Will anyone do the right thing?

We want to communicate some strategies parents could use to challenge their federal, state and local government officials to get them to enforce existing CA Education code that says whenever improvements are made to school facilities, the school must not introduce toxins or known carcinogens into their facilities, our children’s learning environments. RF/EMF microwave radiation from all sources (including Wi-Fi) was designated as a Class 2B carcinogen in May, 2011 by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer. (Details at http://rfemf.com). Our schools can no longer legally pump this toxic, carcinogenic substance (electricity though the air) into  classrooms. Using wired connectivity instead eliminates this problem completely.

The following is a presentation by Dr. Martin Pall, PhD., Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, presenting to the Oregon State Legislature House Committee on Health Care. Feb 24, 2014. 


[1] The total cumulative amount of RF/EMF microwave radiation in any classroom is what really matters — radiation from all sources: routers, access point and devices.

[2] The FCC RF/EMF microwave radiation guideline is meaningless because it does not consider total cumulative radiation and only applies to one device; it does not consider the total cumulative radiation from all wireless devices in the room.

[3] Senior engineers at the FCC and OSHA have agreed, in writing, how to calculate total cumulative microwave radiation exposure from any wireless device: the peak power density measured 18″ from the device times the total number of pulses transmitted by each antenna of each wireless device over the entire school day times the length (in fractions of seconds) of the duration of each pulse. When you plug in real numbers, the totals are staggering: at least 8 times higher than the current adult maximum public exposure guideline for RF/EMF microwave radiation for every school day (http://rfemf.com/counter.html).

[4] We have a Watt problem in our country. Watts, delivered over time, is the measure of how much electricity we use. People, in general, are confused about what is a high power (many Watts) and what is low power (fractions of Watts). We falsely think that a bright 100-Watt light bulb is high power and a dim 25-Watt light bulb is low power. The truth is anything in the range of 1-150 Watts is hugely-high power compared to the electricity our bodies use every day to run our heart, our muscles, our kidneys and our brains.

Our cells operate at picoWatts or one trillionth of a Watt. Said another way it takes ten trillion picoWatts to equal 10 watts, which is the the amount of electricity our FCC guideline allows each Wi-Fi device to shoot into the air and through our children’s brains and bodies at over six million miles per hour. It is not at all surprising that electricity that is

[a] ten trillion times higher than natural levels, and that

[b] shoots through our children at over six million miles per hour

might cause their cells to misfire. You think? That’s what’s happening all day long in classrooms with wireless connectivity. Wireless connectivity creates hazardous conditions for our children.

Wi-Fi is electricity sprayed into the air at very high speeds. It is designed to penetrate  through wood, concrete and our children. So if our children are allowed to get 10 watts of electricity through the air from one device, what if we have 24 devices in a classroom? That is 240 watts. Do you want 240 Watts of electricity shooting through your children’s brains and bodies, six hours a day, 180 days per year?

What are our school officials thinking? Wireless signals at the very same levels in classrooms today was used as a weapon in World War II. Our leaders and industry lobbyists just conveniently forgot about that. Apparently, it is more important to have a robust economy based on wireless signals than it is to protect our children’s brains, bodies and future fertility.

Using wired connectivity in schools to distribute our internet traffic through Ethernet wires eliminates this problem. Wireless connectivity offers over 15 times higher bandwidth and much greater security at a lower cost, compared to wired connections. It is a proven solution that exists today.

I called the phone number on the Feb 24, 2014 meeting announcement and spoke to a woman who told me that the HHC-201402241308.ram is a RealPlayer audio file. To play/hear this audio file, I had to download and install the free Realplayer 16 media player software onto my HP/Windows 8 laptop, which I did. RealPlayer can be downloaded for free by clicking the orange button, called  “RealPlayer Free Download” at the top right corner of the following page:

http://www.real.com/resources/windows-media-player-comparison/The woman also provided the following link, which has links to all of the pdfs.https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2014R1/Committees/HHC/2014-02-24-13-00/MeetingMaterials

I clicked the audio triangle near the top of this page, which downloaded the file called ‘HHC-201402241308.ram’ to my ‘Downloads’ folder. I then double-clicked the file ‘HHC-201402241308.ram’ and it started streaming the 1:08:00 audio file to my RealPlayer software.

I just listened to Dr. Martin Pall’s and Dr. Paul Dart’s excellent 2/24/14 presentation to the State of Oregon’s House Committee On Health Care and read the supporting documents (which I uploaded to my public DropBox for easy access). Just click the following links to download the any of the documents to your computer or device.

