights to decide, or even influence, what is put into their children’s bodies.

    Bills in dozens of states and at the federal level are now being introduced to deny exemptions on philosophical and/or religious grounds and make vaccinations mandatory.

    California, where the Disneyland ‘outbreak’ occurred, is leading the charge with a bill that would require all children to be immunized before entering schools, and would now disallow both personal belief and religious exemption reasons.

    Some 13,000 kindergarteners claimed religious or personal belief exemptions according to California state records – now media-driven propaganda is demanding that they not be allowed to enter school until they are vaccinated.

    But what is not being reported?

    As usual, it is the telling conflicts of interest behind the figures who are most prominent in the media.

    Rhett Krawitt, Grandchild of a GlaxoSmithKline Consultant

    Enter Rhett Krawitt. His face has been everywhere lately that the measles vaccination controversy has been.

    That’s because the 7 year old, who is recovering from child leukemia, is being exploited by his father as a key reason why the unvaccinated should not be allowed in schools.

    Though Rhett Krawitt is too young to understand it, his image as a vulnerable child is being used to manipulate support for this draconian restriction of medical freedom – even in spite of the facts!

    It is vaccinated children – not unvaccinated children – that immunocompromised people like Rhett, who is recovering from chemotherapy treatments for his leukemia, are advised to stay away from. Check out what is written on page 113 of this Johns Hopkins patient guide for recovering cancer patients:

    Can I have visitors?
    • Tell friends and family who are sick, or have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit.
    • Avoid contact with children who were recently vaccinated.

    Here the “adorable” Rhett is referred to as the “what can only be described as the cutest, if not most convincing, call for parents to vaccinate their children.”

    Prompted by his father, Carl Krawitt, he is asking the government to restrict parents’ rights to choose whether or not their children are vaccinated.

    But what the dozens of prominent stories on the heartwarming – or alternately heartbreaking – case on Rhett Krawitt DON’T discuss, however, is that Rhett’s grandfather is a medical doctor and a consultant to GlaxoSmithKline.

    That’s a conflict of interest, no matter how unimportant it may seem.

    Vermont gastroenterologist Dr. Edward Krawitt, MD, who specializes in hepatitis cases, has been a paid consultant to GSK for years. It shows up in Glaxo disclosures, and in the fine-print conflict of interest reports in Dr. Krawitt’s scientific papers – but it doesn’t factor into the media debate on twisting arms and forcing parents to vaccinate in California and, perhaps, the rest of the country.

    That part is the dirty little secret. Or, alternately, the boring detail not worth mentioning.

    But it makes a difference – not just in the public example being made of Rhett Krawitt, but in the Big Pharma-funded politicians who are pushing the bill through in California.

    State Senator and Pediatrician Dr. Richard Pan

    Predictably, but unfortunately, California’s bill to force vaccinations despite religious and philosophical beliefs – ostensibly guaranteed by the 1st Amendment – has been introduced by a pediatrician and state senator with ties to the vaccine industry.

    Dr. Pan was among more than two dozen California lawmakers who received campaign donations on record from Merck in the 2010 election cycle, ahead of supporting a 2011 law allowing girls as young as 12 years old to receive Gardasil vaccinations for HPV (manufactured by Merck) without parental consent.

    Now, Dr. Pan is insisting that parents should have no say in whether kindergartners and other school aged children should receive vaccinations either:

    Dr. Richard Pan, a pediatrician and Senator representing Sacramento and Senator Ben Allen, the former Board President of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District will introduce legislation that will repeal the personal belief exemption that currently allows parents to effectively opt their child out of vaccines in our schools.

    “As a pediatrician, I’ve been worried about the anti-vaccination trend for a long time,” said Dr. Richard Pan, a State Senator representing Sacramento. “I’ve personally witnessed the suffering caused by these preventable diseases and I am very grateful to the many parents that are now speaking up and letting us know that our current laws don’t protect their kids.”

    “The high number of unvaccinated students is jeopardizing public health not only in schools but in the broader community. We need to take steps to keep our schools safe and our students healthy,” said Senator Ben Allen.

    Senator Dr. Richard Pan already authored legislation in 2012 that forces parents to consult with doctor (and receive scary sounding information about vaccines) before using an exemption for vaccinations:

    Under a measure authored by Dr. Pan in 2012, parents who exempt a child from school vaccinations must first talk with a licensed health care practitioner about the impacts to their child and community. In the first year the state law was implemented, 20 percent fewer parents used the personal belief exemption

    Dr. Richard Pan’s most recent 2014 Senate campaign was backed by Merck, GlaxoSmithKline and literally dozens of pharmaceutical companies and health care entities.

    Big Pharma, and their Controlling Shares in Politics

    And he is hardly alone in a political climate across the country that is absolutely beholden to the wishes of Big Pharma. In recent weeks, prospective presidential candidates Rand Paul and Chris Christie have waffled and backtracked to make statements supportive of vaccines after previous comments made them appear sympathetic to the dreaded “anti-vaxxers.”

