This statement comes from ED CARRASCO. You can’t make this stuff up.
Well in his spare time, he has made a point of taking on the US Constitution and insulting tens of thousands of those that lay their lives on the line to defend it. Yes when citizens brought up the lawless sancutary city that Fullerton has become because of our lawless city council,
Open borders sanctuary city Ed Carrasco bit back. Ed Carrasco wasted no time in trashing the thousands of good men, women and children of Los Alamitos. Los Alamitos is a very nice, safe, clean, wholesome and tight knit community made up of 15,000 people who proudly serve their Country, raise their families, run sucessful businesses, pay their fair share of taxes, fundraise for charities, attend services on Sunday and believe that the law of the land means what it says.
Ed Carrasco stated that “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
This racist response was sent to me from a reader. It was Ed Carrasco’s response an article posted in a Fullerton Facebook group related to what we did Tuesday night at the city council meeting. Yes we opposed the Sanctuary state policy and want Fullerton to uphold the US Constitution.
“I’m not driven by avenging my dead family, Morty. I’m driven by finding that McNugget sauce.”
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
Ed Carrasco
Member of The Changes we need in Fullerton since June 23, 2016
Ed Carrasco commented on John Atkinson‘s post:“Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
the flightline as the body of Sgt. Thomas MacPherson was brought home during a Hero Mission ceremony at the Joint Forces Training Base in Los Alamitos.
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
Soldiers of the California National Guard’s 640th Aviation Support Battalion make their way to family
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
1 Los Alamitos, CA – U.S. Army National Guard Pvt. 1st Class Kane Coronado of the 756th Transportation Company in Lancaster, California, secures pallets of food onto a palletized loading system Dec. 7, 2017, at Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos, California. The base is being used as a multiagency staging area in support of wildfire response efforts in Southern California as fires continue to burn in the region.
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
Ed, Los Alamitos is mostly white, but what does that have to do with anything? Are you a racist? Los Alamitos is certainly not irrelevant, and it is not where decency goes to die.
Pick up a copy of this and read it. Racism and lawlessness appear nowhere in this document, only in the minds of the racist and the lawless.
Well Bruce Whitaker’s Council show is getting old, very old. Here is what transpired at the last Fullerton City Council meeting. A few of my friends, Zonya Townsend, Gary Gileno and Joe Imbriano spoke about California SB 54, called the California Values Act. (See below for a transcript of the law.)
Yes a law that defies the US Constitution by making California a sanctuary state is a value for our Socialistic and Communistic leaders in Sacramento. Well our founding fathers never in their wildest imaginations every thought that a state legislature and Governor would interpret our representative democracy to be written for preferential treatment for illegal immigrants over the citizens of these United States.
Well my friends told them that all they had to do was to use the already written Los Alamitos ordinance and substitute the words City of Fullerton. Yet all but one of our useless council members did not even respond to their demands for them to uphold the very oath of office each and every one swore to uphold.
Then it came time for Bruce Whitaker to speak and it was vintage phony, insincere Whitaker at his best or should I say worst. For he rambled on about the merits of a law such as the one just passed in the City of Los Alamitos but before the echo of his words had dissipated, he continued to state that it might be worth it for Fullerton to do something even if it was symbolic. What! We are talking about an ordinance not symbolism Bruce.
Bruce Whitaker
So with a few words he seems to be supporting the Los Alamitos action but then concludes that maybe we can do something symbolic, which means with no teeth, no authority, i.e. something worthless. Yes this again shows just how worthless Bruce Whitaker is as a Fullerton Council member and how worthless he would be God forbid as our State Senator. He obviously felt compelled to throw his dwindling number of supporters a bone that he would actually do something constructive to support our US Constitution but ends up saying and doing nothing of real substance. This is not the first time Whitaker has taken a position only to let it die on the vine without demanding that an agenda item be brought forward to fix the problem.
For if Whitaker was not playing word games with his constituents, he could have and should have called for the council to place a very similar or the same measure as just passed in Los Alamitos on our next agenda for the council to hopefully approve in early April. But since Whitaker is all talk and absolutely no action, he failed to do anything of the sort. He continues to just suck oxygen out of our City Council chambers, without leaving a trace of change in Fullerton for posterity. That is another prime example of his phony empty rhetoric.
This is the legacy of Council member Bruce Whitaker as follows:
Bruce Whitaker was a Fullerton City Council member from 2010 to 20XX. He voted for and helped to bring Safe and Sane Fireworks to Fullerton once every Fourth of July weekend in 2012. To paraphrase a famous songs lyric: Is that all there is Council member Bruce Whitaker? Is that all there is?
In conclusion Council member Bruce Whitaker, no one buys your phony act anymore Bruce, no one! You continue to keep your string alive by not accomplishing anything of substance for the good people of Fullerton even though you have represented us for almost 8 years with a Republican majority, with either 60% or 80% of the council the entire time. That Fullertonians may possibly be a Guinness World Record to be in office 8 years and do absolutely nothing of substance for his supporters. And based on that empty record, he wants to be promoted to Sacramento. What a guy! What a phony politician!
Senate Bill No. 54
An act to amend Sections 7282 and 7282.5 of, and to add Chapter 17.25 (commencing with Section 7284) to Division 7 of Title 1 of, the Government Code, and to repeal Section 11369 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to law enforcement.
[ Approved by Governor October 05, 2017. Filed with Secretary of State October 05, 2017. ]
SB 54, De León. Law enforcement: sharing data.
Existing law provides that when there is reason to believe that a person arrested for a violation of specified controlled substance provisions may not be a citizen of the United States, the arresting agency shall notify the appropriate agency of the United States having charge of deportation matters.
This bill would repeal those provisions.
Existing law provides that whenever an individual who is a victim of or witness to a hate crime, or who otherwise can give evidence in a hate crime investigation, is not charged with or convicted of committing any crime under state law, a peace officer may not detain the individual exclusively for any actual or suspected immigration violation or report or turn the individual over to federal immigration authorities.
This bill would, among other things and subject to exceptions, prohibit state and local law enforcement agencies, including school police and security departments, from using money or personnel to investigate, interrogate, detain, detect, or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes, as specified, and would, subject to exceptions, proscribe other activities or conduct in connection with immigration enforcement by law enforcement agencies. The bill would apply those provisions to the circumstances in which a law enforcement official has discretion to cooperate with immigration authorities. The bill would require, by October 1, 2018, the Attorney General, in consultation with the appropriate stakeholders, to publish model policies limiting assistance with immigration enforcement to the fullest extent possible for use by public schools, public libraries, health facilities operated by the state or a political subdivision of the state, and courthouses, among others. The bill would require, among others, all public schools, health facilities operated by the state or a political subdivision of the state, and courthouses to implement the model policy, or an equivalent policy. The bill would state that, among others, all other organizations and entities that provide services related to physical or mental health and wellness, education, or access to justice, including the University of California, are encouraged to adopt the model policy. The bill would require that a law enforcement agency that chooses to participate in a joint law enforcement task force, as defined, submit a report annually pertaining to task force operations to the Department of Justice, as specified. The bill would require the Attorney General, by March 1, 2019, and annually thereafter, to report on the types and frequency of joint law enforcement task forces, and other information, as specified, and to post those reports on the Attorney General’s Internet Web site. The bill would require law enforcement agencies to report to the department annually regarding transfers of persons to immigration authorities. The bill would require the Attorney General to publish guidance, audit criteria, and training recommendations regarding state and local law enforcement databases, for purposes of limiting the availability of information for immigration enforcement, as specified. The bill would require the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to provide a specified written consent form in advance of any interview between a person in department custody and the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement regarding civil immigration violations.
