Archive for category Forced irradiation of school children
Cell towers and wireless microwave emissions
Posted by Joe Imbriano in cell tower dangers, Forced irradiation of school children on October 2, 2014
Wireless radiation exposure to OUR CHILDREN-THE MORAL ISSUE OF OUR TIME-Joe Imbriano Read the rest of this entry »
Cancer shields for cellphones circa 2001
THIS LAUSD TEACHER GOT ONE IN THE FORM OF THIS: Read the rest of this entry »
Cover up at the highest levels and children being taken down to the lowest.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Forced irradiation of school children, Microwave Radiation in Classrooms on September 7, 2014
Lennart Hardell’s science is a game changer and the suppression is planned, global and deeply entrenched. The more we expose it, the better.
Susan D. Foster, MSW _____________________________________________________________________________________________
August 31, 2014
Emily O’Reilly
European Ombudsman
European Commission
RE: SCENIHR Report 2014 and The Suppression of Dr. Lennart Hardell’s Science
Dear Emily O’Reilly:
In July 2014 we received individual letters from Acting Director John Ryan following our deeply and urgently conveyed concerns that scientific misconduct had occurred at SCENIHR under the direct actions of Dr. Joachim Schüz. Dr. Schüz took it upon himself to unilaterally write the epidemiology portion of SCENIHR’s report. Because SCENIHR was entrusted with examining the RF standards for all of Europe, this task and position calls for great integrity and objectivity. We are strongly suggesting both were lacking as Dr. Schüz “cherry-picked” the science that went into SCENIHR’s preliminary and then final report, purposefully and negligently omitting the five 2013 studies of independent epidemiologist Dr. Lennart Hardell of Sweden. Read the rest of this entry »
Robert Pletka, Fullerton School District Superintendant puts another 6000 iPads into Fullerton school children’s laps today
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, Eugenics, Forced irradiation of school children, Microwave Radiation in Classrooms on August 27, 2014
Good evening Fullerton School District parents, this is Superintendent Bob Pletka. I am very pleased to announce that during the coming week, the District will be distributing over 6,000 iPads to all 5th through 8th grade students throughout our District as a part of our 1:1 VIP (Visual Innovation Program). California State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson, will be joining me at Valencia Park School, Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at a press conference to announce the distribution of these iPads.
We are excited that the District’s commitment to including high-level technology that reaches beyond the classroom is becoming a reality. We are also committed to being your first source of information regarding our progress. We expect that this announcement will receive broad local news coverage, and we wanted to keep you apprised. Read the rest of this entry »
Are iPads safe in the laps of school children? Why are women getting BREAST CANCER from keeping cell phones in their bras?
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Forced irradiation of school children, Microwave Radiation in Classrooms on August 27, 2014
Flory, Fitzgerald and Chaffee’s 3-2 vote approving the Richman Park cell Tower
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Forced irradiation of school children on August 26, 2014
I wish it was something to laugh about.
Flory, Fitzgerald and Chaffee’s 3-2 vote approving the Richman Park cell Tower-by Diane Hickey
As in the past, I am following up with the source documents/media references made during my public comments at the August 19, 2014, Fullerton City Council Meeting. The following are links to the assertions made at that meeting:
1) Resonance: Beings of Frequency
“Over the last 25 years:
A number of species, which rely on the earth’s magnetic fields to navigate, have mysteriously gone into decline.
5 species of butterfly have become extinct in Britain
109 species of Arctic migratory birds have declined dramatically in numbers
36 species of Australian shore birds have decreased in numbers by 75%
10% of the world’s butterflies face extinction
45% of a Europe’s common birds have declined in numbers
50% decline in all European grassland butterflies
Bee numbers have dropped by up to 70%
62% of Asia’s migratory water birds declining or extinct
4 species of American bee decreased in numbers by up to 98%
Farmland birds falling by as much as 79%
190 different species of bird face imminent extinction”
2) Letter from the Department of the Interior to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, dated Feb 7, 2014, “regarding the adverse impact of cell tower radiation on wildlife.”
3) Washington Post: Electromagnetic ‘noise’ can confuse migrating songbirds, study says
As time progresses, more information is coming out at an increasing pace in regard to the health detriments of wireless radiation.