2014-0224-Oregon-State-Health-Care-Committee.pdf (the meeting announcement)

2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf (the presentation)

2014-0224-Martin-Paul-35551.pdf (scientific paper)

2014-0224-Paul-Dart-35549.pdf (curriculum vitae)

2014-0224-Paul-Dart-35552.pdf (scientific paper)

2014-0224-Paul-Dart-36431.pdf (presentation – part 1)

2014-0224-Paul-Dart-36430.pdf (presentation – part 2)

2014-0224-Shawn-Abrell-35793.pdf (presentation)

2014-0224-Recording-Log.pdf (time log of speakers)

I will send this information to all of my school administrators who have the legal responsibility, accountability and liability to provide a safe learning environment for our public schools. I would encourage each of them to spend the 1-2 hours it takes to listen to this presentation, review the supporting materials and then take appropriate, effective actions:

1. Immediately stop all installation of wireless networking equipment and infrastructure in CA public schools and switch these Common Core funds to improving the schools’ existing wired networking infrastructure instead. A very good solution, complete with 3D classroom drawings, can be seen at http://rfemf.com.

2. Ban the use of any educational device that does not offer a wired connectivity option. This leaves a lot of devices on the ‘approved list’: Android tablets, Windows 8 tablets, ChomeOS Chromebooks, any netbooks and any laptops that enable the use of Micro-USB-to-USB-to-Ethernet adapters. This leaves the Apple iPad on the ‘unapproved list’, until Apple creates a Lightning-to-USB-to-Ethernet adapter and sofware driver that will enable wired connectivity. This is a simple problem that Apple could solve in a few months, with enough pressure from schools.

3. Anyone who has the legal responsibility, accountability and liability for providing a safe environment in public schools, please do not ignore this critically important information.

On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 7:08 AM, Malone Debbie <debbie.malone@state.or.us> wrote:
Rep. Keny –Guyer’s office asked if a cd could be made of the Microwave  portion of the informational meeting. I contacted media and informed the representative a cd would be possible. I was under the impression the arrangements for the cd were with Rep. Keny-Guyer. I did not inquired about a dvd but a cd.  I will happy to contact media about a dvd for you or you may contact them at 503-986- 1196.  Here is the link to the 2/24 meeting. https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2014R1/Committees/HHC/2014-02-24-13-00/MeetingMaterials  If you have any questions please contact me.                                                         
Debbie Malone
Committee Assistant

House Health Care

  1. #1 by Anonymous on March 18, 2014 - 11:43 am

    Joe this is excellent information. Nice work.

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on March 18, 2014 - 8:52 am

      Dear Melissa,

      This email requests the first available appointment with my Congressman, Jared Huffman, either in Washington DC or in one of his CA offices. I will Skype or travel anywhere in the US to meet with Congressman Huffman. I understand from you that Mr. Huffman is neither in CA or DC this week and will return to DC on Tue Mar 25.

      I am a Petaluma, CA resident and own a home in the 94952-2001 zip code. I can be reached at this email or by phone at the numbers below my signature.

      Thank you for agreeing to receive this latest email and to pass it on today to the Legislative Assistant assigned to handle this issue — whoever that mystery person is. We are talking about protecting the health and safety of 10 million+ CA public school children whose brains, ovums and sperm are currently being damaged every day in CA schools. We first communicated to Mr. Huffman’s office on 3/7/14 via intern Lauren Hoffman.

      You and everyone on your staff would benefit from taking the common sense actions detailed in the ‘How to Protect Your Family’ section on this web page: http://rfemf.com/actions.html#actions

      This is a hugely important issue and it has an immediate, low cost solution: redirect Race-to-the-Top and Common Core funds to incentivize public school districts to change from wireless connectivity to wired connectivity in order to protect our children. This is not a wait-and-see issue.

      Children are already being damaged — severely. Many children across the US have already been permanently damaged. I, too, no longer have an elementary school in Petaluma that has a safe learning environment. We were forced to remove my child from her school.

      Every week, including this one, CA Schools are breaking CA laws and wasting millions of dollars on installing ill-conceived wireless technology that will set them up for huge liabilities, since the schools do not have insurance to cover health damage claims; damages caused by overuse of wireless connectivity. See the details, below.

      As I shared with you over the phone, I am already working with the following folks on this issue:

      Senator Diane Feinstein (Meena Visvanathan)
      Senator Barbara Boxer (Patrick Scandling)
      Congressman Jared Huffman (???? Mystery Person – hidden from the public ???)
      CA State Superintendent Tom Torlakson (Elizabeth Stein, Deputy General Counsel)
      CA Assembly Member Marc Levine (Michael Miller, Chief of staff)
      CA Assembly Member Sharon Quirk-Silva (Reichel Everhart, Chief of staff)

      Why is only Congressman Jared Huffman’s office the one that is so closed/secretive/cagey about sharing the name of the Legislative Assistant assigned to this issue? Is your staff’s personal privacy more important than the health and safety of 10 million+ public school children in CA?

      Hopefully, we will hear back from your Legislative Assistant in the next day or so and will learn his or her name.

      Here is the new information that Mr. Huffman and every member of your staff needs to review. It takes less than two hours and will open your minds to what we are doing to our children:

      Re: Critical Information
      CA schools have serious problems that need immediate solutions. See http://rfemf.com/counter.html#counter Fortunately the solutions will save all CA schools money, so it can be a win-win. Mr. Huffman, may I meet with you for one hour at your earliest convenience via Skype?

      Dr. Martin Pall and Dr. Paul Dart on February 24, 2014 presented their findings to the State of Oregon’s House Committee On Health Care. Please listen to their 30-minute presentation and the 15-minutes of legislator discussion following the presentation.