This bill would state findings and declarations of the Legislature relating to these provisions.
By imposing additional duties on public schools and local law enforcement agencies, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to the statutory provisions noted above.
Vote: majority Appropriation: no Fiscal Committee: yes Local Program: yes
Section 7282 of the Government Code is amended to read:
For purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings:
(a) “Conviction” shall have the same meaning as subdivision (d) of Section 667 of the Penal Code.
(b) “Eligible for release from custody” means that the individual may be released from custody because one of the following conditions has occurred:
(1) All criminal charges against the individual have been dropped or dismissed.
(2) The individual has been acquitted of all criminal charges filed against him or her.
(3) The individual has served all the time required for his or her sentence.
(4) The individual has posted a bond.
(5) The individual is otherwise eligible for release under state or local law, or local policy.
(c) “Hold request,” “notification request,” and “transfer request” have the same meanings as provided in Section 7283. Hold, notification, and transfer requests include requests issued by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement or the United States Customs and Border Protection as well as any other immigration authorities.
(d) “Law enforcement official” means any local agency or officer of a local agency authorized to enforce criminal statutes, regulations, or local ordinances or to operate jails or to maintain custody of individuals in jails, and any person or local agency authorized to operate juvenile detention facilities or to maintain custody of individuals in juvenile detention facilities.
(e) “Local agency” means any city, county, city and county, special district, or other political subdivision of the state.
(f) “Serious felony” means any of the offenses listed in subdivision (c) of Section 1192.7 of the Penal Code and any offense committed in another state which, if committed in California, would be punishable as a serious felony as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 1192.7 of the Penal Code.
(g) “Violent felony” means any of the offenses listed in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 of the Penal Code and any offense committed in another state which, if committed in California, would be punishable as a violent felony as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 of the Penal Code.
SEC. 2.
Section 7282.5 of the Government Code is amended to read:
(a) A law enforcement official shall have discretion to cooperate with immigration authorities only if doing so would not violate any federal, state, or local law, or local policy, and where permitted by the California Values Act (Chapter 17.25 (commencing with Section 7284)). Additionally, the specific activities described in subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of, and in paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of, Section 7284.6 shall only occur under the following circumstances:
(1) The individual has been convicted of a serious or violent felony identified in subdivision (c) of Section 1192.7 of, or subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 of, the Penal Code.
(2) The individual has been convicted of a felony punishable by imprisonment in the state prison.
(3) The individual has been convicted within the past five years of a misdemeanor for a crime that is punishable as either a misdemeanor or a felony for, or has been convicted within the last 15 years of a felony for, any of the following offenses:
(A) Assault, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 217.1, 220, 240, 241.1, 241.4, 241.7, 244, 244.5, 245, 245.2, 245.3, 245.5, 4500, and 4501 of the Penal Code.
(B) Battery, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 242, 243.1, 243.3, 243.4, 243.6, 243.7, 243.9, 273.5, 347, 4501.1, and 4501.5 of the Penal Code.
(C) Use of threats, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 71, 76, 139, 140, 422, 601, and 11418.5 of the Penal Code.
(D) Sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or crimes endangering children, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 266, 266a, 266b, 266c, 266d, 266f, 266g, 266h, 266i, 266j, 267, 269, 288, 288.5, 311.1, 311.3, 311.4, 311.10, 311.11, and 647.6 of the Penal Code.
(E) Child abuse or endangerment, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 270, 271, 271a, 273a, 273ab, 273d, 273.4, and 278 of the Penal Code.
(F) Burglary, robbery, theft, fraud, forgery, or embezzlement, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 211, 215, 459, 463, 470, 476, 487, 496, 503, 518, 530.5, 532, and 550 of the Penal Code.
(G) Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, but only for a conviction that is a felony.
(H) Obstruction of justice, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 69, 95, 95.1, 136.1, and 148.10 of the Penal Code.
(I) Bribery, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 67, 67.5, 68, 74, 85, 86, 92, 93, 137, 138, and 165 of the Penal Code.
(J) Escape, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 107, 109, 110, 4530, 4530.5, 4532, 4533, 4534, 4535, and 4536 of the Penal Code.
(K) Unlawful possession or use of a weapon, firearm, explosive device, or weapon of mass destruction, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 171b, 171c, 171d, 246, 246.3, 247, 417, 417.3, 417.6, 417.8, 4574, 11418, 11418.1, 12021.5, 12022, 12022.2, 12022.3, 12022.4, 12022.5, 12022.53, 12022.55, 18745, 18750, and 18755 of, and subdivisions (c) and (d) of Section 26100 of, the Penal Code.
(L) Possession of an unlawful deadly weapon, under the Deadly Weapons Recodification Act of 2010 (Part 6 (commencing with Section 16000) of the Penal Code).
(M) An offense involving the felony possession, sale, distribution, manufacture, or trafficking of controlled substances.
(N) Vandalism with prior convictions, as specified in, but not limited to, Section 594.7 of the Penal Code.
(O) Gang-related offenses, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 186.22, 186.26, and 186.28 of the Penal Code.
(P) An attempt, as defined in Section 664 of, or a conspiracy, as defined in Section 182 of, the Penal Code, to commit an offense specified in this section.
(Q) A crime resulting in death, or involving the personal infliction of great bodily injury, as specified in, but not limited to, subdivision (d) of Section 245.6 of, and Sections 187, 191.5, 192, 192.5, 12022.7, 12022.8, and 12022.9 of, the Penal Code.
(R) Possession or use of a firearm in the commission of an offense.
(S) An offense that would require the individual to register as a sex offender pursuant to Section 290, 290.002, or 290.006 of the Penal Code.
(T) False imprisonment, slavery, and human trafficking, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 181, 210.5, 236, 236.1, and 4503 of the Penal Code.
(U) Criminal profiteering and money laundering, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 186.2, 186.9, and 186.10 of the Penal Code.
(V) Torture and mayhem, as specified in, but not limited to, Section 203 of the Penal Code.
(W) A crime threatening the public safety, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 219, 219.1, 219.2, 247.5, 404, 404.6, 405a, 451, and 11413 of the Penal Code.
(X) Elder and dependent adult abuse, as specified in, but not limited to, Section 368 of the Penal Code.
(Y) A hate crime, as specified in, but not limited to, Section 422.55 of the Penal Code.
(Z) Stalking, as specified in, but not limited to, Section 646.9 of the Penal Code.
(AA) Soliciting the commission of a crime, as specified in, but not limited to, subdivision (c) of Section 286 of, and Sections 653j and 653.23 of, the Penal Code.
(AB) An offense committed while on bail or released on his or her own recognizance, as specified in, but not limited to, Section 12022.1 of the Penal Code.
(AC) Rape, sodomy, oral copulation, or sexual penetration, as specified in, but not limited to, paragraphs (2) and (6) of subdivision (a) of Section 261 of, paragraphs (1) and (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 262 of, Section 264.1 of, subdivisions (c) and (d) of Section 286 of, subdivisions (c) and (d) of Section 288a of, and subdivisions (a) and (j) of Section 289 of, the Penal Code.
(AD) Kidnapping, as specified in, but not limited to, Sections 207, 209, and 209.5 of the Penal Code.
(AE) A violation of subdivision (c) of Section 20001 of the Vehicle Code.
(4) The individual is a current registrant on the California Sex and Arson Registry.
(5) The individual has been convicted of a federal crime that meets the definition of an aggravated felony as set forth in subparagraphs (A) to (P), inclusive, of paragraph (43) of subsection (a) of Section 101 of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. Sec. 1101), or is identified by the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement as the subject of an outstanding federal felony arrest warrant.