As we all know, UC Berkeley is a well-respected education and research institution. You should be interested in the June, 2014, release from UC Berkeley, Center for Family and Community Health,Some Tips For Reducing Your Exposure To Wireless Radiation. Among those tips are:
“Turn off wi-fi on devices being used by kids.”
“ . . . use hardwired networks in schools to provide Internet access.”
Those of you that have children in the Fullerton School District (FSD) should be asking yourselves the question: Why is the FSD wireless classroom practice completely contrary to UC Berkley’s tips on wireless radiation avoidance? Or, why does FSD continue to expose the children to wireless radiation when numerous medical doctors, researchers, and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine have written letters to Los Angeles USD imploring them to use WIRED technology. Berkeley is not the only institution telling the schools to hardwire the classrooms.
The link is here:
Do you recall the testimonies of Drs. Martin Pall and Dr. Paul Dart before a state governmental body, the Oregon State House of Representatives Committee on Health Care? Those testimonies were sent to you a number of weeks ago; did you view them?
It is inconceivable that Mss. Fitzgerald and Flory and Mr. Chaffee voted for a cell tower at Richman Park, where children play, attend school, and reside nearby. Is it only a matter of time before these neighborhoods experience breast cancer rates 23 times higher and brain cancer rates 121 times higher than those not located near the cell tower? These were rates cited from just one study, conducted in Austria (1984-1987), and you were given this information weeks ago.
Council members Fitzgerald, Flory, and Chaffee, will your vote to allow the cell tower have set in motion the health detriments as testified to by Drs. Pall and Dart?
You were provided many resources from which to examine a topic that has a significant impact on the Richman Park community. It has been testified to that cancer and infertility are health outcomes of wireless radiation emissions, how could this vote be anything but hugely significant? Your votes defy reason, logic, and, most of all, human compassion. Certainly, none of you have the credentials to refute the information provided you.
You three council members could have, as did Messrs. Whitaker and Sebourn, cited other non-health issues for a “no” vote.
Only you know your motivations for voting for the cell tower and I can only surmise that those motivations held more significance and value to you than did the impact to the health of the Richman Park community.
Diane Hickey, Co-founder
National Association For Children and Safe Technology
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Forced irradiation of school children, Microwave Radiation in Classrooms on July 15, 2014
Park and Recreation Committee met last night and voted to approve the installation of an AT&T cell tower in Richman Park, a few feet away from the St Jude Medical Clinic and adjacent to the Richman Elementary School.
The final vote was 4 for approval, 1 abstention and 1 rejection. The vote broke down as follows:
Wayne Carvalho, Vice-Chair (appointed by Greg Sebourn) Yes
Erin Haselton (appointed by Jennifer Fitzgerald) Yes
Jesus Silva (appointed by Jan Flory) Yes
Scott Stanford (appointed at-large) Yes
Karen Lang-McNabb (appointed by Doug Chaffee) Abstained
Barry Levinson, Chair (appointed by Bruce Whitaker) No
Ladies and gentleman, it was approved despite the collection of 365 neighborhood citizen signatures telling the city that it does not want the cell tower to be installed. The committee was told that this neighborhood group only learned about this cell tower a week ago and that they were still actively collecting signatures and that more would be forthcoming. All public comments from the citizens, five in all were against the construction of the cell tower. No one from the public was for the cell tower.
It was also approved despite the fact that AT&T has not provided a contract document to the city. At my urging a similar document was provided as an example. We learned that the specifics of the cell tower equipment is not included in any contractual document but handled off line by the Park and Recreation Department.
The standard language in these cell tower contracts was somewhat troubling in a few key areas. For instance, it states under the Section entitled Use, the following: ”The Premises may be used by the Lessee” (that would be cell tower provider), “for any lawful activity in connection with the provision of wireless communications services by the Lessee.” According to the engineering study conducted for AT&T, the cell tower in question is “one percent of the applicable public exposure limit”. So under this standard language contract they could presumably increase the exposure almost 100 times and still be within the “legal” FCC limits according to the study. All this can be done without every being reviewed again by the Parks and Recreation Committee or the Fullerton City Council. I noted last night that this contractual language was not acceptable to me. Apparently, it was acceptable to everyone else as I was the only no vote.
I also asked if the council would be given a copy of the AT&T contract prior to their vote to approve the cell tower. The answer was that it is not provided in their agenda package because it is a standard contract approved many years ago by a former council.
