Casting pearls before swine: Another night as Joe Imbriano and Barry Levinson address the corrupt Fullerton City Council



  1. #1 by Overpopulated on June 25, 2017 - 3:45 am

    I think it is hilarious that everyone laughs Joe off even though he is right about everything. I disagree that what is happening is wrong as I believe it is of absolute necessity. You have to look at the graphs on population forecasts. The planet cannot support the amount we already have. Forget where we are headed. Most people should never have children. Leaders must act swiftly and do something about this problem. We cannot afford to ignore this population disaster. If one is simply educated enough to realize that the planet’s carrying capacity was reached back in the 1970’s, then you would all agree with the course of action that has been taken by world leaders. Their policies are translated to and enforced at the local level.

    Children need to be sterilized while most adults are already being killed off by their own lifestyle choices. Isn’t it fitting that what I like to call the immoral useless eaters mock the people trying to save them? I can think of no greater plan spanning history that has ever been more brilliantly accomplished. Euthanizing has become socially acceptable via the technology addiction and the love affair with modern medicine and its critics are tarred and feathered by the very ones who are the intended victims.

    • #2 by Anonymous on June 25, 2017 - 5:54 pm

      Fuck you.

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