Casting pearls before swine: Another night as Joe Imbriano and Barry Levinson address the corrupt Fullerton City Council



  1. #1 by Anonymous on June 24, 2017 - 2:38 pm

    With all of your conspiracy theories and you saying that the police department along with the city council are corrupt I’m surprised Trump didn’t hire you for one of his cabinet positions.

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on June 24, 2017 - 4:00 pm

      Let’s stay focused now. Turn off yourABC, NPR, CNN and Fox news for a few minutes. So what part of what we discussed is a conspiracy theory?

    • #3 by Anonymous on June 25, 2017 - 12:13 am

      Your a walking conspiracy theory. Were you there the night of the drunk as a skunk non-arrest? No, so you really have no clue. To call our police department corrupt is a disgrace, and disrespectful. Everyday they put their life’s on the line for us. They don’t have to, but they do. And you repay the favor by saying they are corrupt. Corrupt. Your favorite word. You say our local officials don’t follow the laws, so why don’t you? You and your kid run stop signs on north Lincoln and harmony. And, is that big wing on the back of your kids car for aerodynamics? So, he can speed down my street even faster.

    • #4 by 460.2750 go to blue on June 25, 2017 - 6:02 pm

      Stop sign-infraction, DUI, Hit and Run-misdemeanor. Obstruction of Justice-criminal matter and potential felony. Answer Joe’s question. So what part of what Joe and Barry discussed is a conspiracy theory?

    • #5 by Fullerton - The Most Corrupt City in California on June 25, 2017 - 10:37 pm

      This is what we do know from Dan Hughes himself.

      Joe Felz was drunk. He acknowledged that at least one of the officers on the scene noticed that Felz reeked of booze.

      From the neighbor we know that Felz was gunning the gas pedal to get away and he finally succeeded before the FPD pulled him over.

      We also know from Dan Hughes that after all that, the FPD wasted their manpower and a vehicle to drive Felz home.

      The only thing we do not know Anonymous is whether the officer tucked him in or not.

    • #6 by Anonymous on June 25, 2017 - 2:50 pm

      Everything is a conspiracy.Imbriano is an alien.

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