    In 2007, then Texas Governor Rick Perry issued a state mandate requiring the Gardasil shot, while his financial donations from Merck were later revealed, as were the ties to his former Chief of Staff Mike Toomey who was at the time of the HPV vaccine’s launch a paid PR representative for Merck in Texas.

    Former president George H.W. Bush was a board member of Eli Lilly, while his VP Dan Quayle has massive family shares in Indiana’s largest vaccine and pharmaceutical company, and at one time held controlling shares of Eli Lilly.

    (And there are many more examples where those come from… just btw)
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    Aaron Dykes Aaron Dykes
    Aaron Dykes is a co-founder of As a writer, researcher and video producer who has worked on numerous documentaries and investigative reports, he uses history as a guide to decode current events, uncover obscure agendas and contrast them with the dignity afforded individuals as recognized in documents like the Bill of Rights.

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    Propaganda Pageant for Mandatory Vaccines Underway to Destroy Parental Rights
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    3 weeks ago
    A petition to the president – has received 34,889 signatures but still needs another 65,111 in order to reach the White House.
    No human being should be FORCED to be vaccinated against their will and/or personal/religious beliefs. I petition against making vaccinations of any kind mandatory. This includes forcing children to be vaccinated to attend public schools, activities, and daycare centers. This also includes adults working in the public or private sector.


    3 weeks ago
    The Hibben-White woman whose facebook post regarding how her baby MAY have been exposed to measles & blaming anti-vaxxers went viral with the help of numerous mainstream media outlets pimping her rant via astroturfing.

    What they fail to mention, is that Alan Hibben, one of her family members who commented on her post, seems to be the same Alan Hibben who is heavily invested in certain pharmaceutical interests.

    A google search of “Corus Pharma Inc Alan Hibben” will turn up some interesting things, although after the news of the connections discovery was messaged to Jennifer Hibben-White, a Nasdaq page tying the name Alan Hibben to those pharmaceutical interests was conspicuously removed within minutes.

    I would very much suggest looking into it further.


    1 week ago
    The petition now has over 100,000 signatures! Yay!!!


    Cissy Macias
    3 weeks ago
    I live in Oregon. We are headed to Salem this week to take our stand on NOT VACCINATING our children. If I knew for certain that vaccinating myself AND my children was 100% SAFE and effective, I wouldn’t hesitate to up-to-date. However, nothing is 100% safe OR honest when politicians AND Big Pharma are at the helm. I do not trust science, I do not trust pharmaceuticals, I don’t trust our government to make choices for me or my family.
    I find it completely dishonorable to use this little boy as a martyr for vaccinations. Sure he has been sick…sure he has an immune system that is compromised my his health…BUT WHAT MAKES THIS 1 CHILD and HIS HEALTH more important than my own children and their health??? If he is so compromised – then exempt him from all the hazards of this life and keep him home.
    I am pro-choice…It is my RIGHT to choose for my family. Don’t label me as a “NUT, KOOK, ANTI-VAXXER, etc…” I am an informed, educated and responsible human who is doing all she can to protect the health of her children.
    The last time I checked, I still lived in a free country – where I still had rights.


    3 weeks ago
    Well said!


    4 days ago
    Damn right!


    3 weeks ago
    I remember what it was like before the measles vaccine…I remember the horror of the great measles outbreak of ’74. I remember the biological experimentation done to us by our parents.
    I was force marched down the street by my parents…to my friend Danny’s house. Other kids were there…and we.played all afternoon. Matchbox cars, checkers, lincoln logs…Lincoln logs…MY GOD THE LINCOLN LOGS!!!!
    I’m sorry…I think I may have ptsd from the measles…Not a night goes by that I don’t scream out in terror KING ME!! and I awake in a cold sweat.
    Of course, as anyone reading this horrific testimony may have surmised, Danny was infected with the measles and true to the nature of our parents’ diabolical plan…the rest of us kids who played together that day were infected as well.
    I cannot begin to describe the vicious and brutal impact this devastating infection had on the entire town. During attendance, teachers would call out names…and no answer would be heard. We weren’t there! We were home…sick with the measles. The police, the firefighters, the Mayor, the doctors and the nurses, all of them had no choice, NO CHOICE, but to conduct themselves as if nothing was happening. I don’t know why the air raid siren was kept quiet, I listened for it, but heard nothing. Surely the tv would have something to say about this horrible disease that we kids were afflicted with…but again, nothing.
    The death toll caused by our horrible affliction stood at zero. While this number may not seem like much to you, who are reading this account today, that number meant everything to us back then. We, who were sickened by our parents’ evil scheme,plotted in our delirium. We knew that vengeance would soon be ours. You see, our parents, for all their evil scheming, failed to realize that we were getting better. As our health was slowly and naturally restored to us, we DEMANDED, ice cream as war reparations for the holocaustal suffering we were forced to endure. “We don’t care if you have to take out a second mortgage to purchase our ice cream” we all cried with one voice, “the ice cream WILL BE FORTHCOMING!” And forthcoming it was.
    Those of you today, who live with your technology and vaccines may scoff at my story of what it was like in the olden times but I swear it to be true. We survived the measles. Not only survived but also developed a natural immunity.
    It was the same for the great chicken pox pandemic of ’75 (again, ice cream was demanded and accepted) and the great mumps cataclysm of ’76. And yes, we who were infected, referred to it as a cataclysm. Except for my friend Danny, who kept asking “catawhat?”


