Folks trying to get Zina Gleason’s positions on issues has been, let’s just say, a tad difficult, especially when it comes to what I believe to be the crown jewel of this election- CARRYING OVER THE FORCED CLASSROOM WIRELESS MICROWAVE RADIATION EXPOSURE MODEL FROM THE FSD INTO THE HIGH SCHOOLS. She won’t answer any emails and deletes Facebook posts containing questions about the wireless issue.

So why is it that she appears to love the fence so much?

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 Why does she love many fences like the bond loving fence?

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Now she is a law school grad and didn’t just fall off of the turnip truck or did she? I mean really, with Chris Thompson, the popular FSD Trustee who is very savvy politically, who is heavily involved in her campaign, why would she be on the fence, not just on the main issue in this election-WIRELESS-but literally in what appears to be in clear violation of the City of Fullerton’s Municipal Code?


Can a law school grad read the legal ease of this ordinance? Signs are not permitted on fences surrounding flood control channels,property,

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according to Fullerton Municipal Code (FMC) Section 15.49

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So what gives?

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She remains on the fence with wireless-


and seems to love being on the fence with the signs

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What is up or down anymore anyway in this election? So how could any candidate be silent on wireless while the antenna is on his zipper?


 So the band plays on while Zina looks on

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The FJUHSD has chosen to halt their wireless deployment due to safety concerns. How can you right mindedly elect any person to the FJUHSD Governing Board that won’t PUBLICLY address the issue?

I believe you cannot.

The largest radiation experiment on children that the world has ever known is still going full steam ahead in the Fullerton School District AGAINST THE STERN WARNINGS FROM DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD.


These health decisions should never be in the hands of the five elected representatives  on the FSD school board who appear to thumb their noses at the science warning against what they have done. Why would you put one on the FJUHSD board that will do the same thing?

Will the voters see the forest for the trees? 

You bet folks, either tonight or on the next election night. The truth is marching on against all odds and against the best laid plans of those with the worst intentions.

For the FSD Trustees, to turn around on wireless now may lend credence to the fact that they may have already potentially harmed children with forced wireless microwave exposure. Yes that is possible, but to continue on down that path for fear of the aforementioned, potentially continuing to harm children to avoid acknowledgement of such is far far worse. 

All that matters to us is what is best for the children: yours and ours. They are on loan from God and we will all be held accountable some day for what we have done or what we have failed to do to protect them.

Just remember folks, no matter what side of the fence that you are on, or even if you are still sitting on one, that it is never, never, never too late to do the right thing. May God help us all to see the forest for the trees and have the courage to do what is best for these children who hold the future in their laps-literally.




  1. #1 by Why? on November 4, 2014 - 9:22 am

    Too funny, this Zina is not only on the fence about wireless but literally on the fence.

    How did Ms. Gleason come to have this desire to run for trustee? Does she have children at FJUHSD?

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