Is this what explains the behavior of the masses who ignore and allow the sterilization of school children with the forced wireless exposure at school? apple 666 the counter intuitive brain damaging common core curriculum, the 65 cancer virus and nano tech laden shots being pumped into our kids before age 5,the ripping apart of the unborn children out of their mothers womb and parting them out, the satanizing video game addictions purloining-their-fecundity, the endless flow of liquor destroying marriages and children, the out of control opiate pain pill addiction epidemic, the satanic mind control hellavison, music, Hellywood movie and media bread and circus mindless sports diversions, the fleecing and betrayal by the fat head pickpocket preachers and the cowards who compromise the clergy, the secular humanist educrat lackeys that teach our children flat out lies as they sip their wine, polish the 12 pack and push their agendas, or our violent, murderous, sexually assaulting, framing and corrupt police department, our two faced betraying sell out local elected leaders, or simply what we are allowing to even be done to ourselves by those who hold us all in derision at the highest echelons of power?
One thing is certain, the end result will be the collective goal of what the elite has had in mind for millenia and even for the low level minions as well as their very own children that blindly carry all of this out. the wireless agenda That goal is to corrupt, subjugate, weaken, sicken, control and cull what they view as a scourge on the earth-you and I and our children.
This is how it moves full steam ahead in linear progression. It is all because of willful blindness. The root of willful blindness is cowardice, which I believe to be the biggest sin of all and The Bible agrees. REV 21:8.
Break your conditioning folks. It is all on the line.
#1 by What's good for the goose ... on January 28, 2015 - 12:12 pm
So in reference to Mr. Levinson’s post about doing away with presentations and such at the beginning of council meetings, let’s do away with the opening prayer while where at it.
#2 by Anonymous on January 28, 2015 - 2:22 pm
I know Chaffee and Flory would like that. Sure Hughes and Felz would be happy and Fitzgerald could care less too because she is a total phony.
Big difference between prayer and presentations though. I don’t think it is a good idea. On second thought, maybe it is. Maybe if you do, some real prayer warriors will get up there and pray over these sick creeps that need prayer.
Why don’t you bring it up at the next meeting? What is your name?