I found all of the above unacceptable as I believe we were voting on an agenda item based on only verbal assurances by AT&T and very little else.
Now ladies and gentleman, I have not even yet raised the part that is most concerning to many others and me. It is the potential health risks that most of the public comment speakers addressed. Joe Imbriano, administrator of even gave the council copies of several recent studies that detail the health risks of cell towers to the surrounding community.
Yet despite all of this, I was the only commissioner who voted against this agenda item. So now it goes before the city council for final approval. Unless all of us go to that meeting (it has not been put on the agenda as of yesterday) I suspect this cell tower will be approved.
Before the vote, I offered an alternative motion that the vote be delayed one month until our next meeting. At that time I recommended that AT&T could provide us with the proposed contract, the neighborhood group could provide the city with its final tally of all those against the project and members of the public could address the committee with a formal presentation of their concerns about the placement of this cell tower. The committee voted down that alternative motion.
I asked the members of the Park and Recreation Department present along with the other five committee members, what is the purpose of reviewing this cell tower proposal, if we do not have a contract and by law (the FCC) we are not to consider the health risks of our children and their parents that have been claimed by dozens if not 100’s of scientific studies throughout the world. Not surprisingly, no one provided me with an answer.
One last but vital point. Director Hugo Curiel reminded us that as a body we couldn’t consider the health effects of cell towers in making our decision to approve or reject the cell tower for Richman Park.
The FCC stands for the Federal Communications Commission. It has federal jurisdiction over interstate communications. Please tell me where such a group has the authority and the expertise to make it illegal to consider the potential negative and serious health effects of cell tower transmissions.
I for one stand tall and stand proud to state unequivocally that the FCC has no right to demand our silence on the issue of cell tower heath risks.
It was just another sad performance by people representing the city of Fullerton. It was sad because every concern, i.e. the lack of a contract, the health concerns and the wishes of many of the neighborhood residents, all ignored by our Parks and Recreation Department and its committee.
Fullerton’s newest cell tower proposed in Richman park. Insert school kids for firemen, insert classrooms, school campuses and parks for fire stations. Stand with us to protect our children.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Forced irradiation of school children on July 15, 2014
This one’s a doozy. It is going to be right next to Richman Elementary School, next to homes, in a park, towering right on top of The St. Jude Heritage Medical Group’s community health center. Get this- The ATT rep told the parks and rec commission that it is ILLEGAL to consider health effects in their decision. What? Is she parroting possible disinformation based on a contorted preemption case out of San Diego? Maybe or maybe not. The San Diego Court ruling on preemption is very dicey. At any rate, the ATT rep agreed to come back in 30 days with a so called “independent expert” to answer any questions regarding health effects and dangers to the public at the request of Parks and Recreation Commission.
So far, it appears that the commission has been bypassed, and it is set to be voted on by the council in July. WHERE IS THE DUE PROCESS AND THE ATT EXPERT COMING OUT AND ANSWERING THE HEALTH CONCERN QUESTIONS?
Well it sure ain’t illegal to simply read and understand the health effects and say NO based on a proprietary business decision. We have enough wireless exposure gang. We don’t need another tower, especially where they want to place this one. Are school kids and neighbors worth three grand a month? They are worth a hell of a lot more than that to me folks. Read the rest of this entry »
That is a great question that will be asked someday soon unless we wake up to what is being done to our children. I IMPLORE all of you to please read this article in its entirety. This is vital information. This may be the most important article that you have ever read in your entire life. Read the rest of this entry »
Dr. Leif Salford on WiFi and wireless: how microwave emissions affect the blood brain barrier.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on June 12, 2014
Are your children the canaries in the coal mine, or rats in a cage with 35 kids in a classroom being forcibly exposed to pulse modulated microwave radiation levels that are trillions of times the normal background levels from multiple industrial strength wireless access points with wireless devices in their laps all day 5 days a week 180 days a year for decades? You can shut the wireless off at home but not at school. Robert Pletka refuses to turn off the wireless systems.
I would listen to this neurosurgeon who has been in practice since 1967 long before any education doctor like the Fullerton School District superintendent Dr. Robert Pletka.
Robert Pletka has gone on record and states that the wireless classrooms are “… totally safe for the children..”