(6) In no case shall cooperation occur pursuant to this section for individuals arrested, detained, or convicted of misdemeanors that were previously felonies, or were previously crimes punishable as either misdemeanors or felonies, prior to passage of the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act of 2014 as it amended the Penal Code.
(b) In cases in which the individual is arrested and taken before a magistrate on a charge involving a serious or violent felony, as identified in subdivision (c) of Section 1192.7 or subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 of the Penal Code, respectively, or a felony that is punishable by imprisonment in state prison, and the magistrate makes a finding of probable cause as to that charge pursuant to Section 872 of the Penal Code, a law enforcement official shall additionally have discretion to cooperate with immigration officials pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 7284.6.
SEC. 3.
Chapter 17.25 (commencing with Section 7284) is added to Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code, to read:
CHAPTER 17.25. Cooperation with Immigration Authorities
This chapter shall be known, and may be cited, as the California Values Act.
The Legislature finds and declares the following:
(a) Immigrants are valuable and essential members of the California community. Almost one in three Californians is foreign born and one in two children in California has at least one immigrant parent.
(b) A relationship of trust between California’s immigrant community and state and local agencies is central to the public safety of the people of California.
(c) This trust is threatened when state and local agencies are entangled with federal immigration enforcement, with the result that immigrant community members fear approaching police when they are victims of, and witnesses to, crimes, seeking basic health services, or attending school, to the detriment of public safety and the well-being of all Californians.
(d) Entangling state and local agencies with federal immigration enforcement programs diverts already limited resources and blurs the lines of accountability between local, state, and federal governments.
(e) State and local participation in federal immigration enforcement programs also raises constitutional concerns, including the prospect that California residents could be detained in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, targeted on the basis of race or ethnicity in violation of the Equal Protection Clause, or denied access to education based on immigration status. See Sanchez Ochoa v. Campbell, et al. (E.D. Wash. 2017) 2017 WL 3476777; Trujillo Santoya v. United States, et al. (W.D. Tex. 2017) 2017 WL 2896021; Moreno v. Napolitano (N.D. Ill. 2016) 213 F. Supp. 3d 999; Morales v. Chadbourne (1st Cir. 2015) 793 F.3d 208; Miranda-Olivares v. Clackamas County (D. Or. 2014) 2014 WL 1414305; Galarza v. Szalczyk (3d Cir. 2014) 745 F.3d 634.
(f) This chapter seeks to ensure effective policing, to protect the safety, well-being, and constitutional rights of the people of California, and to direct the state’s limited resources to matters of greatest concern to state and local governments.
(g) It is the intent of the Legislature that this chapter shall not be construed as providing, expanding, or ratifying any legal authority for any state or local law enforcement agency to participate in immigration enforcement.
For purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings:
(a) “California law enforcement agency” means a state or local law enforcement agency, including school police or security departments. “California law enforcement agency” does not include the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
(b) “Civil immigration warrant” means any warrant for a violation of federal civil immigration law, and includes civil immigration warrants entered in the National Crime Information Center database.
(c) “Immigration authority” means any federal, state, or local officer, employee, or person performing immigration enforcement functions.
(d) “Health facility” includes health facilities as defined in Section 1250 of the Health and Safety Code, clinics as defined in Sections 1200 and 1200.1 of the Health and Safety Code, and substance abuse treatment facilities.
(e) “Hold request,” “notification request,” “transfer request,” and “local law enforcement agency” have the same meaning as provided in Section 7283. Hold, notification, and transfer requests include requests issued by United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement or United States Customs and Border Protection as well as any other immigration authorities.
(f) “Immigration enforcement” includes any and all efforts to investigate, enforce, or assist in the investigation or enforcement of any federal civil immigration law, and also includes any and all efforts to investigate, enforce, or assist in the investigation or enforcement of any federal criminal immigration law that penalizes a person’s presence in, entry, or reentry to, or employment in, the United States.
(g) “Joint law enforcement task force” means at least one California law enforcement agency collaborating, engaging, or partnering with at least one federal law enforcement agency in investigating federal or state crimes.
(h) “Judicial probable cause determination” means a determination made by a federal judge or federal magistrate judge that probable cause exists that an individual has violated federal criminal immigration law and that authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest and take into custody the individual.
(i) “Judicial warrant” means a warrant based on probable cause for a violation of federal criminal immigration law and issued by a federal judge or a federal magistrate judge that authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest and take into custody the person who is the subject of the warrant.
(j) “Public schools” means all public elementary and secondary schools under the jurisdiction of local governing boards or a charter school board, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges.
(k) “School police and security departments” includes police and security departments of the California State University, the California Community Colleges, charter schools, county offices of education, schools, and school districts.
(a) California law enforcement agencies shall not:
(1) Use agency or department moneys or personnel to investigate, interrogate, detain, detect, or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes, including any of the following:
(A) Inquiring into an individual’s immigration status.
(B) Detaining an individual on the basis of a hold request.
(C) Providing information regarding a person’s release date or responding to requests for notification by providing release dates or other information unless that information is available to the public, or is in response to a notification request from immigration authorities in accordance with Section 7282.5. Responses are never required, but are permitted under this subdivision, provided that they do not violate any local law or policy.
(D) Providing personal information, as defined in Section 1798.3 of the Civil Code, about an individual, including, but not limited to, the individual’s home address or work address unless that information is available to the public.
(E) Making or intentionally participating in arrests based on civil immigration warrants.
(F) Assisting immigration authorities in the activities described in Section 1357(a)(3) of Title 8 of the United States Code.
(G) Performing the functions of an immigration officer, whether pursuant to Section 1357(g) of Title 8 of the United States Code or any other law, regulation, or policy, whether formal or informal.
(2) Place peace officers under the supervision of federal agencies or employ peace officers deputized as special federal officers or special federal deputies for purposes of immigration enforcement. All peace officers remain subject to California law governing conduct of peace officers and the policies of the employing agency.
(3) Use immigration authorities as interpreters for law enforcement matters relating to individuals in agency or department custody.
(4) Transfer an individual to immigration authorities unless authorized by a judicial warrant or judicial probable cause determination, or in accordance with Section 7282.5.
(5) Provide office space exclusively dedicated for immigration authorities for use within a city or county law enforcement facility.
(6) Contract with the federal government for use of California law enforcement agency facilities to house individuals as federal detainees, except pursuant to Chapter 17.8 (commencing with Section 7310).
(b) Notwithstanding the limitations in subdivision (a), this section does not prevent any California law enforcement agency from doing any of the following that does not violate any policy of the law enforcement agency or any local law or policy of the jurisdiction in which the agency is operating:
(1) Investigating, enforcing, or detaining upon reasonable suspicion of, or arresting for a violation of, Section 1326(a) of Title 8 of the United States Code that may be subject to the enhancement specified in Section 1326(b)(2) of Title 8 of the United States Code and that is detected during an unrelated law enforcement activity. Transfers to immigration authorities are permitted under this subsection only in accordance with paragraph (4) of subdivision (a).
(2) Responding to a request from immigration authorities for information about a specific person’s criminal history, including previous criminal arrests, convictions, or similar criminal history information accessed through the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS), where otherwise permitted by state law.
(3) Conducting enforcement or investigative duties associated with a joint law enforcement task force, including the sharing of confidential information with other law enforcement agencies for purposes of task force investigations, so long as the following conditions are met:
(A) The primary purpose of the joint law enforcement task force is not immigration enforcement, as defined in subdivision (f) of Section 7284.4.