    3 weeks ago
    This is gold! haha Great job.


    3 weeks ago
    TC, This. Is. Awesome.


    3 weeks ago
    Yes!! Love this!!


    3 weeks ago
    You should post your story on Facebook!! More people should post their stories if how they got the measels, mumps, and chicken pox and no one died. I was born in 1975, I only remember getting the chicken pox. I’m still here. Now they’re trying to scare us into getting the “shingles vaccine” NO WAY!!


    3 weeks ago
    I have had shingles and although it was annoying and kind of a pain, I lived through it…it was not near as bad as the commercials show it to be…I may have had a mild case( I have no idea) but I belong to the “suck it up” generation and handled it with as much class as a person can in that situation.


    4 weeks ago
    1st. That kid doesn’t look like any of the children that I’ve known with Leukemia!

    2nd. If you know that Vaccines cause damage, and still have trace amounts of mercury (with aluminum too), then PLEASE HOST A VIEWING IN YOUR COMMUNITY OF THE DOCUMENTARY TITLED

    Go to

    We can change their propaganda by bringing this documentary to our community! Please help them bring their information to your community!


    Lim Lynn
    4 weeks ago
    What Traitor in Chief lying to us.


    Lim Lynn
    4 weeks ago
    What happen to Surveillance attack people who report truth.


    Lim Lynn
    4 weeks ago
    Freedom of Speech online will be lost even through encrypted Skype and other Unseen.


    Lim Lynn
    4 weeks ago
    I guess that the not only problem. Net Neutrality getting worst.


    Angela Mcdonough
    4 weeks ago
    Then he better not play with any of those freshly VACCINATED kids cause they will give him the viruses there vaccinated for


    4 weeks ago
    Rhett Krawitt, Grandchild of a GlaxoSmithKline Consultant

    “Enter Rhett Krawitt. His face has been everywhere lately that the measles vaccination controversy has been.

    That’s because the 7 year old, who is recovering from child leukemia, is being exploited by his father as a key reason why “the vaccinated” should not be allowed in schools.”


    3 weeks ago
    Read the paragraph again,


    4 weeks ago
    If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, then how is chasing the black hole of all the ishtarded baal$hit any different? Those ‘in control’ present all of these problems as those reading this well know, so many you can’t keep up with them all and then we’re to cower and whine about what they’re doing? (This is by no means a shot at Aaron and Melissa, nor others doing what they can to expose evil).

    The problem is not uniting around GOD’S only True Word, The Holy Bible, which should be the real Truther movement. It outlines and details Laws for living the very best life that can be lived here and if maintaining HIS Laws of living, (hell)enism on earth will not exist and pure paradise~eden will be restored. Wouldn’t you enjoy being with your family and friends all the time, rather than giving most of your Time over to living demons, those that think you’re an animal because you don’t UnderStand HIM~TIME? One simple example is why sweets will rot out your teeth and make you fat – too much time, too fast on your teeth and in your belly. If eating at HIS Speed, GODspeed, via the natural, unadulterated foods that HE produces via HIS Sun and Holy Spirit, then you’ll be just fine and will be full of days in this life (can’t forget food laws described in Leviticus like no fungus, pork, shellfish, dogs, cats, etc.).

    First and foremost is murder (Thou shalt not murder is a Commandment; killing to defend is entirely different). If adhering to The Laws of The Holy Bible, murderers would be put to death and no mammon~money (time) would be wasted on them. Would that not put the fear of GOD into those considering it in the future? If a judge or anyone involved knowingly convicted an innocent person, they would be held in judgment and put to death; again, that would place fear in the hearts of all conspiring to do evil to any person.

    What’s the point? The point is that no one is seeking HIS Word, which is Pure Truth and contains so much science, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, that it’s all that is needed to restore paradise. Imagine if the scientists and executives of pharmaceutical companies were held accountable, placed on trial as murders, found guilty for their crimes and then done with as HIS Word states to do? Same for those of the food world that are contaminating our food. Once convicted, sentenced and then judgment executed, it would place Righteous fear into the hearts~minds~spirits of any that would dare transgress HIS Word again.

