Here is a video from http://www.wifiinschools.com/ which, in my opinion, is the finest and most comprehensive site in the entire nation in terms of irrefutable evidence that clearly demonstrates we are harming our children with this technology.

You be the judge. WiFi in schools, with their industrial strength routers in some cases just several feet from young children, that are hundreds of times more powerful than the ones in your home or cafe, wireless computers, and tablets in the hands of children emit microwave radiation in close proximity to the developing young bodies of our children, specifically the brain and the highly vulnerable reproductive areas.  http://www.wifiinschools.com/studiesreports.html

I believe that children in wireless classrooms are just like the rats in the cage in the following experiment:http://synapse.koreamed.org/Synapse/Data/PDFData/1020KJU/kju-48-1308.pdf

There are no FCC RF exposure guidelines for children, only for adults and that is what the schools are standing on. Also the FCC guidelines ARE DECADES OLD and only take into consideration acute burning from microwave exposure.http://www.wifiinschools.com/uploads/3/0/4/2/3042232/8027123_orig.jpg  The FCC guidelines COMPLETELY IGNORE NON THERMAL BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS AS WELL. An important distinction to note is that guidelines are not safety standards. The FCC is not a health care agency. The FCC guidelines, in my opinion, are woefully inadequate and antiquated. They astonishingly allow for exposure limits in a classroom  high enough to be 1000 times the emissions of a cell tower.  Is the convenience really worth the risk? Let us begin with the basics and welcome aboard.

Look at all of the experts who agree with our position: http://www.wifiinschools.com/lausd-testimony.html

Ladies and gentlemen, what your children are facing is a potential public health disaster in the making. Make your voice heard. They are your children. Please take the time to watch the rest of these videos and get informed: http://www.wifiinschools.com/educational-videos.html

Did you as a parent consent to this? Do you know if this is what your children arleady are or  soon to be subjected to? Just say no!





  1. #1 by R. Shulze on July 5, 2013 - 6:00 pm

    Thanks for posting my last comment. Its funny that you should mention the Bio-Initiative. In fact much of your blog will serve well for a course on recognizing and identifying logical fallacies. There is more information here: http://emfandhealth.com/ … not that I expect facts to sway anyone. To quote:

    “Some alarmists, such as the Bio-Initiative group have argued that studies do not need to be consistent to raise cause for concern. But this is completely contrary to the way science works. The COMAR Expert Review paper debunks the shoddy studies cited in the Bio-Initiative Report. See the following section on in vitro studies for more examples.”

    I would honestly be more worried about the amount of GMOs my kids were getting in their food, the hormones/antibiotics in milk, or the fluoride in water. We need to cast a wider net and not single out EMF. There are more rodent carcinogens in a single cup of coffee than potentially carcinogenic pesticide residues in the average American diet in a year, and we’re worried about EMF?

    • #2 by jgarrison on July 6, 2013 - 12:35 am

      As a parent all I have to do is read the letters from all of the PhDs, scientists, MDs and researchers to know that WiFi does not belong in my child’s classroom. At the moment, I am deeply concerned that my 8th grader will start school in the fall with a classroom full of 36 Ipads operating 6 hrs a day for the whole school year. This is an imminent danger to my child and we have no choice in the matter. We must get involved.
      If you worry about the amount of GMO’s your children are getting, then be a parent and do something about it. If you want to buy hormone/antibiotic free milk, it is easily done. If the fluoride in the water bothers you, buy bottled water. Oh, and the coffee, there, again, be a parent and don’t feed them coffee. In each of these cases you brought up, you have a choice in the matter. You also have a choice to advocate for what you believe.
      EMF is being singled out because schools are making a harmful safety decision for our children.

      We have no choice in the matter. It’s not like GMO food, milk, fluoride, or the coffee you choose to feed your kids. In each of these instances, you, as a parent, have control over these things. With WiFi in the classroom the kids have no choice for getting or not getting the radiation.

      There is just so much information and sources articulating the harm of EMF radiation that it is apparent to anyone willing to look that this does not belong in our children’s classrooms.

      And, why would you argue for not worrying “about EMF”? Is EMF radiation your “sacred cow?”

    • #3 by Joe Imbriano on July 6, 2013 - 11:34 am

      Thank you for your post. The fluoride, the vaccines, and the GMOs, pesticides, and antibiotics are all easily avoidable with an RO filter, an immunization waiver, your own garden and with organic stores. Lets not forget the allopathic petrochemical poisons, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, hydrolized protiens, di sodium guanylates, tumor dogs, autolized yeast extracts, blue lake 40s, potassium sorbates, trans fats and all the rest of the health destroying compounds VOLUNTARILY AND CONSCIOUSLY being ingested like whiskey in an old mining town on payday.

      The unprecedented EMF exposures in the compulsory education system and the clear and present danger that they pose to the students, however, are not avoidable and thus are the focal point of our attention and efforts. There are literally thousand of peer reviewed studies that show the dangers of EMF exposures are real. There are absolutely no studies that demonstrate that the proposed classroom applications of this technology are clearly safe. Rolling this out is what I believe to be called forced irradiation of school children.

      There is no substitute for a healthy diet and a good immune system as good nutrition and proper sanitation are things we should all be thankful for. Sadly people are losing touch with common sense as it relates to taking care of their children. They therefore rely on an industry that offers no solutions and can only manage diseases. I cannot get the vaccines out of the children however I can and have educated parents of ways to avoid them. The school districts continue to hide the immunization waivers in the office instead of in the enrollment packets where they belong. If you were clearly concerned about the well being of children you too would be concerned about pumping 35 shots full of unspeakable compounds not limited to toxic chemicals, modified pathogens and genetic materials and who knows what else into these kids before they show up to the microwave chambers seated under the router.

      EMF is clearly the most insidious threat as it so stealth and has quickly become so ubiquitous. What is going on under the auspices of 21st century learning is nothing more than window dressing on the largest forced irradiation program involving children that the world has ever seen. There are no studies at all on the long term effects of the EMF exposures that these wireless classroom environments will have on our children. We are simply making the studies we enroll the subjects every fall. Most concerning, aside from the detrimental effects on cognitive function, are the reproductive ramifications. The science that you refer to has only 20/20 hindsight. Based on the scope of, the sheer volume of and the amazing nature of the visitors to this site, it is obvious we have struck a nerve, the biggest nerve that there is. The Autism epidemic is just collateral damage from a much larger undertaking. In my opinion, there is no entity that has a greater role in the destruction of our children’s health than the school districts with their color of law mandates on immunizations, GMO and antibiotic laced feeding programs rife with factory farm pesticide and now the microwave chambers that used to be called classrooms.

      My kids can bring their own lunch, bring filtered water, avoid the drugs and crap like the plague, but not the RF emissions Mr Shulze. Ignoring this fact simply shows that you are on the wrong side of things or are simply naive.

      Ending Fullerton’s water fluoridation will not be on our agenda anytime soon. Our position is that the municipalities need to be fluoridating the Coca Cola, Starbucks and the Gatorade as no one drinks water any more.

      For now the Trojan Horse of the 21st Century classrooms replete with microwave emitting toys must be exposed and defeated in the FSD.

      Are you by any chance a medical professional or in the wellness field? If so read the autism article I wrote. Spend some time there and also on the http://www.wifiinschools.com/ site.

      Your perspective is always welcome here and thanks for stopping by.

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