(B) The enforcement or investigative duties are primarily related to a violation of state or federal law unrelated to immigration enforcement.
(C) Participation in the task force by a California law enforcement agency does not violate any local law or policy to which it is otherwise subject.
(4) Making inquiries into information necessary to certify an individual who has been identified as a potential crime or trafficking victim for a T or U Visa pursuant to Section 1101(a)(15)(T) or 1101(a)(15)(U) of Title 8 of the United States Code or to comply with Section 922(d)(5) of Title 18 of the United States Code.
(5) Giving immigration authorities access to interview an individual in agency or department custody. All interview access shall comply with requirements of the TRUTH Act (Chapter 17.2 (commencing with Section 7283)).
(c) (1) If a California law enforcement agency chooses to participate in a joint law enforcement task force, for which a California law enforcement agency has agreed to dedicate personnel or resources on an ongoing basis, it shall submit a report annually to the Department of Justice, as specified by the Attorney General. The law enforcement agency shall report the following information, if known, for each task force of which it is a member:
(A) The purpose of the task force.
(B) The federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies involved.
(C) The total number of arrests made during the reporting period.
(D) The number of people arrested for immigration enforcement purposes.
(2) All law enforcement agencies shall report annually to the Department of Justice, in a manner specified by the Attorney General, the number of transfers pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (a), and the offense that allowed for the transfer, pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (a).
(3) All records described in this subdivision shall be public records for purposes of the California Public Records Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 6250)), including the exemptions provided by that act and, as permitted under that act, personal identifying information may be redacted prior to public disclosure. To the extent that disclosure of a particular item of information would endanger the safety of a person involved in an investigation, or would endanger the successful completion of the investigation or a related investigation, that information shall not be disclosed.
(4) If more than one California law enforcement agency is participating in a joint task force that meets the reporting requirement pursuant to this section, the joint task force shall designate a local or state agency responsible for completing the reporting requirement.
(d) The Attorney General, by March 1, 2019, and annually thereafter, shall report on the total number of arrests made by joint law enforcement task forces, and the total number of arrests made for the purpose of immigration enforcement by all task force participants, including federal law enforcement agencies. To the extent that disclosure of a particular item of information would endanger the safety of a person involved in an investigation, or would endanger the successful completion of the investigation or a related investigation, that information shall not be included in the Attorney General’s report. The Attorney General shall post the reports required by this subdivision on the Attorney General’s Internet Web site.
(e) This section does not prohibit or restrict any government entity or official from sending to, or receiving from, federal immigration authorities, information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of an individual, or from requesting from federal immigration authorities immigration status information, lawful or unlawful, of any individual, or maintaining or exchanging that information with any other federal, state, or local government entity, pursuant to Sections 1373 and 1644 of Title 8 of the United States Code.
(f) Nothing in this section shall prohibit a California law enforcement agency from asserting its own jurisdiction over criminal law enforcement matters.
(a) The Attorney General, by October 1, 2018, in consultation with the appropriate stakeholders, shall publish model policies limiting assistance with immigration enforcement to the fullest extent possible consistent with federal and state law at public schools, public libraries, health facilities operated by the state or a political subdivision of the state, courthouses, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement facilities, the Agricultural Labor Relations Board, the Division of Workers Compensation, and shelters, and ensuring that they remain safe and accessible to all California residents, regardless of immigration status. All public schools, health facilities operated by the state or a political subdivision of the state, and courthouses shall implement the model policy, or an equivalent policy. The Agricultural Labor Relations Board, the Division of Workers’ Compensation, the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, shelters, libraries, and all other organizations and entities that provide services related to physical or mental health and wellness, education, or access to justice, including the University of California, are encouraged to adopt the model policy.
(b) For any databases operated by state and local law enforcement agencies, including databases maintained for the agency by private vendors, the Attorney General shall, by October 1, 2018, in consultation with appropriate stakeholders, publish guidance, audit criteria, and training recommendations aimed at ensuring that those databases are governed in a manner that limits the availability of information therein to the fullest extent practicable and consistent with federal and state law, to anyone or any entity for the purpose of immigration enforcement. All state and local law enforcement agencies are encouraged to adopt necessary changes to database governance policies consistent with that guidance.
(c) Notwithstanding the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2), the Department of Justice may implement, interpret, or make specific this chapter without taking any regulatory action.
(a) The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall:
(1) In advance of any interview between the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and an individual in department custody regarding civil immigration violations, provide the individual with a written consent form that explains the purpose of the interview, that the interview is voluntary, and that he or she may decline to be interviewed or may choose to be interviewed only with his or her attorney present. The written consent form shall be available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Korean.
(2) Upon receiving any ICE hold, notification, or transfer request, provide a copy of the request to the individual and inform him or her whether the department intends to comply with the request.
(b) The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall not:
(1) Restrict access to any in-prison educational or rehabilitative programming, or credit-earning opportunity on the sole basis of citizenship or immigration status, including, but not limited to, whether the person is in removal proceedings, or immigration authorities have issued a hold request, transfer request, notification request, or civil immigration warrant against the individual.
(2) Consider citizenship and immigration status as a factor in determining a person’s custodial classification level, including, but not limited to, whether the person is in removal proceedings, or whether immigration authorities have issued a hold request, transfer request, notification request, or civil immigration warrant against the individual.
The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of this act or its application is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application.
SEC. 4.
Section 11369 of the Health and Safety Code is repealed.
SEC. 5.
If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code.
Jane Rands pictured here (left) and Sex Ed Sharon Quirk Silva (right). Silva is a radical Agenda 21 open borders activist in the State Legislature
Does Jane Rands, Sharon Kennedy’s long term close associate, want to open the doors to all of those who wish to unlawfully enter and hand over everything we own to anyone who asks?
Jane Rands is a reporter for The Fullerton Observer who wants Fullerton to be a sanctuary city. Listen to her statements above after the presentation of hard hitting truth at the March 19 Fullerton City Council Meeting by Gary Gileno below.
Jesse Letour, also a reporter for the Fullerton Observer, another Sanctuary city supporter, won’t cover any of our statements or print our names in the paper even though we attend and speak at nearly every meeting.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Public Records Requests <publicrecord@exchange.fullerton.edu>
Date: Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 4:05 PM
Dear Mr. Joe Imbriano,
You have made the following request for documents pursuant to the California Public Records Act.
1-Total number of undocumented students currently enrolled in CSF.
2- Total amount of tuition and fees paid by undocumented students enrolled in CSF
3-Total amount of financial aid paid for the undocumented students enrolled in CSF.
4-Total annual budget for Dream Center operations at CSF.
5-Sources of funding for Dream Center operations at CSF.
6-Complete description of all available fee waivers, financial aid, cost reductions, and any and all benefits available to undocumented students at CSF.
Information about students is retained electronically in various University databases, the extrapolation of which would require several steps in order to attempt to extract the information you have requested and to provide you with supporting documents. The extraction and redaction of names and personal information in order to print and provide you with documents would be time consuming. In an effort to provide you with the information you are seeking that is public, and in order not to violate any right to privacy of any individual student, as protected by state and federal law (Article 1, Section 1 of the California Constitution, the Information Practices Act, Cal. Civil Code Section 1798 et seq. and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. 1232g), the University has researched the questions you have posed and without further charge to you shares the following information:
1-Total number of undocumented students currently enrolled in CSF.
It is not entirely clear what is meant by the term “undocumented” but the University confirms that 914 students as of census for Spring 2017 both (1) requested in-state tuition pursuant to Education Code Section 68130.5 and (2) informed the campus that their legal immigration status is “none of the above” when asked to confirm their legal immigration status.