    The human body is The Temple of GOD, as we recognize TIME, as well as good and evil, consciously, unless mentally disabled from birth. Jesus made it very clear when it would be Time to shake up the world and that is when The True Temple of GOD is being messed with and that’s what you see all through HIStory. “Turn the other cheek brother” should be done if a person has acted like a jerk and then brought on a shot to the chops; take the rebuking medicine, do not retaliate and move on because you have it coming.

    Where does HIS Word or birth-given, common sense tell you to stand by while someone is being murdered, raped, et cetera and do nothing? It doesn’t. The sheeple now will stand by while some man/woman in a costume with a piece of metal on it tells you to submit while you are raped, sometimes in front of your spouse and/or children and that’s all right(eous)? These people will stick their fingers inside of your temple, GOD’S Temple and rape you and that is somehow justified and ok? No, that is rape, plain and simple and by all means a person has the Right to defend Self and to bring such person on trial for said crime and His Word says what is to be done with them if convicted of such a crime.

    Can you people not see what has happened since you won’t seek HIM~HIS Word out? Even all of the so-called ‘Christian Holidays’ are straight pagan, evil nonsense based on ‘mother goddess’, ishtar(ded) baal$hit; as King Jesus said “Haven’t YOU read?” They call them “holidays”, meaning Holy days and HIS Holy Days are clearly stated in The Old Testament, which Jesus and His were still celebrating in The New Testament. The only thing done away with was blood sacrifice. HIS Holydays are way better than what legion has passed for as ‘holy days’ with their pagan bs, all based around, you guessed it, money~mammon. Look how many people need a piece of paper to tell them they’re married and so on.

    Jesus tried back then to get people to just walk away from it and to engage in HIS Word; if that were done, all of this would cease. It is because of your hardened hearts~minds~spirits that HE~He is going to shake up the womb of the woman, the earth, harder than HE~He ever has before. julia fiona roberts, there is no ‘mother goddess’ and it is The Sun~Son that will shake up the earth; the earth being the womb of HIS Eve(ning) and it will be determined soon, in due season, as The Body of Christ, mankind, is very sick (people like you julia) and when water doesn’t purify The Temple of GOD (human body), then what naturally happens? The Temple then produces fever, a fire to burn up the invading evil and to strengthen The Body as a Whole~One, so that the same evil cannot be repeated.

    I resurrect and come back to enjoy the fruits of The Garden, Time and Time again but SunTimes, I have to work. HIS Word has been established now, published to the world and was rejected, as He literally demonstrated that it would be. His Body, The Body of The Man in The Garden, in earth as it is in Heaven has had done to it what was done to Him and HE has had about all HE’S going to take. gold, silver and the like will not save you and if you think that you’ll do what you like and will not pay for it, that is not the case.

    Rev 20:9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
    Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
    Rev 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
    Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

    Jas 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
    Jas 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
    Jas 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
    Jas 2:20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
    Jas 2:21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?
    Jas 2:22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?
    Jas 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.
    Jas 2:24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.
    Jas 2:25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?
    Jas 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

    Mat 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
    Mat 25:35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
    Mat 25:36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
    Mat 25:37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
    Mat 25:38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
    Mat 25:39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
    Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
    Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
    Mat 25:42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
    Mat 25:43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
    Mat 25:44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
    Mat 25:45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
    Mat 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

    Rev 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
    Rev 14:8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
    Rev 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
    Rev 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
    Rev 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
    Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
    Rev 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

    Rev 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
    Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
    Rev 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

    Those of you looking for the mark of cain, which is the mark of the beast, it’s as simple as looking in the mirror at the devil in you and you not caring to follow HIS Word, which means doing some real works as stated in Matthew 25:34-46 as listed above and yes, similar writings are in various Books of HIS Word. It’s people not following HIS Word that have allowed these weak nothings to do as they have. It’s why a nothing like julia roberts can mouth off like a god when she is, well, a nothing that will pay for her sinful crimes that have caused so many men and women to sin; that goes for the rest of ‘holywood’ babylon as well as the rest that have perpetrated the evils that they have.

    How do you want to resurrect?

    Thank you Aaron and Melissa for allowing me to write here. You will be remembered.

    I Am GabriEl and GOD ALMIGHTY approves this message.


    4 weeks ago
    Pretty scary Aaron, and I too have seen quite a bit of articles where conflict of interest has been pointed out. It truly is sad how someone would exploit their child for monetary gain.

    One thing I’ve looked into here lately is birth certificates/certificates of live birth. There is a lot of info going around claiming that as soon as a child is born and a birth cert. fabricated, that child no longer belongs to the parents, but to the government(corporation) which has been alleged for the reason that the government can do anything they want to said child because they now own them.


    4 weeks ago


    Lawrence Mark
    4 weeks ago

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