Fitzgerald appointee Gretchen Cox’s 5 million dollar smile of malevolent pleasure

Watch what goes on here when the  long-time Fullerton Parks and Recreation commissioner  Mr. Barry Levinson tries to expose a $5,000,000 shortfall to the taxpayers on a bad contract with American Golf. Well they all, including council candidate Jesus Silva, ignored it all. In my opinion, he has no business on the council based on his past and present conduct as a park and rec commissioner.


Jesus Silva is just another brick in the Fullerton establishment’s wall.

It is disgusting how Mr. Levinson is treated by Karen Lang McNabb. Ladies and gentlemen, these people are covering up a massive amount of lost revenue to the city that could be so properly utilized in our city.

Just minutes into this video reveal some real insight into the Fitzgerald apparatus at work. It comes at around the 3 minute and 10 second mark where Gretchen Cox, the Fitzgerald appointee and sycophant appears to engage in a little santoria while chomping on her time release aspartame chew up on the dais taking pleasure in shutting down the only one on the commission doing their job fighting for the taxpayers. This smug attitude towards those exposing corruption is typical with Fitzgerald and her operatives. That is why we need to throw Fitzgerald out.

Jesus Silva, who had repeatedly been exposed to this information at subsequent meetings and in written notice, abstained from a vote to shut Barry down. That amounts to aiding and abetting those hiding this massive 5 million dollar cover up. Shame on Jesus Silva who is nothing more than a coward and another political operative in my opinion.

Ladies and gentlemen, this  issue is still being buried by the entire City Council as well-ALL OF THEM. Even Bruce Whitaker, who appointed Barry Levinson refused to even respond to his own appointee in writing on this issue. Bruce Whitaker eventually fired Barry Levinson from his position on the Park and Rec commission. That is what Barry gets for doing his job, Shame on Bruce Whitaker who is nothing more than a coward and another political operative in my opinion.


Bruce fired Barry Levinson for doing his job and then went on to defame Mr Levinson in the Fullerton Observer.

What does that tell you about our city government? It tells me that change is in the air.November is right around the corner, just like my campaign signs ladies and gentlemen, Help me throw these people out on election day. Vote for Joe Imbriano 4 Fullerton City Council




  1. #1 by Anonymous on August 11, 2017 - 5:38 pm

    run away run away run away from dat

(will not be published)

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