Total amount of tuition and fees paid by undocumented students enrolled in CSF
The 914 students referenced in request (1) were assessed the standard in-state tuition due to their meeting the requirements of Education Code Section 68130.5.
Total amount of financial aid paid for the undocumented students enrolled in CSF.
The total amount of financial aid received by the students as of the census date for the spring 2017 semester who were (1) eligible for in-state tuition under Education Code Section 68130.5 and who self-identified as “none of the above” of legal immigration status, and (2) who applied for financial aid was: $4,562,136. The entire amount of financial aid distributed for that semester to all CSUF students was: $301,506,483.
Total annual budget for Dream Center operations at CSF.
The approximate total funds allocated to the Dream Center in the 2016-17 fiscal year was $76,509 from state-side funds and $38,000 from Student Success Initiative Fees. The total operating budget for the campus for 2016-2017 fiscal year was $425,600,000.
Sources of funding for Dream Center operations at CSF.
The funds allocated to the Dream Center in the 2016-17 fiscal year were generated either from the University’s state general fund allocation or the University’s Student Success Initiative, which is a student fee.
Complete description of all available fee waivers, financial aid, cost reductions, and any and all benefits available to undocumented students at CSF.
Generally all students are eligible to apply for all programs and the University does not determine availability for benefits offered to students such as fee waivers, cost reductions or program eligibility on the basis of legal status except where having such status is required by law for eligibility; for example, student financial aid programs designated for AB540 students.
Please confirm whether this information is sufficient for your purposes and if not what information you are still seeking. Thank you.”
Olivia Uphoff Public Records Request Coordinator
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Kai Stearns Moore <kstearnsmoore@nocccd.edu>
Date: Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 8:52 AM
Subject: Fullerton College Public Records Request
Cc: Gregory Schulz <gschulz@fullcoll.edu>, Rodrigo Garcia <RGarcia1@fullcoll.edu>, Lisa McPheron <lisa.mcpheron@gmail.com>
Dear Mr. Imbriano,
This letter is in response to your Public Records Act request, dated April 13, 2017. With regard to whether your request seeks disclosable public records, the District responds as follows:
Total number of undocumented students currently enrolled in Fullerton College.
The District does not track undocumented status, therefore the District has no responsive records.
Total amount of tuition and fees paid by undocumented students enrolled in Fullerton College.
The District does not track undocumented status, therefore the District has no responsive records.
Total amount of financial aid paid for the undocumented students enrolled in Fullerton college.
The District does not track undocumented status, therefore the District has no responsive records.
Total annual budget for Dream Center operations at Fullerton College
There is no Dream Center at Fullerton College.
Sources of funding for Dream Center operations at Fullerton College
There is no Dream Center at Fullerton College.
Complete description of all available fee waivers, financial aid, cost reductions, and any and all benefits available to undocumented students.
Undocumented students is not a recognized category for community college financial aid. A complete description of financial aid awards available to recognized categories of students is located on the Fullerton College website at: http://financialaid.fullcoll.edu/.
Take the time to research. I did. This is not a race/religion thing but a stand for the sovereignty we are guaranteed and the truth of what transpires when it is given up via sanctuary cities. For every illegal alien enrolled at Cal State Fullerton, an American Citizen gets a rejection letter.
Examine the obvious, dig up the evidence, and the crimes that are taking place in US, and acknowledge that.
* Jane Rands: Has she done her research or does she just not care? If she has researched the crime going on in US from sanctuary policies, is she in active denial of the suffering of the victims? Does she not understand the results of “multiculturism”?
* Jane Rands makes naive and ignorant public statements or is she deliberately turning her back on the truth sanctuary city policy devastation?
* Does Jane Rands live in a bubble of naiveté? What does Jane Rands say to the Bay Area young woman that was murdered?
* Has Jane Rands no compassion for women being raped? That is going on.
* Does Jane Rands support the illegal overlay of UN of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, does she support the disillusionment of US sovereignty?
* Does Jane Rands know how “kind” is it to: create sanctuaries to allow criminals to enter and commit rapes & murders?
*Does Jane Rands know how “kind” is it to: create sanctuaries to allow the fraud of taxpayer funded safety nets?
Does Jane Rands know what happens when other countries have let in “refugees”?
Mass Sexual Assaults in Germany and the Liberal Dilemma
“The fact is that many on the liberal left side of the spectrum, at times end up giving up some of their own professed principles likewomen’s right for the sake of being politically correct and not offending some groups.”
The murder that shocked Germany – and why its leaders are still in denial over migrant crisis: Medical student, 19, was raped and throttled to death by Afghan in German town with signs proudly saying ‘refugees welcome’
2015 had lowest U.S. fertility rate ever, down 600,000 births
Artemis is known as the goddess of Fertility when you Google it… This is nothing more than a mass sterilization,depopulation project. Follow this article to the end and you will agree. These things are fanless and have heat sinks that look like they can dissipate heat from a thousand watts of power. The question is what are they going to do with a thousand watts of power. Here is the law where these things are going to go in everywhere and you better wake the hell up- AB 2788 allows for placement of small cells in all public right of ways with no more local control. Here they are folks.
Shawn Nelson’s campaign pledge to drain the swamp collided with reality at the CRA Orange County endorsing meeting last Saturday.
I asked candidate Nelson about his close ties and support of one Fullerton Council member, Jennifer Fitzgerald in both her 2012 race and 2016 re-election race. I specifically pointed out that she has voted for just about every raise for all the public employees and has been an Agenda 21 devotee as well, which in my opinion makes her a Democrat/RINO Chamber of Commerce Republican.
(Her anti-conservative votes are too numerous to mention here). Her firm Curt Pringle and Associates where she is VP, was involved in giving us the neon elephant known as a Anaheim Regional Transportation Center for instance, which cost the taxpayers multi-millions of dollars while being grossly underused even as of today. In other words a gross misuse and abuse of our tax dollars but all special interests involved with getting it built did very well. Yet they have not even thanked the taxpayers for the financial gifts they continue to get courtesy of our flawed politicians.
Shawn Nelson’s darling Jennifer Fitzgerald. Nelson supported for two consecutive terms on the council in spite of her disastrous anti conservative Agenda 21 democratic voting record.
Nelson’s response to my question above was in my opinion as phony as a three dollar bill and simply failed to address it honestly. He would not withdraw his support from her going forward as I asked him to do before the CRA delegates. Instead, he said he disagreed with a few of her votes but of course did not elaborate leaving the audience wondering which union pay raises or stack um and pack um high rise developments such as the attempted but defeated notorious undemocratic DCCSP Plan did he not agree with if any. He then continued to infer that she was better than the Democrats and refused to agree with my assessment of her as a disgrace to conservatives in Fullerton.
Nelson with his wife Sharon who tirelessly support phony RINO’s like Fitzgerald
Shawn Nelson in my opinion is a dangerous phony politician. Only months ago he was supposedly gearing up to run for a judgeship. Now he wants to be our Congressman. It seems to me, like so many phony politicians, that his only real objective is more power and money and just about any overpriced government elected position apparently will do just fine. For being a judge is very, very different than being a legislator. But politicians if anything are surely opportunists. He is cagey, smooth and I simply will never put my trust in a man who can’t give a simple direct answer to a very simple direct question. His answer was the epitome of a man proudly embracing the political swamp not fighting it.
I guess Nelson is ok with Fitzgerald secretly not keeping her promise of not taking salary for elected government service. Nelson is sinking fast in his own mire as this is being written. He is slick talker who plays fast and lose with the explanations just like he did with campaign funds collecting money for running for supervisor when he was termed out. What does this say about Shawn Nelson?
