The battle is not over regarding this property. The Register article only shows that this article that blew the lid off of this dirty deal has swayed the owners into perhaps doing what is right for the community instead of ruining Raymond Hills.
Build it and they will come ladies and gentlemen and believe they will come. Low income housing is headed to Raymond Hills. Mayor Fitzgerald says development plans don’t exist for this location but yet a public hearing regarding rezoning this location to do just that made the paper.
Sources to the Fullerton Informer indicate that the new owner of the property on Chapman and Raymond may have prevailed against the current tenants in vacating their leases and the property is eventually slated to become a massive high rise development with a major component of low income housing. Welcome your new neighbors with open arms ladies and gentlemen and there will be lots of them. Here is a slide from last night’s planning commission hearing and you will notice the big pinkish rectangle on the right. Patti’s cakes and Polly’s are toast folks.
For years this center’s occupants were not allowed to expand their businesses, potential new additional tenants were turned away and all while this place was intentionally run into the ground for the moment that they are still waiting for. Last night the planning commission unveiled that moment again after it was delayed two years ago by the pressure we applied to the city council who was meeting in the library room with no live coverage.-
We were out in front of this mess years ago and they are trying to resurrect this scam again. Watch Jennifer Fitzgerald tell us no plans exist as plans exist, as she calls me a liar and insults all your intelligence with the zoning change map right in front of your eyes.
Yet when asked to remove this location from the Revised DCCSP, she doubles down.
Yes the plans to rezone the property are already written, you are looking at them in the photo above, the tenants are already being run out and the goal will be high density section 8 housing.
Nelson operatives Fitzgerald and her running mate phony conservative Larry Bennett that ran the anti recall campaign a few years back and was on the police union ticket last time around is in on this scam too. Watch as he is called on out his involvement. After all he is on the planning commission and is pro development.
All this is carefully being laid out behind your backs and will go down quickly if the planning commission and council approves the biggest sellout to the developers in Fullerton’s history that our city manager Joe Felz is trying to repackage, THE DCCSP. What you see below will be encompassing 1000’s of acres of Fullerton.

The Harbor Gateway-80 units per acre-this is what is coming to Polly’s and a neighborhood near you.
The site at the corner of Chapman and Raymond will could bring up to 500 more housing units which would bring in 50 million in developer fees to the city. That is what is at work here. Here are those who are at work here.
The entire property will be packem’ and stackem’ high rise high density housing just the way the at large appointee that the Vice President of Curt Pringle and associates Jennifer Fitzgerald

Fullerton’s queen of conflict of interest-Hands out raises to police and fire like lolipops on Halloween
moved to appoint, the S.C.A.G. operative on the Fullerton Planning Commission Ms. May an Johnson
In case you don’t know, these two don’t work for us, they work for the developers and the social engineers and boy do they have plans to transform the entire city into Agenda 21 stackem’ and packem’ high rise housing. We just dodged the College Town deal recently and now they are resurrecting the huge DCCSP plan.
You see the city is out of money because of all of the establishment cronies that have bled us dry for decades with their lavish salaries, pensions,car allowances, medical, dental, vision plans and perks while hiding behind a thin political veneer comprised of a bizarre combination of liberal populism hybridized with phony conservatism that has put the residents to sleep while leaving the city’s infrastructure (roads, sewers, parks, public restrooms) and finances in utter ruin. Folks the trusted names in Fullerton politics have been screwing you all over for decades. Stop going along with them and being their sycophants.
Recently reality didn’t stop the city council from going millions into the red for Police and Fire raises and benefit increases. They have done this because they want their endorsements for the upcoming election and they anticipate getting upwards of 12-15 thousand dollars per unit developed to pay for the out of control city hall gravy train while they put you to work on Love Fullerton day washing police cars, cleaning up school buildings, government buildings and parks that our tax money was supposed to pay for and then putting you to sleep with firework shows, parades, and backpack giveaways. See how they play this game? You sit back and vote for these people that are endorsed by the police and fire unions, you think you are supporting a strong community when in fact, the greed of these factions is sucking the taxpayers dry with selling Fullerton off to development behind your backs as the only way out. I could go on and on. This website documents years of this train of abuses and the inaction and complicity of those who you would never think have a hand in this.
