Here is a video from http://www.wifiinschools.com/ which, in my opinion, is the finest and most comprehensive site in the entire nation in terms of irrefutable evidence that clearly demonstrates we are harming our children with this technology.

You be the judge. WiFi in schools, with their industrial strength routers in some cases just several feet from young children, that are hundreds of times more powerful than the ones in your home or cafe, wireless computers, and tablets in the hands of children emit microwave radiation in close proximity to the developing young bodies of our children, specifically the brain and the highly vulnerable reproductive areas.  http://www.wifiinschools.com/studiesreports.html

I believe that children in wireless classrooms are just like the rats in the cage in the following experiment:http://synapse.koreamed.org/Synapse/Data/PDFData/1020KJU/kju-48-1308.pdf

There are no FCC RF exposure guidelines for children, only for adults and that is what the schools are standing on. Also the FCC guidelines ARE DECADES OLD and only take into consideration acute burning from microwave exposure.http://www.wifiinschools.com/uploads/3/0/4/2/3042232/8027123_orig.jpg  The FCC guidelines COMPLETELY IGNORE NON THERMAL BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS AS WELL. An important distinction to note is that guidelines are not safety standards. The FCC is not a health care agency. The FCC guidelines, in my opinion, are woefully inadequate and antiquated. They astonishingly allow for exposure limits in a classroom  high enough to be 1000 times the emissions of a cell tower.  Is the convenience really worth the risk? Let us begin with the basics and welcome aboard.

Look at all of the experts who agree with our position: http://www.wifiinschools.com/lausd-testimony.html

Ladies and gentlemen, what your children are facing is a potential public health disaster in the making. Make your voice heard. They are your children. Please take the time to watch the rest of these videos and get informed: http://www.wifiinschools.com/educational-videos.html

Did you as a parent consent to this? Do you know if this is what your children arleady are or  soon to be subjected to? Just say no!





  1. #1 by melinda on May 30, 2013 - 6:29 am

    Mr. Imbrianio, did you show this video to your principal or school board members?

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on May 30, 2013 - 9:06 am

      Yes. the Acacia elementary prinicipal, Dr. Whisnant was emailed the video and she called it “thought provoking”. In her email she thanked me for sending it to her and 3 months later, not a single word from her to this day on this issue even after I personally handed her information that she returned to me and me blanketing parents cars with this information at almost every public meeting Acacia has called. Acacia is ground zero for the district wide roll out of the 1:1 student to wireless device program.

      Superintendant Dr. Pletka was sent the video and other links and he responded to me by stating that a few articles here or there on this issue are not going to change either of our minds on this issue. It was that comment by Dr. Pletka, who by the way, has made a career out of installing this technology in every school district that he has worked at, that forced me to launch this blog on 3-5-13.

      This video was also sent to board member Chris Thompson and he has not responded to it in writing. He has only called me on the phone and told me that this (the wifi issue) doesn’t concern him as he is not convinced that is is dangerous. He has also told me on the phone that this argument over wireless is probably going nowhere. I interpret that to mean that they are not changing their position and he certainly is not moved by the information presented to date.

      All of the aforementioned individuals along with the entire administrative office of the FSD were emailed a link to this blog on MARCH 12. All the board members were repeatedly provided materials at three board meetings and since 3-5-13, I have not received one single written response regarding the safety concerns presented with the wireless classroom issue with the exception of a letter from Dr. Pletka on 5-16 that stated that the emissions were all legal and I will not be allowed to film and record measurements in my children’s classrooms. There has not been any written statement from the district, its staff or board members that state that they are even willing to look into the information that we have presented. They, thus far have chosen to simply ignore all of the research that we have presented and are moving forward. Unless the parents stand up, even more children will be subjected to unprecedented microwave EMF emissions in the FSD classrooms.

      I believe that they are ignoring all the research and studies out there because as educrats, they put all of their faith and trust in the FCC guidelines and current law. In my opinion, real leaders break rank when outside the box thinking is needed and the time comes to put the children first in a potentially dangerous situation. No one in the FSD is thinking outside of the box on this issue. Real leaders do not blindly trust what are in my opinion, outdated exposure guidelines. Do you as parents? There you have it folks.

      The administration needs to be held to a higher standard because they are the experts responsible for the safety and well being of the children. They cannot simply blindly follow top down edicts from the State Superintendent’s office which I believe is what they are doing. They are the stewards of the public trust. They certainly have lost most of mine and I believe when all is said and done and the parents open their eyes, they will have certainly lost most of their’s as well. It is never too late to do the right thing FSD. The truth will stand on its own.

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