
“There are 24 different measles genotypes or strains. The CDC finally did molecular characterization to determine the genotype implicated in the Disney outbreak, labeled “B3.”
MMR only targets “A.”
MMR is utterly USELESS and does absolutely NOTHING for the 23 other strains.
This REFUTES the following:
1. Unvaccinated children are spreading measles
2. Everyone needs to be vaccinated
3. The measles vaccine protects against measles
We need a vaccine against stupidity.”
This story came to me from one of my trusted advisors late last night and this post from last year deserves another run. This whole Disney set up with this government run manufactured measles outbreak is a pretext to forcibly inject everyone with whatever the HELL THE GOVERNMENT DEEMS NECESSARY, including sterilants and hormones to attack brain development. Look at the kids folks-they are already falling apart. NEXT TO WIRELESS, THIS THING IS THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY.
But hey, you will believe anyone in a white coat with some initials embossed on the smuck’s smock and any bimbo with a microphone engraved with an illuminati mind control network media logo right. Not everyone has been lobotomized by the Monday night foolsball commercials, the cartoons and the Nordstrom fragrance section.
THIS The case for suing parents who don’t vaccinate their kids—or criminally charging them. Never you mind that the vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued if their product kills or injures your child. Oh yes, the Feds have a program to take care of you alright, but with Big Pharma stacking the deck with all of their bought and paid for scientists and their black robe buddies we get the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Yes, it is a one way street with speed bumps for the parents and a five lane highway for Big Pharma. You guessed it. Only those that have spent at least a decade or longer under the influence of Big Pharma’s priesthood can tell us what is true and what is not. No one dares to listen to anyone else. If you are not a scientist or unless you are sporting a few funny letters after your last name, you are a crackpot like me. They will just ignore you. Well, the push back has begun and the bioethicists, the eugenicists and the drug pushers are getting scared. You know they are worried when they take it to the airwaves and jam it down our throats on the Twonky.
Boy, do we have a tale of two cities set right before our very eyes with truly amazing times indeed on the idiot box with anti vaccine Jenny McCarthy set to hit The View on 9-9 as a sort of keep your eye off the wireless/autism connection https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/ red herring. On the other side of the aisle, we have the Law and Order hit piece, and good old Barry Boy picking up the rear on the saw dust trail with the push to vaccinate everyone with his free for all health plan. It really ties in rather nicely to what we are dealing with in terms of implied consent, informed consent and the potential dangers of the wireless radiation exposure to our children in the classrooms and the real enforcement arm of the convergence of these agendas: The Public School System and its soon to be two dimensional list verifying learning system.
So this begs the question. Who is really endangering who? What is really being endangered? Is it public health, our children’s reproductive capabilities, critical thinking, or more? With eyes wide shut, with their color of law mandates, and their rank and file robots, what is really endangering the “herd”? I will attempt to address it below. Let us begin with the following questions:
35 shots by age 6?
So if these injections really work then what’s with the push?
What on earth is really in those things?
Aren’t these diseases rarely fatal in healthy properly nourished human beings including children?
There is the catch phrase: healthy human beings. By design that euphemism to describe us and our children has become something of an urban legend. Think I am kidding? Look around, I mean really don’t kid yourself and look around.
You know when pathogens forcibly enter the body by-passing the natural defenses such as the multiple layers of epidermis, salivary and friendly bacterial attack in the mouth, lodging in the nostrils and being sneezed out, being coughed out or vomitted out, instead heading straight for the bloodstream by being injected deep and directly into our bloodstream through a syringe with an adjuvant hitch hiking along with nano tech compounds and modified trans species genetic materials, toxic chemicals and preservatives that even according to Darwin himself would never find their way inside us, it ends up kind of like a Steely Dan song or a even a bad concert with the exits blocked. Sanitation, running water, nutrition, heating, improved air quality and access to nutritious foods all have nothing to do with ending diseases, only the vaccines have saved humanity.
Here we go, take a deep breath- it’s a run on.