How about Greg Dhuyvetter who while runs all the Catholic Schools in The OC? ALL of his schools are rolling ahead with wireless in spite of the warnings to him.
Does it not appear that he could very well be in love with the technology if not obsessed with it? Or how about this where he uses Jesus’ name in vain to gain bragging rights to the common core? Are you kidding me? . Is this his fantasy?
How about Petaluma school superintendent Steve Bolman who was refused to turn off the wireless systems in his district?
Why does it appear that he is ignoring the Petaluma based website run by a local parent group?
It is a no brainer folks. The stuff needs to be turned OFF and taken out of the laps and hands of our children before it is too late.
Obama’s Connect Ed program, and Wheeler’s FCC are directly involved in what amounts to forcibly irradiating your children at school. This is a non-optional situation for your kids.
“John Krull, the information technology officer for the Oakland public school system, said the need for Wi-Fi upgrades cannot wait another year. “We pretty much need an access point in every classroom,” Mr. Krull said. “Just having a few access points spread around the school doesn’t cut it.”
I guess he hasn’t read this:
I would add that once these access points end up being deployed on the ceilings, their pulse modulated microwave emission equivalents-the wireless tablets and laptops-end up being deployed in their laps with, in this case, the antenna resting right on his zipper.
They will also be deployed near their heads,
or even at home deployed right next to their siblings developing brains.
May God help us ladies and gentlemen, may God help us.
The FCC allows for 100 MILLION more times the microwave exposure than The Austrian Medical Association recommends.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on June 1, 2014
It is truly a tale of two cities. Yes indeed folks, yes indeed and oceans apart. The Fullerton School District’s Board of Trustees, administrators, principals, teachers, staff and even most of the PTA groups and Foundations are all aware of what we are attempting to stop which is what we believe to be the extremely dangerous forced irradiation of our school children with pulse modulated high frequency microwave emissions to run these totally unnecessary wireless classrooms. My son, who is not using a microwave transmitter at this time as participation is OPTIONAL if you were not aware, tells me it seems like game day every day. All this just so the kids can play games on their Ipads? He finishes with pencil and paper far ahead of his classmates on problems and assignments. He said the other kids get to play games on their Ipads often and everyday. That is certainly what is going on at the Morningside afterschool day care since WiFi was installed recently as well at the behest of the parents ostensibly so the children can do their homework on the Ipads. Ask the staff. It is game day everyday over there now thanks to Mr. Pletka. His agenda has spilled over into the infant care centers now.
Well there was a time when my wife and I would walk in to the day care facility and see all the kids at the tables with their pencils in hand and their noses in their books doing their homework. Well at least the director has partially followed my advice by shutting off the WiFi until the kids get there in the afternoon sparing the infants, preschoolers and the kindergarten late birds the needless and dangerous RF exposure. Oh I forgot, it is all about the common core. You know even as of today, 6 months into this thing, still not one single solitary servile FSD employee has had the courage or decency to break rank and stand up for these kids. It is amazing what a paltry paycheck and a few bucks will do to peoples’ consciences. Ignoring thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies that show harmful effects and sicking an unqualified attack dog on us to obfuscate the issue is not what the children deserve.
So what gives with the folks across the Atlantic deeming 100 MILLION times less microwave radiation exposure as being the upper limit on safe exposure? What do they know that we don’t? Why are their Autism rates one third of the US? How could there be a 100,000,000 variation? THAT IS TOTALLY INSANE.
It can only amount to one of several possibilities. The first is that they know something that we don’t. It is also possible that our government knows something that they know but don’t want us to know, or lastly no one knows anything and they pulled the 10 to 8th power odds off of the back of a powerball ticket. Somewhere in the middle is the Bio Initiative report that the wireless industry and the academia bobble heads pick apart with their RF industry sharpened Pinocchio schnozes. Those folks are a bit more liberal than those from that far land across the sea at the center of culture and wealth at a recommendation of 30,000 times less exposure. Who are these folks? They are scientists. Who are folks at the Austrian Medical Association? They are doctors who happen to live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Who are the folks at the FCC? Well it is simply a regulatory agency. It is not a public health agency. They don’t have one single medical doctor on its entire payroll. So what do they give us? They give us EXPOSURE GUIDELINES 100 million times higher than the Austrians and to add insult to injury, they get themselves off the hook because the guidelines are NOT SAFETY STANDARDS.
