Why School District Officials And Employees Belong In Jail




  1. #1 by Anonymous on August 20, 2018 - 9:39 pm

    I tell U.S citizens… First of all. Elections aren’t real. I’m 54 years old. Did you just get here??? Chabad Mob rats pick U.S Presidents, for the benefit of their maniacal, Masonic Greater Israel expansionist project. 8 nations bombed for it so far. Killing babies, a 35% Christian Population, Seculars & Muslims for a bunch of land grabbing, Rothschild bankers, and their selected tribe. A cultural and breeding alliance, engaging in incestuous eugenics to maintain caste system supremacy based on usury, not merit. Do you think their new cities like Dubai, Astana, Neom, their completion of 3rd Temple in Jerusalem, and projects like Qatar, are for your benefit?!? Most of these cities will have very little need for petroleum oil. They’ve been designed more like the way Nikola Tesla envisioned over a hundred years ago, harnessing the Sun’s energy, without digging in a porous earth.

    You’re crazy, if you think these turds are building these new ultra modern, hi-tech cities, are somehow for our benefit. They’re to get away from the West. They’re fleeing. Free of maritime laws, and the mess they’ve made of U.S!

    Trump owns property in Tel Aviv, as well as Putin. Trump is invested in 1Belt1Road. China thru Africa. Do you think that old manufacturing’ relic, shipped off decades ago, is going to magically appear? Do you think our U.S, relic infrastructure, and this Transportation, logistical nightmare, can keep up with our need for goods & services. Digging in the ground for fuel, defying Natural Law. And a top-heavy Medical Establishment to conveyor belt the people out of here like spam luncheon meat. Just so off season linebacker-looking mamas & pot bellied beer drinking men can drive around aimlessly in SUV’s. No! No! No! God help us all!

    ‘Gorge & Scarcity’ is the war tactic being implemented on Americans, Latin Americans in their countries, to divide and conquer, I pray they figure it out. They’re not all convinced its a Natural Resource-Based Economy.

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