Here is Barry Levinson last night calling attention to huge problems with this proposal.
The only way out of this mess is to vote them out in November. Jennifer Fitzgerald and Jan Flory need to go. I have a vested interest in what is best for our community and I am not popular with the establishment sycophants that want to ruin Fullerton for that very reason.
You can watch Ms. Shanfiel- the chair of the planning commission explain what happened in 2014. This got the ball rolling on the DCCSP mess and the planning commissioners from 2014 appear to be totally incompetent or corrupt.
She admits in no uncertain terms they were given misinformation and a non existent time constraint. You could say they were lied to. It sure appears that way to me. Clink the video below and 10 seconds in, you will not believe what you will hear.
You can watch how the city staff that tried to ram the biggest threat to our quality of life in Fullerton’s history through in 2014. They are either corrupt or incompetent when what they fed this load to the planning commission to get them to vote to pass the DCCSP which was clearly based on inaccurate information 2 years ago. Looks like they voted to pass the biggest threat to Fullerton’s future without even vetting it, understanding it, and under what appears to be a series of misrepresentations and duress. Read that rubber stamp hacks-listen to this-
And just to remind all of you in the audience on 4-13-16, Kathleen Shanfeild said “…… I wish we would have had more time when we talked about this before…. “
I urge you all to take a hard look at what you take for granted right now because it is in jeopardy. We need real leaders, not phonies and ignorant rubber stamp hacks that will allow Fullerton to be sold out to the highest bidder and hoodwink you with dog and pony shows just to get elected like we have now. The plans in the works could add 100,000 more people to Fullerton in the next ten years almost doubling the population as we already struggle to maneuver our cars in traffic in a park poor city with busted up roads and water mains. Enough is enough.
Stay vigilant Fullerton.
I stand up for the residents even when no one is looking folks. Last night was no exception.
#1 by Anotherview on April 20, 2016 - 7:17 am
Last night at City Council, Fitzgerald and Felz clarified and confirmed that there is NO Section 8 (or any other high density project) planned or in the works for the ‘beloved’ Polly’s Pies. An application has to be submitted (and accepted) and there has been no such thing. Polly’s Pies isn’t going anywhere. A lot of hot air spent on something that was never true, just another misconception by this editor. Bye, bye…
#2 by Anonymous on April 20, 2016 - 8:20 am
Joe couldn’t possibly be wrong about anything! He is incapable of wrongdoing or misunderstanding things, being so smart and driven!
#3 by Reality Is..... on April 20, 2016 - 10:05 am
Not true. Joe is very smart. He understands everything. He is just very stubborn and has a very strict, preset agenda that he runs with. If you aren’t in line with that agenda, you will get the wrath of Joe and you will feel it in a big way and quickly.
#4 by Joe Imbriano on April 20, 2016 - 10:07 am
The only agenda I have is one of putting the health, safety, quality of life and interests of the residents in front of everything. That is it.
#5 by Reality Is..... on April 20, 2016 - 10:11 am
But you support having the lowest paid teachers, police, and fire department in the country? And you think by paying them the lowest wages and benefits, you will bring in the best, most educated, and most skilled and retain them for long periods right?
#6 by Joe Imbriano on April 20, 2016 - 10:36 am
I support what is sustainable. That is what I support. It does no good to have a first class ticket when the ship will sink and take everyone from steerage to the bridge down with it. You know this not sustainable.
#7 by Reality Is..... on April 20, 2016 - 10:43 am
I’ve heard the pensions aren’t sustainable for over 20 years. The pay and benefits are easily sustainable and mandatory that they are competitive to keep competent, trained, educated workers. I don’t want $15 an hour cops, firemen, and teachers. No thanks. I think the PERS retirement program will always be questioned and will end up being fine in the long run. Time will tell.
#8 by Fullerton Lover on August 10, 2016 - 11:46 pm
I’d like for you to show me just one other city, besides Fullerton, that has to devote almost 75% of their tax revenues every year to sustain their police and fire departments.