Jennifer Fitzgerald has been for all true Fullerton conservatives a complete disaster and the center of the political swamp in Fullerton. I reiterate that Nelson will have a hard time convincing the populace that he will help drain the swamp when he has been leading the charge to get phony, laden with potential conflict of interest politicians like Fitzgerald into and remaining in office. You know when you are talking about swampy waters, many alligators share the swamp proudly.
Former Chief Dan Huges and Fitzgerald swimming together in the swamp
Another point that provides background about this candidate for Congress. Shawn Nelson even though he was supporting Jennifer Fitzgerald was the moderator of a Republican candidates forum (possible/and or real conflict of interest) held by the Republican Women’s Federated Group prior to the 2016 Fullerton City Council elections. There were a list of written questions provided by the audience. One of them was about SCAG, the Southern California Association of Governments, an Agenda 21 pushing non-elected body that gets approximately 500 million dollars of our tax dollars. Nelson threw out that question arrogantly stating that it was an “esoteric” topic and would take too long in his view to explain to the audience.
Maybe Nelson believed that the audience was too ill-informed or too stupid or both to discuss in a limited time format. However, I believe that he knew very well that the topic was an Achilles’ heal for Jennifer Fitzgerald and successfully threw out that extremely important and relevant topic into the trash bin. Just another example how Shawn Nelson protects the Swamp and is never going to fight it in my humble opinion.
It is a shame that as conservatives we have such lousy choices for our next Congressman. I had some hope that when Ed Royce (who did more to help get RINO Republicans elected in Fullerton than any other elected politician) decided to call it quits that we could get a better conservative candidate to replace him. Now that we know the field that hope has been dashed for another two years.
Nelson gearing up for deception at the CRA nominating convention
Nelson obviously is ready to continue the long tradition of Ed Royce of supporting and helping other RINO Republicans get elected down the road, which is really bad news for the citizens of Fullerton California. For Fullerton’s must know that it has been Republican’s that have dominated our Fullerton City Council going back 40 years and even before then. Don Bankhead and Dick Jones both RINO Republicans voted for the 90% pension after 30 years of service at the middle age of 50 years old for both our fireman and police officers. It also made it retroactive to any active safety employee’s first day on the job at the time of its passage. Total insanity! That is what we get when we vote for RINO Republican’s. If you the Fullerton Republican public as well as many, many independents have not learned your lessons by now, you never will. Please do not make the same mistake this June 5th and this November.
Shawn Nelson is an Agenda 21, sustainability, SCAG operative, establishment politician. With deep connections to regional governments including the biggest and the worst of them all SCAG, and local corrupt polictians he has mentored, I believe he cannot be trusted.
One of the most concerning elements of his behavior on the OC Board of supervisors continues to be his coziness with our corrupt District Attorney’s office and his refusal to act on a Fullerton issue that has been staring him in the face for almost 2 years now.
The County Board of Supervisors are called SUPERVISORS BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. The OC Board of Supervisors is the DA’s boss.
Shawn Nelson and his office continued ignoring this issue involving our former city manager and former police chief. It was a major local issue that was the subject of massive media exposure, but like the DA’s watchdogs’ questionable connections, our pathetic Fullerton watchdog Shawn Nelson on the Board of Supervisors, appears to also have questionable connections and that perhaps is why he remains silent protecting what we believe is criminal behavior involving high ranking Fullerton Police department personell. He never responded to any of my attempts to contact his office for assistance.
This issue is so flagrant that the investigator at the DA’s office that was pulled off the case has now had to go to Federal Court to seek redress of his greivances. Santos-Conklin_v_Rackauckas (1)
The Supervisors are supposed to keep their subordinate agencies like the DA in check. Equally troubling was his absolute and total silence on the choice of the watchdog with clearly troubling ties chosen to oversee the Orange County District Attorney’s office as well as his refusal to allow an audit of the Board of Supervisors. These should be of major concern to anyone paying attention. Nelson also has had his share of playing fast and loose with campaign finance rules raising money for a public office he knows he couldn’t run for very recently, funneling tens of thousands of dollars into an account whose future is in question.
Nelson mentors to his lackey underlings who protect corruption and are aligned idealogically with Agenda 21, globalist agendas. Locally he has stacked the city council in Fullerton to vote for all Agenda 21 programs such as adopting international building codes, energy use master plans, legislative support for Agenda 21 regulations, Agenda 21 land use and development master plans, regional government agendas, and various ancillary boards and commissions that are directly involved in Agenda 21 activities such as massive high density development, poisoning our drinking water, spraying us and our trees with dangerous pesticides, restricting water use, forcibly irradiating us with microwave systems and their proliferation, turning our bedroom community into an Agenda 21 compact city, and establishing joint powers authorities at the municipal level which are really all about forced vaccinations. At the core of Agenda 21 is really depopulation which we discussed at legnth here on this site and on you tube. It should come as no surprise that all of the affiliates of this swamp filler and swamp dweller are at odds with what we bring to their attention. It is where we are folks.
So is this some sort of a joke ladies and gentlemen? He wants to help Trump drain the swamp?
Next to Ed Royce, Shawn Nelson has done more to fill the Fullerton swamp than anyone else folks. This is Shawn Nelson’s legacy in Fullerton. He and his wife Sharon filled the Fullerton swamp to the brim with the political pawns that for years expended tremendous effort to maintain the funding and the protecting of the corrupt murderous Fullerton police department,
and protecting the fiscal corruption that has run rampant for decades in a first world city with third world roads. Fullerton is missing hundreds of millions of dollars that should have gone into repairing roads.
The Agenda 21 operatives are well connected in Fullerton. Nelson’s connections to many of them are right out in the open. Take for instance Young Kim, who he is running against in this race ironically,
Agenda 21 Young Kim pictured 2nd from the left-forced vaccinator (SB277) and forced irradiator (AB57) who has receieved staunch support for years from his wife Sharon pictured at the far left.
She was the Agenda 21 Fullerton representative in the State Assembly that gave California forced vaccinations which is clearly an Agenda 21 first rate, top shelf priority.
The mega city model is another Agenda 21 top shelf priority,
As a current SCAG board appointee, he is a bonafide Agenda 21 operative. His past behavior, votes and candidates he supports are all Agenda 21 operatives. Agenda 21 is the most evil and obscene land use, social reingineering experiment in human history. This man must never set foot in Washinton DC unless he is on a tour bus as a tourist.
SCAG is an Unelected, Unconstitutional Regional Government. SCAG (Southern CA Assn. of Governments) is the largest regional government in the US covering 6 counties and 191 cities. SCAG has a $540 Billion plan to remake SoCal in the next 2 decades and operates in Near Darkness.
SCAG is the heartbeat of Agenda 21 and has plans to cram everyone into scientific kill grid compact cities, re wild 95 percent of the United States, get you out of your cars, end fossil fuel consumption, destroy the economy, get you onto public transportation and destroy your our way of life and the freedoms we currently enjoy.
I believe that this man is a dangerous man because he is extremely deceptive, untruthful, knows exactly what he is doing, Yes he is also an attorney. What a shame because God given talent should be used for good and not for evil or selfish gain. Take for example how Shawn Nelson tried to put a homeless shelter right next to a Title I elementary school and right next to an apartment complex in Fullerton that would have netted his good friend Cameron Irons a $100,000 real estate comission. This was resoundingly opposed by Fullerton residents.
Step right up and get your Shawn Nelson endorsement. You know the one Bruce Whitaker and Jennifer Fitzgerald wrap themselves in as they both voted to install a SCAG senior palnner Mayan Johnson to the Fullerton planning commission. Here she is leading the charge to add tens of thousands of apartment units with ten story buildings all over the place on hundreds of acres of Fullerton with the DCCSP.
