Here is a video from http://www.wifiinschools.com/ which, in my opinion, is the finest and most comprehensive site in the entire nation in terms of irrefutable evidence that clearly demonstrates we are harming our children with this technology.

You be the judge. WiFi in schools, with their industrial strength routers in some cases just several feet from young children, that are hundreds of times more powerful than the ones in your home or cafe, wireless computers, and tablets in the hands of children emit microwave radiation in close proximity to the developing young bodies of our children, specifically the brain and the highly vulnerable reproductive areas.  http://www.wifiinschools.com/studiesreports.html

I believe that children in wireless classrooms are just like the rats in the cage in the following experiment:http://synapse.koreamed.org/Synapse/Data/PDFData/1020KJU/kju-48-1308.pdf

There are no FCC RF exposure guidelines for children, only for adults and that is what the schools are standing on. Also the FCC guidelines ARE DECADES OLD and only take into consideration acute burning from microwave exposure.http://www.wifiinschools.com/uploads/3/0/4/2/3042232/8027123_orig.jpg  The FCC guidelines COMPLETELY IGNORE NON THERMAL BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS AS WELL. An important distinction to note is that guidelines are not safety standards. The FCC is not a health care agency. The FCC guidelines, in my opinion, are woefully inadequate and antiquated. They astonishingly allow for exposure limits in a classroom  high enough to be 1000 times the emissions of a cell tower.  Is the convenience really worth the risk? Let us begin with the basics and welcome aboard.

Look at all of the experts who agree with our position: http://www.wifiinschools.com/lausd-testimony.html

Ladies and gentlemen, what your children are facing is a potential public health disaster in the making. Make your voice heard. They are your children. Please take the time to watch the rest of these videos and get informed: http://www.wifiinschools.com/educational-videos.html

Did you as a parent consent to this? Do you know if this is what your children arleady are or  soon to be subjected to? Just say no!





  1. #1 by R. Shulze on July 13, 2013 - 4:53 pm

    Ray. Again, nice study but we are beyond individual studies. Find me a systematic review or equal meta analysis supporting your point and we can start a discussion. We are at a Supreme Court level here and I honestly don’t care what some county court thinks. Interestingly enough Percy Spencer, the inventor of microwaves, first came upon it when he steped in front of a magnetron and a chocolate bar in his pocket melted. Imagine this guys exposure working around radar tubes that were essentially open microwave ovens. He thought it was cool to pop corn in a bag in his hand. Died at age 76 of “natural causes”… Who knows, I doubt he had an autopsy.

    Joe. I really would prefer wired computers for the kids as well but I think it is a huge cost issue. Especially since the school has to buy Apple. I’m not aware of anyway to hard wire a iPad so that means laptops. I’m not sure but maybe you can help; how much would it cost to wire each room with 32 Cat-6 ports vs. one WiFi router? How much for the whole school? Then how much would a laptop cost per kid, and how much for the whole school? Now extrapolate to the district, county, etc. if you could find a way to divert our tax dollars from defense to support this I would champion the cause. Hell, even raise taxes. I have children in “High Tech” classrooms, yes.

    I’m still not even sure how people are allowed to drive cars that spew know carcinigenic and poisonous toxins into the air that my children have to breath. And those chemtrails? Sorry, let’s focus on EMF first.

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on July 13, 2013 - 6:35 pm

      This site covers it all, the whole kit and kaboodle R.

      You know Percy wasn’t a child when he was toying around with his inventions, he had a fully developed body.

      The health of children takes precedent, not the bloated union contracts and useless administrative expenditures. The hard wire cost is peanuts. These districts have massive budgets and there is plenty of fat to cut.

      The Ipads can be returned or sold on ebay and replaced with desktops with nice keyboards and led screens for an extra 150 bucks each.

      R, we will have thousands of studies after 10 years if the White House is successful in coercing the local lackeys in the school district administrations all over the United States to flip the switch. We are here to throw a wrench into that.

      The proposed unprecedented K-12 school classroom exposure 6 hours a day, 180 days a year to low intensity, perfectly legal microwave radiation in the 2.4 -5.0 GHZ range courtesy of the FCC which by design, ignores the non thermal effects of the emissions, I believe, will yield, for the most part, a largely infertile population rife with a myriad of health effects that will guarantee an endless client base for big pharma, full lobbies for their flesh mechanics, and burgeoning enrollment for the special ed side of the aisle. I believe that is the goal of the social engineers, that is the dream of those that serve darkness, and their kin can return the planet to the wolves as the cull will be well underway.

      As for me and mine, we will have no part in this macabre forced irradiaton, which amounts to the perfect crime in my opinion. The public at large is clueless about the health effects, is highly addicted to the wireless technology and so too, if not already so, will be the children. The school district establishment lapdogs tout it as perfectly safe, the industry gets to bathe our children in ever increasing levels of emissions, they make a boatload of money, the school districts get to increase class sizes to capture more attendance money, teaching to the test takes on a whole new meaning, the common core and its privacy invading algorithms comes all the faster, and two dimensional learning completely replaces 3 dimensional hands on problem solving and thinking. The blue glow screens will rule their minds. By the time that folks realize what has been done to their them and their children by being bathed in these emissions, it will have been too late.

      We are here to stop the rollout of the largest forced irradiation program involving children that the world has ever seen. We could really use your help.

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