Before I can even begin to answer that and before I can even consider rolling up my children’s sleeves to the white coats, and before the black robes even get involved, I just realized that you need to know that they really keep us all in the dark by design, literally telling us to stay out of the evil dangerous sun, slathering toxic sunscreen all over the largest organ in our bodies that absorbs 90% of what we put on it-the skin, with UV blocking contact lenses and sunglasses blocking the most efficient Vitamin D manufacturing process in the universe, while they feed the youngest of the herd (your newborn children) coffee creamer, talcum powder synthetic vitamin beverages that they call infant formula in place of mother’s milk, for the adult members of the herd (you and I) carbonated bone and tooth dissolving aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose laced beverages along side the trichinosis laden, drugged, GMO corn-fed swine sausages for breakfast, GMO corn-fed, antibiotic laden, hemorrhagic e-coli hamburgers for lunch with the dimethyl polysiloxane soaked fries, franken-fruits and vegetables fertilized with sewage sludge,toxic liquids whose farm tanks on standby have skull and crossbones on them, nerve agent pesticides misted from the air with the atrazene dusters, dumped into the soil with soakers, all the while they have us growing inedible plants spraying roundup all over our now rendered toxically useless yards, mercury laden high fructose corn syrup for dessert, SRI’s for the misdiagnosed hypoglycemics, pig insulin for those that have abandoned the consumption of a broad spectrum of sugars for the high fructose diet option, 5-FU for the nitriloside deficient dependents, synthetic vitamins to keep the imbalance going from the industrial waste, trace pharmaceutical laden municipal water supply laced with a myriad of toxic halide compounds they pawn off on us as disinfectants, trans fat delectables from the drive-thru for dinner, HCL blockers that send undigested food south on us, highly addictive opiate liver eating pain killers for our pleasure, a steady diet of PDE5 inhibitors coupled with satanic, violent pornographic movies and cartoons with accelerant and pesticide laden wines, bone dissolving belly busting beer, age accelerating ales, and dark, wild, witches brewed hard liquor exotic spirits for the nightcap, petrochemical pharmaceutical grade sleep aids for the WiFi, wireless microwave nightstand cordless phone base station, router emitting to the laptop or tablet between the legs wireless radiation exposure induced sleep depriving out of whack melatonin levels and they want to make sure they don’t miss a beat with the bioethicists eugenics fantasy hots for our blood stream by freaking out everyone by going after their wallet and pumping our kids full of who knows what all in the name of public health? Whew! Deep breath-there, I said it.
Well why not? Apparently we already are pumping our kids and ourselves full of who knows what but there is one difference folks. This is all by your choice. It is a free country, or is it?
Well I guess in light of how the masters believe that the herd cannot maintain its health on its own given the poor choices that it is directed to make by Madison Avenue, Big Brother’s inverted food pyramid, at the behest of the trusted medical establishment hacks, irrespective of the massive leaps forward in sanitation and the miraculous logistics of food distribution with healthy food choices literally staring us in the face wrapping themselves around the entire perimeter of these glorified liquor stores called supermarkets whose center aisles contain all the poisons, it is no wonder that we must take the injections.
They say that we must inject and comply. I say that we dare not and refuse to ignore this miraculous creation by Almighty God, the human body. It is the most complete, efficient, incredible machine in the universe sporting its 75,000 miles of circulatory system, its own thermostat, water and fuel pump, defense department, and super computer between the ears that on any given day, only uses about 3% of its capacity. I say we listen to it, take care of it, trust it, trust The One who put it together, follow His instruction manual and tap the other 97% of the available hard drive when needed. I never put soybean oil in my car’s gas tank. Why do we allow the control freaks in public health, medicine, academia, and the media to convince us to do the equivalent to our bodies with all of the aforementioned?