#9 by Joe Imbriano on April 20, 2016 - 9:12 am
Like I said last night, it is all semantics, a word game, a play on words to the uninformed, unsuspecting and to the pleasure of the city hall sycophants and lackeys who cannnot see the forest for the trees. Currently, there is no “PROPOSAL BEFORE THE COUNCIL”
Two words of importance here deviously employed by our mayor and city manager. First the word “CURRENTLY” and secondly “PROPOSAL”.
As soon as the planning commission approves the repackaged version of the DCCSP the word “currently” will become operative.
As soon as the planning commission approves the repackaged version of the DCCSP the word “proposal” will become operative.
There are plans already drawn up winding their way through the channels to rezone and develop that property. The new owner had a judge vacate Polly’s lease. Of course retail will remain there.
The question is in what form. According to Jennifer Fitzgerald we can expect one of two things.
We can either expect the investor who bought the property with the intent to run it into the ground on possibly a handshake deal with rezoning to high density residential promised behind closed doors could be stuck with an overpriced abandoned commercial property where the only tenants will be the rats, seagulls, pigeons and the homeless squatters in their motor homes and the cell tower company paying 1500 a month to irradiate the adjacent residents.
The other scenario will be that if they can bamboozle the residents, the planning commission and the council, which is now impossible due to Fitzgerald’s promise entered into the public record last night, the center will remain retail but the retail center will simply be on the first floor buried underneath ten story buildings full of section 8 residential quota compliance. Either way, the crony capitalist deal that was penned in invisible ink is going the way of the typewriter folks and Amen to that.
This is what is waiting to get rammed through the planning commission and then to Fitzpringle’s lap for approval. Note the corner of Chapman and Raymond.
Of course according to our mayor Jennifer Fitzpringle, this doesn’t exist.
#10 by Sloppy Joe on April 20, 2016 - 9:44 am
Or, the myth of Section 8 housing was a lie from the start.
Maybe that’s why it’ll never come true.
You’re good, Joe. It’s not easy to become a prophet who specializes in predictions that never come true.
#11 by Reality Is..... on April 20, 2016 - 9:46 am
What do you think the residents in that area want for that location?
Do you think they want a long term vacant industrial building that is frequented by transients, drug addicts, and thieves?
Or if industrial can’t survive, as shown overall, would they rather have a nice mix of affordable and other housing that would bring in nice neighbors to keep their community safe?
Maybe ask them. You might be surprised.
#12 by Joe Imbriano on April 20, 2016 - 9:54 am
I live in the area and have had many conversations with the residents. We want a retail center with a well lit parking lot. The new owner is a slumlord. He needs to be cited.
#13 by Reality Is..... on April 20, 2016 - 10:03 am
LOL sounds so simple huh? Why don’t you just offer the slumlord several million and make it a so called retail center with a well lit parking lot? If only making an old industrial location thrive was so simple these days.
#14 by Joe Imbriano on April 20, 2016 - 10:06 am
The landlord refused to allow the current tenants to expand or allow another grocery store to come in. Looks like he is stuck cleaning up bird dropping and trash for the time being.
#15 by Reality Is..... on April 20, 2016 - 10:16 am
I’m wondering which part of your statement here is actually true and what is actually your opinion. I can understand not expanding and not upgrading and putting millions into your property if you can’t get a large chain store to come in and support the area. You sure it’s not that there are no large scale chain stores that want to come into that specific area? Or do you have information that several did want to come in and put millions into the store, and that was refused and ignored by the owner? I’ve seen numerous older retail areas change over the years once they failed over and over to get or keep large scale chain stores. I’ve seen many get plowed down and new industrial goes in or they just put houses in the area. I’m just wondering which chain stores offered to come here and were denied by the current owner.
#16 by resident raymond hills on April 28, 2016 - 10:23 pm
What do the residents in that area want ??? They DON”T want to be surprised by obscene Strip Clubs opening which have been approved by the planning commission. All trust with the residents has been broken.