Here is a video from http://www.wifiinschools.com/ which, in my opinion, is the finest and most comprehensive site in the entire nation in terms of irrefutable evidence that clearly demonstrates we are harming our children with this technology.

You be the judge. WiFi in schools, with their industrial strength routers in some cases just several feet from young children, that are hundreds of times more powerful than the ones in your home or cafe, wireless computers, and tablets in the hands of children emit microwave radiation in close proximity to the developing young bodies of our children, specifically the brain and the highly vulnerable reproductive areas.  http://www.wifiinschools.com/studiesreports.html

I believe that children in wireless classrooms are just like the rats in the cage in the following experiment:http://synapse.koreamed.org/Synapse/Data/PDFData/1020KJU/kju-48-1308.pdf

There are no FCC RF exposure guidelines for children, only for adults and that is what the schools are standing on. Also the FCC guidelines ARE DECADES OLD and only take into consideration acute burning from microwave exposure.http://www.wifiinschools.com/uploads/3/0/4/2/3042232/8027123_orig.jpg  The FCC guidelines COMPLETELY IGNORE NON THERMAL BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS AS WELL. An important distinction to note is that guidelines are not safety standards. The FCC is not a health care agency. The FCC guidelines, in my opinion, are woefully inadequate and antiquated. They astonishingly allow for exposure limits in a classroom  high enough to be 1000 times the emissions of a cell tower.  Is the convenience really worth the risk? Let us begin with the basics and welcome aboard.

Look at all of the experts who agree with our position: http://www.wifiinschools.com/lausd-testimony.html

Ladies and gentlemen, what your children are facing is a potential public health disaster in the making. Make your voice heard. They are your children. Please take the time to watch the rest of these videos and get informed: http://www.wifiinschools.com/educational-videos.html

Did you as a parent consent to this? Do you know if this is what your children arleady are or  soon to be subjected to? Just say no!





  1. #1 by R. Shulze on July 6, 2013 - 2:28 pm

    Two words… Home Scool. You have the right to protect your kids from whatever you fear. The fact that you would continue to expose your children to EMF is shameful if in fact you are convinced of its effects. If your article is peer reviewed and published in a journal I would be happy to take a look at it. My rights to have my children in a school that prepares them for the future and not be exposed to a cadre of unvaccinated disease resovoirs is no less valid than your rights. So we come to an impass. Who’s rights are more important and why? How much of the school districts money need be wasted on defending attacks. 250,000 children are injured every year, and 2000 killed, in car accidents in the US alone. This is a fact and people still continue to put their kids in cars. This blatant disregard for life can not stand, or can it? Life it turns out is about risks an benefits and I agree we need to minimize the risks whenever possible but if people continue to want to use cars, we’re going to have too accept 2000 dead kids a year. Or am I way off here? Maybe we should go back 1000 years when all food was organic and there was no pollution or EMF, but life expectancy was about 40. I’ll take my chances in the modern world.

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on July 6, 2013 - 4:19 pm

      Home school is an option for the privileged but not for most doc. I am not choosing to continue to expose my kids to EMF. I pulled my son out of a class last year that used wireless devices and made sure that both kids were placed in a classes that had no routers.

      Mr. Schulze are you saying that you won’t take the time to read the article because it is not peer reviewed? That is ludicrous. Give it a read. As far as preparing kids for the future, wire the computers and problem solved.

      As far as the vaccine issue, there is no substitute for good wholesome nutrition, fresh air, sunlight, sleep, exercise, clean water and good clean blood. All of which are possible with today’s advances in sanitation, technology, food distribution and the use of good old common sense.

      Your argument that the unvaccinated are a cadre of disease reservoirs couldn’t be further from the truth. What those vaccinated children have become as a result of being injected with the live and attenuated modified strains of human and animal pathogens,fragments of trans species DNA, RNA and the like are exactly what you refer to as the cadre and reservior.

      Besides if the vaccines work, what’s the problem? But the shots are not really the issue because they are mandatory and that means that they are NOT REQUIRED. When I was a kid the air was filthy, the waterways were full of toxic waste, we burned our trash, lead was in the gas, the paint, the air, mercury was in the shots, the amalgans, the coal, the mercurochrome for our cuts, in dads hat liner, we had about 8 shots and we were just fine with virtually no Autism. Now we have 36 shots before age 6. 1 in 5 kids has a mental disorder in 2013 EMF is everywhere thanks to the FCC,the RF industry and now the school districts. Public health is on the decline and chronic pediatric conditions are a virtual epidemic. The flesh mechanics have full lobbies and people like you know this and make a living off of this.

