Victory for parental rights in Fullerton
In the second landmark decision on SB 277 as a result of this groups actions and efforts,
in the interest of sane policy the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees, in a unanimous vote, passed a resolution that will require the state legislature to consider extending the personal beliefs exemption filing date to July 1, 2016. Yes folks, the FSD Trustees took the first step right behind the Orange County Board of education pushing back this law in the entire State of California. This is the second body to have done this in Orange County. Precedent has been set and other districts will now follow if you all will take the lead and follow on this one. The conversation in Sacramento must now be on parental rights do matter and parents need more time.
This is a horrible and totally unnecessary law, that in my opinion, was drafted and drawn up and rammed through the legislature with the most lies and ethics violations in California history.
Parents need time to understand what is on the line, legislators need to time right some of the wrong they have rushed into, school districts need time to properly inform parents of their rights, and district staff needs time to understand their crucial role in carrying out their duties as public servants through full disclosure balancing the interests of public health and parental rights. Make no bones about it, this is ALL ABOUT BALANCING PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. The measles outbreak involved NO SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN. THE PRETEXT FOR THIS LAW WAS A FRAUD, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
Special thanks to Lisa Heyrend, and the entire team including Julie Stockstill, Susan Born, Shanda Lobatos , and Dora Ramirez who have for months worked tirelessly with FSD Board president Chris Thompson. This is the same group that took on the Orange County Board of Education last month and had The Orange County Board of Education pass the first resolution of its kind in The Entire State of California.
Special thanks to FSD Trustee President Chris Thompson, who broke ground with his courageous stance last summer
and the elected representatives that acted in the interests of all involved. The power of the individual determined to benefit others is key in this fight for our children. We are all in this together but we must never lose sight of the unique power of the ingenuity of the individual. No man or woman is an island so long as we hold fast to the common goal. With so much on the line with this bad law, effectiveness is non optional behavior at this point. The fact remains that law has no teeth, and school boards will want to do the right thing. It is now getting easier for them to do just that and the way to do so have been paved and set before them by this groups efforts.
The battle is long and hard but it will be won one step at a time with steps just like this and with the valiant selfless efforts of people like Lisa and all of you. Think outside the box and you will be amazed at the results. We still have a long way to go but now there will more than likely be another 6 months to awaken parents to the dangers of vaccines, open the door for tens of thousands of children to take advantage of The PBE, educate them on how to navigate the process of exemptions and force school districts to do what they have not been doing for a very long time: informing parents of the existence of an immunization waiver, and letting parents know that the school nurse can sign it in the school office.
I can assure you that this is just the beginning.
#1 by Alma Anderson on January 13, 2016 - 2:55 pm
am I dreaming?
Thank you for all your effort! Love it. Thank you, thank you!!!!!!I have a big smile in my face right now!! =)