Allopathic medicine has its place folks. Don’t get me wrong. It just doesn’t have its place EVERYWHERE, it should not have a monopoly on the system of care and it should not be preeminent. These folks in the embossed white coats that think they know it all couldn’t create a blade of grass in a lab from scratch if their lives depended on it. They don’t have all of the answers and most of the ones that they do have are wrong anyway.
Can we please step back and start with at least a water filter, open the windows, ride a bike, and plant some fruit trees or a garden? Why can’t we have good clean water, fresh air, good clean real food,sunlight, a clean bloodstream, and an uncompromised immune system?
Well of course we can, but it is your choice, but not according to the experts. We are a HERD, mind you-their herd or so they delusionally think. Herds cannot think for themselves and cannot take care of themselves. Herds must be fed, subdued, curtailed, corralled, controlled eventually always culled. So the masters feed us their toxic fake food, subdue us with their 24/7 fear mongering, kinky 300 channel idiot box circus, curtail us by endowing extreme powers to criminalize the most menial aberrations in human behavior, empower the myopic control freaks with an educational caste system, control us with petrochemical poisons in the food water and mentally disorienting microwave emissions in the air, and culled, yes culled by in my opinion, what can only be described as the largest forced irradiation of school children that the world has ever known and the potential effects on fertility coupled with the inoculation programs that work lockstep in leaving no stone un-turned.
Is this form included in the enrollment packets?
How about their forced irradiation of the Fullerton School District’s children all the way down to the 5 year olds that just spilled over into the infant care centers, preschools, and before and after school day care facilities as a direct result of Pletka’s wireless classroom edicts that are being slickly packaged and peddled to the unsuspecting parents? Yes there is. I just don’t know if it is the frozen middle layer or the microwaved icing on this hellish cake but I do know that this is what they plan to jam down our throats and call progress and a necessity. I don’t care if this wireless stuff is being put in everywhere. If everyone started jumping off of the Brooklyn Bridge, does that mean we all should too? This whole thing is garnished and served up on a platter with two aspirin to all of the unsuspecting masses who daily suffer from a TV, technology, sports, sugar, shopping, alcohol or the I am so smart, bitchin, and full of myself academia condesenscion hangover. Look folks, this crap won’t go down easy if you are awake, on your game and on your toes. We aim to help you get back into and back on yours if you can remember where you left off and where they are.
As far as answering those two questions from the start of the article:
35 shots by age 6? Why the push? What on earth is really in those things? Why are they jamming all of this wireless technology down our throats? What if this push to inject and irradiate us and our children was really part of a clandestine program to adversely impact ours and our children’s cognitive function, physical health and fertility? By the looks of what they are doing to everyone right now with the food, water, media and medicine, nothing really surprises me anymore. They just print the money, give us cheap toxic imitation food, endless mindless entertainment, our kids hellish cartoons, demonic blood thirst highly addictive digital crack video games, debaucherous role models with half naked women everywhere, put everyone on pills, dope and booze all in order to physically and emotionally wear us down, morally compromise us, and make everyone act like animals so someday, THEY CAN TREAT US LIKE ANIMALS. I believe that there is a tiny, powerful segment of the population whose worldview is diametrically opposed to that of the unsuspecting simple people like you and I that just want to be left alone and raise our families. Yeah yeah call me a conspiracy theorist and I will call those that forcibly inject, drug and irradiate our children eugenicists.
I beleive that they operate in stealth fashion under the premise that most people believe that such a plan is just a conspiracy theory. Sounds like the perfect crime to me. So in the meantime, I can only wildly speculate and nothing remotely positive comes to mind. We are not in the dark ages, with raw sewage in the streets and rats and disease running rampant. We are not faced with the plagues, just public health color of law mandates connected to syringes. Why? Simply look around for what is running rampant, that is the obvious unprecedented decline in public health, most alarmingly, our children’s. It is certainly headed that way as the same people on the boards of these food companies that are screwing everyone up are also sitting on boards of the tobacco and drug companies finishing off the job. Remember the third leading cause of death in this country is MD directed treatment. The first two leading causes are all indirectly caused by the affiliates of the third. Ah yes from the cradle to the grave, the injection love fest begins in the warmer and ends with embalmer’s.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are on the verge of forced vaccination and forced irradiation. What you are witnessing is full circle command and control, all exits covered, body, soul, mind and spirit or so the masters think. Not so fast. We still have and I still love that two letter word that still works wonders, moves mountains and can sometimes spare us from enduring the most unconscionable circumstances-The Word-NO. Mixed with common sense we must implore for Almighty God to help us to use it wisely and courageously as needed especially when it comes to our children. Look yours in the eyes tonight and remember to trust no one and question everything. These are perilous times ladies and gentlemen.