2 years ago, The Fullerton Republican Women Federated hosted a candidate forum for the City Council Candidates of which it just so happened that I was one of them. He and his wife did everything they could to make sure I was not invited. I managed to attend. Shawn Nelson should have never been the moderator of this forum because he was not impartial by any means and his wife was running the group at the time. A member of the audience had asked a question about the SOUTHER CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS otherwise know as SCAG. SCAG is about as relevant to City business as you can get because they dictate planning and social engineering plans for the State. This was not only a fair question, but the most important question of the election.
He refused to allow this question to be asked and listen to his reason why. This is Shawn Nelson, in Agenda 21 mode folks.
Agenda 21 Trojan Horse operative dishonest political fraud Shawn Nelson shows his underbelly as he refers to SCAG as “esoteric”. Yes it is .a secret organization that is ruining our lives and is part of a sinister plan to carry out Agenda 21. Listen to this Orwellian double speak SCAG operative- County Supervisor Shawn Nelson who wants to become your congressman and listen carefully as he talks out of both sides of his mouth.
This SCAG political operative along with his pal Tony Bushala used their influence out in the open to put people in key positions within the city of Fullerton city government to try to pass massive development schemes to add upwards of 100,000 more people to this city. Yes the Agenda 21 DCCSP would have done just that with tens of thousands of apartment units in 10 story buildings on hundreds of acres on just about every major street in town.
If that wasn’t bad enough, we all know that Agenda 21 Trojan Horse RINO phony conservative Shawn Nelson gave us phony conservative RINO, political fraud and liar Jennifer Fitzgerald for our city council and endorsed her for the past 8 years throught 2 election cycles.
Jennifer Fitzgerald REPEATEDLY votes to bankrupt the city with endless raises and giveaways for the police, refuses to take action against criminal behavior by the police and caters to their unions every chance she gets.
Nelson is Jennifer Fitzgerald’s mentor. Jennifer Fitzgerald is Fullerton’s worst nightmare that it hasn’t been able to wake up from for nearly 6 long years. She is a Curt Pringle Fullerton lobbyist for Agenda 21 high density housing and all sorts of eugnenics policies in Fullerton such as microwave system deployment, water fluoridation, Led street light installation and high density housing just to name a few.
SWAMP DWELLER Agenda 21 Fitzpringle LOBBYIST minus the stripes in her hair
She votes for every Agenda 21 massive development and plan that has ever come across her desk.
Jennifer Fitzgerald votes for forced pesticide spraying over all of Fullerton with her position on the vector control board.
Jennifer Fitzgerald makes sure she continues the Agenda 21, deadly, cancer causing water fluoridation with her position on the Metropolitan Water District as an appointee from Fullerton.
On the Fullerton City Council, Jennifer Fitzgerald promotes the consumption of cancer causing and tooth decay causing beverages as the impetus to continue the MWD fluoridation programs.
She continues to vote for dangerous cell tower sitings and 5G deployments right next to homes which guarantee the destruction of wildlife and human health as well as harming our children.
SWAMP FILLER AND SWAMP DWELLER Shawn Nelson backed this woman on the Fullerton City Council for two consecutive terms now and this is the legacy. How would you like to have your bedroom on the second or third floor of one of these Fitzgerald dream projects with the antennae agt eye level?
SWAMP DWELLER Fitzgerald’s swing vote has destroyed Fullerton.
SWAMP FILLER AND SWAMP DWELLER Nelson along with his wife has also backed school board candidates like Janny Meyer
SWAMP DWELLERS Janny Meyer , Jennifer Fitzgerald, and SWAMP FILLER Sharon Nelson
and SWAMP DWELLER Chris Thompson
SWAMP DWELLER Nelson’s water boy Chris Thompson (left)
who voted to destroy our schools and our children BY SPENDING HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON horrible child abusing, mentally destroying common core curriculum, common core technology and upgrades, forcing dangerous, highly addictive wireless devices that result in screen time addictions on students while forcing students to be exposed to forced sterilizing microwave exposures, and all while they refuses to protect the children in the district from dangerous pedophiles.
In addition they still refuse to address the serious safety concerns at Parks Junior High like how none of the classrooms have any doors.
SWAMP FILLER AND SWAMP DWELLER Shawn Nelson continues to support political frauds like Bruce Whitaker.
SWAMP FILLER AND SWAMP DWELLER SHAWN NELSON has continued to support Bruce Whitaker through two election cycles.
SWAMP FILLER AND SWAMP DWELLER SHAWN NELSON’s lackey SWAMP DWELLER Bruce Whitaker continues to IGNORE AND REFUSES to call for an audit of the city’s finances inspite of repeated calls for an investigation and an audit to fine the missing hundreds of millions of dollars that should have gone into Fullerton road repair.
SWAMP FILLER AND SWAMP DWELLER Shawn Nelson and Tony Bushala have long since worked together to shape Fullerton’s political landscape to suit their own corrupt agendas for years.
SWAMP FILLER AND SWAMP DWELLER SHAWN NELSON ‘s plants Whitaker and Fitzgerald refused to deal with this local taxpayer ripoff issue as well for almost a year.
Nelson has given us a living nightmare politically in Fullerton and he is not worthy of being called a conservative, muchless capabale of draining anything, forget a Washington swamp. Shawn Nelson is a swamp dweller ladies and gentlemen. Don’t let the ladies fool you either folks.
SWAMP FILLER Sharon Nelson courting the Agenda 21 RINO’s at the RWF group she ran for years.
Urgent! Forbidden information,a must watch! 5G is a kill grid that will lead to forced vaccinations.
Look at this video of our Fullerton public works director DON HOPPE during a pro wireless company presentation giving them full access to all public rights of way admitting HE HAD NOT SEEN ANY SPECIFIC HEALTH STUDIES ON 5G OR MILLIMETER WAVE SYSTEMS OR WAS UNSURE IF ANY EVEN EXIST! This is inspite of years of warnings from myself and others. He did this in front of the entire city council. Yes they handed away all local control over siting and opened the whole city up for deployment of these weapons systems.
Ladies and gentlemen, on Tuesday March 6, 2018, The director of public works for the City of Fullerton gave a presentation on the installation of what will ultimately be the deployment of thousands of dangerous small cellular antenna throughout the entire city on public right of ways, buildings and utility poles. These will be broadcasting in the millimeter wave band unlike current cell technology which is already dangerous. At the previous meeting, I had warned against this.
Ultimately these will be installed every 500 feet throughout the city. Don Hoppe admitted that he had not seen any health studies on 5G and the council voted to adopt a rubber stamp open door to full citywide deployment. You will have these in your back yard,
You will have these in front of your house and all over the city. They will go in where ever the wireless companies want to put them.
Ultimately these will be installed every 500 feet throughout the city.
Let’s look at some facts. 2015 had lowest U.S. fertility rate ever, down 600,000 births
Let’s look at the newest 5G item from Artemis technologies. First look at their logo.
Artemis is known as the goddess of Fertility. Now let’s look at the technology. Here we have small cells everywhere.
Artemis has even newer improved 5G systems for rollout.
ARTEMIS was the Greek goddess of FERTILITY AND CHILDBIRTH. What a bizarre coincidence.
pCell technology is all about harnessing and combining radio signals, even interference to create extra wireless energy around each individual mobile device that follows the device wherever it goes.
ARTEMIS WAS ALSO A GOD OF THE HUNT-how ironic as each wireless device is targeted for a directed energy beam.