      Unfortunately, Oregon is a little behind-the-times in technology: they distribute their audio files as RealPlayer files. It will take a few steps to be able to play the audio file on your computer, but it is well worth spending the few minutes to do the following:

      [1] Go to http://www.real.com/resources/windows-media-player-comparison/

      [2] Click the orange button, called “RealPlayer Free Download” at the top right corner of the page

      [3] Install the free RealPlayer software, ignore all sales pitches to upgrade.

      [4] Go to this page https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2014R1/Committees/HHC/2014-02-24-13-00/MeetingMaterials

      [5] Download the small file called ‘HHC-201402241308.ram’, by clicking the audio arrow/triangle near the top of this page

      [6] Double-click the file downloaded called ‘HHC-201402241308.ram’ and it will open in RealPlayer

      The presentation begins around 8 minutes in which you can also find here:

      Follow Up Comment from State Rep: Keny-Guyer:

      “…….Your info session went better than I could have ever predicted. Even people who had been skeptical told me how it was the first time they started to take this seriously. Sen. Laurie Monnes Anderson, chair of the Senate Health Com, told Sandy (Health Com administrator for both House and Senate Health Committees) that she caught some of it on her TV and wants a similar session for the Senate Health Committee”

      [7] Download the supporting documents either from the Oregon Legislature links or from my DropBox links that follow:

      2014-0224-Oregon-State-Health-Care-Committee.pdf (the meeting announcement)

      2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf (the presentation)

      2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35551.pdf (scientific paper)

      2014-0224-Paul-Dart-35549.pdf (curriculum vitae)

      2014-0224-Paul-Dart-35552.pdf (scientific paper)

      2014-0224-Paul-Dart-36431.pdf (presentation – part 1)

      2014-0224-Paul-Dart-36430.pdf (presentation – part 2)

      2014-0224-Shawn-Abrell-35793.pdf (presentation)

      2014-0224-Recording-Log.pdf (time log of speakers)

      Mr.Huffman, State Superintendent Tom Torlakson and all CA school principals have the legal responsibility, accountability and liability to provide a safe learning environment for our public schools. I would strongly encourage you and staff members to spend the 1-2 hours it takes to listen to Dr. Pall’s and Dr. Dart’s 2/24/14 presentation, review the supporting documents and then send this information to every CA public school board member, superintendent and school principal.

      In the face of this information, the State of CA and each of its public schools must take appropriate, effective actions:

      1. Immediately stop all installation of wireless networking equipment and infrastructure in CA public schools and switch these Common Core funds to improving the schools’ existing wired networking infrastructure instead. A very good solution, complete with 3D classroom drawings, can be seen at http://rfemf.com. Please email the site, if you have any questions.

      2. Disallow the use of any educational device that does not offer a wired connectivity option. This leaves a lot of devices on the ‘approved list’: Android tablets, Windows 8 tablets, ChomeOS Chromebooks, any Netbooks and any laptops that enable the use of Micro-USB-to-USB-to-Ethernet adapters. This leaves the Apple iPad on the ‘unapproved list’, until Apple creates a Lightning-to-USB-to-Ethernet adapter and software driver that will enable wired connectivity. This is a simple problem that Apple could solve in a few months, with enough pressure from CA schools.

      3. Anyone who has the legal responsibility, accountability and liability for providing a safe environment in public schools, cannot ignore this critically important information. They will be held accountable in a court of law very soon at great, unnecessary public expense.

      Please, also read the following quotes:

      >>> Start of quotes

      The insurance industry reviewed the neutral research (studies not paid for by the wireless industry) about RF/EMF microwave radiation health effects years ago and they started disclaiming health issues from Wi-Fi back in 2009. Whether someone has a child in school or not, they are all now financially “on the hook” for the inevitable health related lawsuits about to be filed. The schools, as well as the businesses, have no insurance coverage.

      School districts don’t have funds for lawsuits, and when educators read the science — 70% of non-industry studies demonstrate clear hazards — the administrators are going start seeing that being “precautionary” is in their school district’s best financial interests.

      In our capacity consulting for engineers, governments, industry, insurers and medical education, we were contacted about Wi-Fi. It was passed on to my desk because of my electrical, building engineering and Thermal Radiation credentials. We had to substantiate causation before it was lectured in medical education applicable in every state.

      Parents as well as teachers should be as angry as Grizzly Bears protecting their young because the reality is their children are being electrocuted slowly and the school buildings are being structurally compromised by these Wi-Fi signals. There is no margin of error on this. School administrators, industry and politicians have to disqualify electricity as peer reviewed science or the liability coming at them and taxpayers will be astronomical.

      — CURTIS BENNETT thermoguy@shaw.ca

      >>> End of quotes

      Mr. Huffman, would any congressman not want to put their constituents’ local school districts on the strongest financial footing? Would any congressman want to argue against the health and safety of children?

      Please. We need your help to right a terrible wrong. We need your timely and effective response.

      Thank you,


(will not be published)

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