Will Buena Park High School Principal Jim Coombs do the right thing?

The more students on the free lunch program a school has, the more money the school gets for wireless technology. Buena Park High School students are in harms way. Jim Coombs has sat through three years of our monthly presentations at the FJUHSD Trustee board meetings on the dangers that forced classroom wireless microwave radiation poses to the unsuspecting students and staff. Here is a recent video from April 5th, 2016 where Diane Hickey presented in usual fashion, with facts backed by scientific evidence. Mr. Coombs was in attendance and in general, is one of the few principals that regularly pays attention to the speakers.


Buena Park High School and wireless chromebooks

The Fullerton Informer <joeimbriano777@gmail.com> Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 10:41 PM
To: jcoombs@fjuhsd.org
Cc: “sing4us@aol.com” <sing4us@aol.com>, mbuchi@fjuhsd.org, bkilponen@fjuhsd.org, bhathaway@fjuhsd.org, amontoya@fjuhsd.org, Jennifer Williams <jwilliams@fjuhsd.org>, Scott Scambray <sscambray@fjuhsd.org>, Ron Lebs <rlebs@fjuhsd.org>, david morrison <wirelesseducationaction@yahoo.com>, “Shawn E. Abrell, Esq.” <shawn.e.abrell@gmail.com>,

Good evening Mr. Coombs.

As a follow up to my comments at the board meeting, I wanted to reach out to you specifically. Your school is slated to be the first in the FJUHSD to receive the chrome books that are rumored to arrive any day now.
Mr. Coombs, as the principal, I would respectfully request you to refuse to accept these devices and turn off the WiFi systems at your school for the health and safety of staff and students alike.
We all know and understand how the less fortunate are slated for the most categorical funding for this deployment and that is precisely why these students who have the steepest hill to climb need your protection.
I watched you place your arm repeatedly on the miracle student from your school at last months board meeting and it was evidently clear to all in attendance that you held sincere concern for this child’s well being and future.
It is along those lines that I urge you to draw the line in the sand with the district and say no to this first advance against the students and staff. There are hundreds of scientists and thousands of studies which warn against the very thing that is being foisted on your student body on your watch. Just say no. It is the right thing to do.
Years ago, there were ashtrays in the teachers lounges and asbestos lining everything from brake pads to floor tiles. The massive deployment of wireless microwave radiation emitting devices has been referred to as a massive public health crisis in the making and an unmitigated public health disaster in the making.
Here is a link outlining basic positions and concerns as they relate to what you could possibly be undertaking in a matter of days.
Mr. Imbriano
  1. #1 by RF Hell Holes on April 9, 2016 - 8:42 pm

    American Universities Are Becoming RF Hell Holes

    Rich Farver was a 29-year-old San Diego State University (SDSU) political science teaching assistant where he had already earned his masters degree, died of glioblastoma multiforme(GBM) brain cancer on October 11, 2008. Rich’s mother, Virginia, began a quest to find out why. Virginia discovered that several students and staff were dying on the campus of San Diego State University of various cancers. Virginia was subsequently told that Rich’s cell phone was the culprit. Shortly after that, she found an article entitled “Brain Cancer Cluster on the San Diego State University Campus.” The light came on and Virginia met off-campus with some professors mentioned in the article. The professors told her that they had asked for a toxicology study, as there is a huge cell tower right next to the building where Farver lived and ultimately died.


    Virginia’s research and that of others like Deoborah Tavares, have revealed that millions of people have been placed at risk because of the cell and microwave towers placed on University and school grounds. Further this system is part of a larger National system of connected communications which is expanding on international basis. To date, The Los Angeles School District and the European Union have moved to forbid these practices.
    When Dr. Batcho speaks of the array of cell phone towers in the Tampa/Orlando that are emitting toxic and even lethal doses of RF, he is unknowingly understating the problem. Almost every major university, not just
    In nearly every major university in America, wireless carrier corporations and the various governmental alphabet soup agencies have combined to place dangerous arrays of electromagnetic towers on campuses frequently near dorms and college offices. Some of these towers are merely cell phone towers. Some towers have implications for “national security.” Regardless, universities all across this country are displaying profound sense of depraved indifference towards the well-being of students, staff and faculty who live and work on these campuses. These institutions of higher learning are paid big bucks in order to accept these towers. And if these towers are not dangerous, then why do the corporations spend millions trying to disguise the towers by making them look like trees?
    cell phone towers
    Let me be clear, Virginia Farver has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that when your child goes off to college, they are playing Russian Roulette with their health. When you step out of your house, drive down the street, go to bed at night, you are at risk. There will be a Part two that discusses the specific dangers. Until then here is an interview I did with Virginia Farver on this topic.

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