How can something so important, be given to chance? How do we have people with Ed.D’s who demand to be called docktahs, people with MBA’s, and risk managers looking the other way while these disparities are glaring them in the face with me at the microphone every two weeks and me passing out fliers in the parking lots every chance they provide me a captive audience making crucial health decisions for 15,000 school children. These folks have appeared to demonstrate that they themselves don’t even understand these numbers by allowing the THE FSD’s RF report and press release to stand with what I believe to be preposterous readings and false and misleading statements of total safety. They just follow orders. If it is legal and the order comes down, they simply flip the switch. We are not getting what we pay for but we are certainly getting what we deserve if no one dares to speak up for these kids.
I firmly believe that these wildly varying numbers clearly show that the meaning of the FSD’s very own superintendent Robert Pletka’s claim that this is “totally safe for the children” is merely based on what I believe to be his extremely limited understanding of the issue, and a mere subjective interpretation of the facts. Ladies and gentlemen, that is simply a chance that none of us should be willing to take with our most valuable assets who happen to be our own children.
Barry Levinson on Fullerton’s fuzzy pension math.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on May 30, 2014
A Friday blast from the past that has even more relevance today with the taxpayers even further behind the eight ball several years later. The last council meeting offered the potential for the city to get behind openness and transparency in municipal labor negotiations. What happened?
Look gang, all balloons pop. The question on this one is who is gonna be around to see it, hear it, feel it,face it and worst of all, pay for it. Looks like the joke’s on you and your kids and the establishment hacks have the taxpayers roped and this particular one fit to be tied. Buddy boy Blankhead didn’t look to happy as it may have been way past his bedtime. He can sleep all he wants now that he can really stretch it out. So what is so wrong with a concerned citizen taking some of his own valuable time and expending a lot of his effort pointing out that the sky is really falling?
Have things only gotten worse under the Flurry, the Ritzgerald (is she a RHINO?), and the dog and pony show Chaffee controlled council? Has the hole for the taxpayers gotten deeper? What about C.O.I.N? Will the Tommy’s truck be back on Tuesday nights? Great questions. Shall I elaborate on what our gracious leaders have chosen to bequeath us and our children with through the leaded, smoked looking glass?
Stay tuned.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on May 21, 2014
In 2014, a conspiracy theory is nothing more than imbecilic vernacular for an inconvenient truth. This is the reader’s digest version of what I believe this is all about. Yup, these control freaks in academia and media tell us that we humans are trashing the planet while the air has never been cleaner, that geo-engineering/chemtrail induced drought and extreme weather , ehhm, I mean climate change is upon us, there is not enough land in the hands of the BLM (the 640 million acres off limits to development in the US alone) ehhm, I mean there is not enough land left in the compact cities, and that the sky is falling because the plant food levels, ehhm I mean the Co2 levels are way too high. Almost every tree for a 100 miles in any direction in the So Cal garden of Eden climate that are planted by virtually every Read the rest of this entry »
The faces of forced irradiation in the FSD: Pletka’s all star cast.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on May 19, 2014
Everyone that you will see in this video knows about the two sides of this issue. There are many other key players in this saga who are not in this 7 minute damage control piece. Ladies and gentlemen. We all make choices and the choices we make will have to be lived with for the rest of our God given lives. I have no problem with technology. This message was produced and delivered via a hardwired desktop computer. The problem that I have is with the wireless radiation that the district has chosen to spray from wireless access points into the classrooms to bridge the gap from the fiber optic cables in the walls to the students devices. I am not alone. It is the position of many scientific experts in the fields of neurology, physics, biochemistry, engineering, public health, environmental medicine and mainstream medicine that wireless microwave radiation DOES NOT BELONG IN A
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Hilda Sugarman’s dystopic vision of wireless iPads: Every single child will have one 24/7
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on April 16, 2014
The dangers of microwave radiation have been known for decades. The dangers of the wrong people in positions of authority have been known for millenia.
Wireless dangers have been thoroughly presented to the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees for the better part of over a year now.
There are well over 20,000 research papers written on the effects of RF/EMF radiation according to John Osepchuck, PhD the chair of IEEE/ASTM and the the biological effects have been known since the 1920s.
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