      How much money do I have to spend fending off an attack on all of our childrens’ health by the school district with their irresponsible technology plans?

      There is no impasse as there is much for both of us to learn. I am very open minded. If you are the medical guy that I think you are, then you should be opening your eyes to instead of dancing around the vaccines and the emf issue that everyone in the medical establishment bows down to on a daily basis, telling everyone including the schools to dig up their front yards, playgrounds and plant a garden, filter the water, shut off the WiFi, question the color of law injection mandates stop shopping at the glorified liquor stores called supermarkets full of GMO, antibiotic laced factory farm garbage, and how some keep hawking alcohol laced extracts and spinal adjustments with promises to cure everything under the sun.

      I would like to point out that the life expectancy argument that you refer to is fatally flawed. You see the it is all front loaded. People are not living longer, the infant mortality rates have drastically improved due to the general advances in pediatric medicine, technological advances in neonatal intensive care and general improvements with home heating and water treatment. 1000 years ago if you made it past 5 and lived where food could be grown you could make it to 100 unless you were killed by an animal, a drunk or a savage. Not today, as most people are totally falling apart for a variety of reasons that I mentioned in the prior comment. EMF is finishing the job.

      I take risks all day long and the biggest one of all is me putting my name all over exposing this agenda against children all over the world and it is worth taking. I drive cars and my kids ride bikes. Those are voluntary calculated risks whose inherent dangers are a 50% function of the skill of the risk taker. Wireless classrooms are not in the same category of risk because in reality, they are by their very nature, not voluntary as a result of the school district’s policies and the RF industry’s insidious marketing program, nor are they a necessity as they can be completely avoided by hard wiring the devices. The risks are being downplayed by people like you or intentionally hidden by people like the school districts and the government.

      The EMF exposure is now REQUIRED and many cannot afford to home school. I have ample resources for plan B for my family, but most do not. I am advocating for everyone’s children because I know exactly what this agenda involves and it has very little to do with education. I believe that you know what I am referring to but if you don’t I will give you a hint-it has to do with fertility. In addition, what is going on in the homes as a result of this technology, ie, the need for Wifi in the home so the kids can do their homework on these tablets is another concern.

      Hardwired computers with keyboards are the way to go if you want to prepare them for the future. Tablets are 2 dimensional learning tools which simply train children to be list verifiers.

      I really appreciate your joining us. So tell us all what you do for a living. What is you cup of tea pal? Are you a doctor? I am out in the open, so how about you? How much did the FSD pay you to spend hours on this blog? You appear to an advocate for the RF industry and the vaccine manufacturers.Have you ever read this? http://www.physiology.columbia.edu/MartinBlank.html

      Hmm…geepers, if a fork in a microwave gives off a light show, an anemic fetus under the WiFi all day comes out Autistic, sperm deformities are the norm for short term laptop exposure, then what the heck could possibly be going on with the nano particles being injected into our children with the WiFi going all day and night? Inquiring minds want to know. Maybe that is why this site is getting a mind numbing amount of hits from all over the planet. Yes we are on the radar and we plan to stay there.

      In Jesus name we will prevail in opening the eyes of the blind. This transcends far beyond that of the confines of the Fullerton School District and in my opinion, their petty, inept administrators and their worshippers. Those on the wrong side in this information war will only remain there by their own volition. The truth always stands on its own and the truth will truly set you free. Humanity must seek it all costs. Wireless affects us all. Get informed and open your eyes.

    • #3 by jgarrison on July 6, 2013 - 9:08 pm

      Most parents are both out working to put food on the table for their families. Do you really think that everyone can just drop their financial obligations to home school?
      Don’t you care about the safety of the children? Don’t you think safety should be #1? Technology can be safely accessed in schools via wired means. Why wouldn’t you want to use the safest technology for the children? Do you care about the children?

    • #4 by amateur night on July 6, 2013 - 9:48 pm

      Yeah most homes don’t even have 2 parents anymore and some have one working 2 jobs just to fork out the taxes to pay Pletkas 200k bonanza and his sidekicks 160K so they can eat bacon in Europe in the summers, bury their heads in the sand and hire hacks to blow off the fringies.

      Ya think Shulzeepoo cares about the kids? He’s a hack too waiting for his instructions.. Hey R-answer Ray will ya?

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