California Nurses for Ethical Standard’s President Urges ” NO” on SB 277

  1. #1 by barbara manson on March 21, 2015 - 10:25 pm

    you have the right not to immunize your children however, as a nurse,I have seen more children die and suffer from not being vaccinated than the opposite. Why should my child be subjected to a disease because you refuse to use the remedy? The reason for the vaccines is because there were 1000’s of children who died. One example I refused to give a child a childhood vaccine without whooping cough. Found another nurse who would. Then I moved to Hawaii where 10,000 children came down with it. Have you seen a child with whooping cough? It is horrible and I certainly do not want anyone I know to come down with it. When these dreaded diseases have a come back it will be sad. I do not think the vaccines should be mandatory but what do I do to protect my child who has them and goes to school with those who dont. My child is at risk and that is not right.


    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on March 22, 2015 - 4:01 pm

      Barbara, sanitation, the miraculous logistics of food distribution, heating, water treatment, and hygiene have done more than vaccines ever will. In most countries the syringes precede the water filters. Want to stop out disease in the third world? Drop gravity filters out of helicopters for the people instead of airlifting in doctors and nurses that have no idea what they are actually injecting into the kids. You see in those countries the food industry isn’t killing everyone like here. Sanitation is key over there. Here it is almost irrelevant because its benefits are totally being eclipsed by the mass poisoning with the BPA, phthalates, toxic fake food, wireless exposure that is off the charts, poison blood from the pediatric pin cushion party before age 5, the high fructose corn syrup aspartame, the over the counter drug disaster, the poison sucralose, acesulfame potassium laced bone dissolving beverages, the trans fats, the sorbates, the halide toxicity, the GMO’s, the drugs, the pills, the booze and the sedentary lifestyle under the fluorescents in front of the 500 channel blue glow idiot box.

      What do you do to protect your children? Well of course, breastfeed, eat well and feed you children properly. The immune system is amazing. Vaccines work the immune system to death and poison the blood. Do what I did with my four kids. Take responsibility for their health and well being. People eat total crap, drink pure garbage and rely on petrochemical poison drugs and laced shots to ostensibly protect them? Really bizarre and in my opinion plain stupid. 16 years, 4 kids, not even an earache and not an ounce of antibiotics ever made it into the household. He who the Son sets free is free indeed Barbara. Life is all about choices.

      Maybe the immunocompromised shouldn’t be in a public school setting with 35 kids with the door closed with an ipad in their laps all the time, hanging out at Disneyland and maybe just maybe we ought to close the border just a tad. No instead we clamp down on those who for the most part know what they are doing and are choosing what they have a right to do, that is to refuse dangerous injections.

      People that eat crap, booze it up, pig out and feed their kids likewise can take all the shots and pills they want. No one is ever going to inject this crap into my kids ever. Are sterilants and cancer viruses are in the shots? They have been in the past.

      They want the numbers way down. The moat around the castle doesn’t work anymore when you have 7 billion people that are about to figure out what is being done to them. Watch this video and after 2 hours let me know if you still think it is a good idea to give government 100% carte blanche access to all of our bloodstreams becaue after all, sb 277 will force adults to get injected to-with unlimited shots.

    • #3 by Anonymous on March 23, 2015 - 2:50 pm

      Way to go Mrs. Zonya Townsend and many thanks to Mr. Imbriano who has stayed the course against the establishment who are either too stupid or too afraid to do anything about this. I cannot believe we are even having this debate in the United States of America,

    • #4 by Redpill1 on March 23, 2015 - 8:50 pm

      “I have seen more children die and suffer from not being vaccinated than the opposite.”
      The CDC’s own National Vitals Statics Reports do not support your claim, This is just fear mongering hype.

      “Why should my child be subjected to a disease because you refuse to use the remedy?”
      Have you studied viral vaccine shedding?
      Measles Transmitted By The Vaccinated, Gov. Researchers Confirm: http://www.greenmedinfo (dot) com/blog/measles-transmitted-vaccinated-gov-researchers-confirm

      Why should another parent set their child on fire just to keep yours warm?

    • #5 by Reena on May 6, 2015 - 5:36 pm

      “In a study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases, researchers reviewed data on every patient who tested positive for pertussis between March and October 2010 at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California.5 Out of these 132 patients:
      81 percent were fully up to date on the whooping cough vaccine
      8 percent had never been vaccinated
      11 percent had received at least one shot, but not the entire recommended series…”


    • #6 by Joe Imbriano on May 8, 2015 - 12:20 am

      Thank you for that Reena. What appears to be proof of the failed efficacy of the whooping cough vaccine, which some opponents of SB 277 tout as a good thing, is really going to result in the DTap vaccine being mandated for multiple doses in junior high students. This is the smoking gun of the sterilization agenda. You need multiple doses (at least 5) of the beta HCG laced tetanus shot to sterilize the junior high girls. Folks keep your eye on the ball.

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