Agenda 21 operatives Whitaker, Sebourn, and aspartame addict Fitzgerald
Agenda 21 operatives and Police union plants Silva and Chaffee
Agenda 21 operative City manager Domer
The worst of the worst-Agenda 21 operatives public works director Don Hoppe
You talk about this on You Tube and your channel goes down for good. There are two distinct reasons folks. The government wants the American people to believe their propaganda films with crisis actors and the government wants us disarmed because they have such horrible things planned for us that they don’t want any resistance. Such things as a currency collapse, staged outbreaks of disease, forced relocations, confiscation of assets, bank accounts, property, retirement accounts, forced vaccinations, forced irradiation with the 5G systems and forced medical procedures are to name just a few of the sinister eugenics agendas on the table.
The government will kill children and run real shootings and frame a patsy, and they will run false flag Hollywood productions just like Sandy Hook.Watch this video that You Tube keeps taking down. I have tried to upload it several times and this is what happens. TOTAL CENSORSHIP. WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF?
It is amazing. The media including You Tube which is all run by the government, is beyond a joke, it is an outright criminal enterprise. The movie documents the extraordinary journey of Wolfgang Halbig, a former state trooper, teacher, insurance adjuster and most importantly, a professional school safety advisor on his quest for truth. This man sought basic public information from the officials of Newtown. What he found instead, was an illegal and impenetrable wall of secrecy. This makes you have to question what they are hiding and why the government wants us disarmed. That right there alone should send shivers up and down your spine if you really have one.
I want to be clear that none of this should be taken as a justification for harassing anyone. Not only is that unnecessary, but it’s counterproductive in that it creates a negative stereotype that further stifles discussion. Moreover, it is terribly wrong in the case that we are wrong– we should never presume to have certainty that we are right, and from there reason that the ends justify the means, because the downside is that we are missing something and we end up doing serious harm; and there are alternative ways with a much smaller potential for downside ( in this case, reasonable discourse with emphasis on facts and logic) of arriving at the intended goal. That has to be the path for something like this.
Here is part of his comment in response to a posting by David Curlee about the proposed changes to the Fullerton Firefighters Contract Agreement.
“With regard to Curlee’s gratuitous comments about pension contributions, let me just say that my first real job in life was as a firefighter for the U.S. Forest Service on the Angeles National Forest where I earned some money to help out with college expenses. The one think that I learned from that experience is that firefighters earn every penny they receive in salary and benefits. They work under the most adverse of conditions, and deal with more tragedy in a week than most of us see in a lifetime. Many of them die early from cancer and heart disease.”
The gratuitous comment relates to Curlee mentioning that one way to solve the problem of reducing the number of fire vehicles from 6 to 5 within Fullerton would be for the Firefighters themselves to pay more for their contributions for their extremely generous taxpayer funded pension. To a lefty like Dr. Shapiro, that statement must have been blasphemy.
But by following the advice in Rules for Radicals by Communist Saul Allinsky, Dr. Shapiro is accusing David Curlee of exactly what he himself has just done above. He makes a totally unsubstantiated and I believe basically factually incorrect statement to support the Fullerton firefighters. That sir is not only gratuitous it is false.
He states referring to firemen that “many of them die early from cancer and heart disease”. And Dr. many of them live to be 90 years old as well collecting 90% of their final pay plus health care for the next 40 years in retirement. In every group some die younger than the average and some die older than the average as you obviously know sir. He also stated that “They work under the most advert of conditions, and deal with more in a week than most of us see in a lifetime.” I guess Dr. Shapiro believes that firefighters who work a three day shift weekly and deal with a few if any dangerous fires in a typical year in Fullerton is hardly ‘the most adverse of working conditions”. It has been statistically proven that working at a 7-11 Convenience store is much more dangerous than being the typical firefighter, yet they make minimum wage, rather than the 6 figure salaries and the early rich retirements that all Fullerton firefighters receive from the taxpayers of Fullerton.
Nearly two-thirds of all homicides in the retail trade sector during the 2003–2008 period occurred in two types of retail establishments: food and beverage stores (41.4 percent) and gasoline stations (22.0 percent). The other third were distributed among 10 other types of retailers, including motor vehicle and parts dealers (8.4 percent), clothing and clothing accessories stores (6.8 percent), and general merchandise stores (4.9 percent).
Finally police unions have been lying to the public that police officers die earlier than the average man in America. False! In fact the last study showed that on average a police officer’s life expectancy is about the same as the average male in America.
No one is saying that a firefighter or a police job at times can be a dangerous profession. But greatly overstating that danger and lying about their average life expectancy and overstating how bad their work conditions are is simply muddying up the waters at best or lying at worst.
Shame on you Dr Shapiro, to throw out so much misinformation in a failed attempt to try to attack David Curlee’s legitimate concerns about our fire department.
But I am sure Saul Allinsky would be proud of you sir. I for one am not!
Just look at the picture above of Kelly Thomas in the hospital right after he was beaten so badly by a gang of Fullerton police officers that his face is unrecognizable.
Yet FPD Trainer, Corporal Steven Rubio and Sergeant Kevin Craig testified that all the actions of the FPD that night violated no FPD policies or procedures. Are you kidding me?
Yet Danny Hughes claimed to have reformed the FPD. Are you kidding me?
Yet Disney Corporation still employs Danny Hughes as VP of Security even though I called their Security Department after he was hired to document the actions of Danny Hughes as the Fullerton Police Chief. Specifically, I reported to them how he tried to frame me in my humble opinion as Police Chief with the supposed victim failing to state that I did what I was accused of and with the City’s own videotape clearly exonerating me of any wrongdoing from day one as well. But that did not stop Danny Hughes from recommending that the DA file charges against me. Are you kidding me?
I also told Disney how his actions in the Joe Felz DUI case very well might result in obstruction of justice charges being filed against him by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.
I asked them to investigate those actions and then reconsider his very high level position with Disney. Of course Disney would not give me anything in writing. I then checked back with the same security department employee about a month later to be told that apparently the investigation/case had been closed. Are you kidding me? I personally will not return to any Disney property until Dan Hughes is no longer a Disney employee. It is not a boycott but it is that I just would not feel safe doing so.
This is one more incredible act in my opinion, of total vengeance and vindictiveness towards me by Danny Hughes. Police Chief Danny Hughes took the unprecedented step of handing out dozens of copies of the completed police report (dozens of pages long) on my case to anyone in attendance at the Fullerton council meeting after the DA just concluded that he would not file any charges against me for lack of evidence. He actually picked up a very large pile from his waist to his chin stacked full of those reports and proactively asked if anyone would like a copy as he was handing them out like Halloween candy. As far as I know this was the first and last time anything like that was ever done by the FPD and by the FPD Police Chief no less. Are you kidding me?
The claim by Bruce Whitaker at a Fullerton City Council meeting that Danny Hughes told him that he hates Levinson makes a whole lot of sense in conjunction with the actions Danny Hughes took towards me.
Compare the action of a Police Chief handing out an FPD Police Report requesting I be charged with a crime that had already been dismissed due to lack evidence to proceed by the OC DA with the difficulty of getting any information about FPD officers. It is just one more example in my opinion of disgraceful behavior by Danny Hughes in the performance of his duties as police chief.
[–]jbrs_[S] 7 points
[–]joe_jaywalker 8 points
[–]swansong19 9 points
[–]jbrs_[S] 8 points
[–]Zenyx_ 9 points
[–]jbrs_[S] 5 points
[–]joe_jaywalker 12 points
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[–]tpYOURfb 9 points
[–]joe_jaywalker 9 points
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[–]jbrs_[S] 1 point
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