#1 by The Radiation Poisoning of America on August 20, 2013 - 5:29 pm
From: The Radiation Poisoning of America
America must soon face its radiation cataclysm. The EMR Network says that millions of workers occupy worksites on a daily basis where operating antenna arrays are camouflaged [File] file ]and where no RF safety program is carried out. Thanks to shameless predatory advertising techniques, American youth are now literally addicted to “texting,” watching TV and accessing the Internet on tiny wireless screens. These are the toys that keep cell towers and WiFi hot spots buzzing. A nation that requires compulsory mass irradiation to fuel its trivial entertainment needs is surely destined to have a sickly and short-lived population.
Right now, 11.7 million Americans have been diagnosed with cancer. Because humans can harbor cancer conditions for years before detection, additional millions of cancer victims are yet undiagnosed. The Journal of Oncology Practice predicts that, by 2020, there will be so many cancer cases in the U.S. that doctors may not be able to cope with their caseloads. The report concludes the nation could soon face a shortage of up to 4,000 cancers specialists. [38] .
A recent CBS news series on the raging American cancer epidemic left viewers with the mindset that trainloads of federal cash must flow if we are to find the cancer answer. But a proven cancer initiator now inundates our cities, roadways, schools, offices and homes. Any environmental stressor that jackhammers human cells at millions to billions of cycles per second is a cancer factor. Any wave- pollution that breaks the DNA and causes pre-cancerous micronuclei in human blood is a cancer factor. Logic tells us that there will be no “answer to cancer” until we eliminate the cancer factors. .
Wireless communications radiation is to America today what DDT, thalidomide, dioxin, benzene, Agent Orange and asbestos were yesterday. Historically, the truth about the public health menace of extreme toxins is never told until thousands sicken and die. .
Dr. Robert Becker, noted for decades of research on the effects of electromagnetic radiation, has warned: “Even if we survive the chemical and atomic threats to our existence, there is the strong possibility that increasing electropollution could set in motion irreversible changes leading to our extinction before we are even aware of them. All life pulsates in time to the earth and our artificial fields cause abnormal reactions in all organisms. [Public version: The Microwave Syndrome] . These energies are too dangerous to entrust forever to politicians, military leaders and their lapdog researchers.” [39] .
Our mission to save the nation’s health and restore sanity in the wireless age seems daunting. The wireless juggernaut is an aggressive, mean machine. Federal regulators are clearly compromised and incompetent to protect the public health. Uninformed consumers dearly love their magic digital toys and don’t yet understand the connection between those toys and a national raging cancer epidemic that may consume us all. .
Powerful economic interests have lied to us long enough. Americans deserve the facts. We need dialogue. Wireless radiation is a form of electronic trespass. America must decide whose rights are more important”idlers beaming death rays for piddling gibberish or the elderly with pacemakers who are made ill by cell phone and tower radiation wherever they go. Must we all prematurely perish so that wireless enthusiasts can capture cell phone photos and instantly send them for processing via carcinogen express? Must all neighborhoods become sick zones so that radiation addicts can receive recipes, ads and other frivolous text messages on their cell phone toys? Does a human being have the right to NOT be forcibly WiMAXED into a coffin, or do only wireless providers and their devotees have rights?
Source: http://www.next-up.org/pdf/AmyWorthingtonTheRadiationPoisoningOfAmerica17112007.pdf