Why new Mayor Greg Sebourn is such a huge disappointment to many who voted to re-elect him to the Fullerton City Council.

Why new Mayor Greg Sebourn is such a huge disappointment to many who voted to re-elect him to the Fullerton City Council?

I REPORT, YOU DECIDE-By Barry Levinson



A week ago I posted an article on The Fullerton Informer website entitled “Fullerton Police Chief Dan Hughes — yet another look (Originally posted June 9, 2014; Edited with a few additional comments on January 14, 2015 including new P.S.), by BARRY LEVINSON 


It concerned Fullerton’s Police Chief Dan Hughes.

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That post dealt with getting answers to important questions that the chief has been silent on for far too long. Mayor Sebourn immediately removed that shared post and now he has changed his settings to not allow me to post at all on his Facebook page.


Greg Seabourn


I am saddened that questions that he should be demanding Dan Hughes answer are apparently questions that he does not want to be associated with at all. I have been a Fullerton activist for limited government, civil liberties, safety especially for all our children and open and transparent government for the past 5 years. I also endorsed Greg for reelection. Yet despite all this he followed the council majority crowd by attempting to lynch me at an October 2014 council meeting (I believe they call that a piling on penalty in football) without knowing the facts or asking for the city video which proved all alleged misdemeanor charges hoisted against me by our Police Chief Dan Hughes to be completely bogus. However, there has been no public apology or even a simple mea culpa from our new Mayor. It is now way overdue Mayor Sebourn and I will graciously accept it, if you decide to do the right thing.


Now as Mayor one of his first pieces of business in this new-year was

to reassert a 30-minute limit for public comments at the front end of

city council meetings.

As someone, who has regularly attended the Fullerton city council meetings for the past 5 years, I can attest that many meetings had public comments lasting much more than 30 minutes. In fact after the Kelly Thomas brutal death by members of the FPD, public comments many times ran one to two hours and beyond. This is one of the few ways the public has the opportunity to ask questions and to attempt to hold all our public officials accountable in a public forum.

It is my understanding that at the start of each new council, the Mayor can set the meeting criteria including the length of each public comment speaker as well as the limit if any for all public comments. Yet instead of speaking out as the public’s representative and stating how important it is to allow the public the ability to speak before council you thought it necessary to ride rough shot over the public and their rights.

Shame on you Mayor Sebourn for setting rules that

will help limit free speech and the exchange of ideas during our

council meetings.

I recently recalled that former Mayor Chaffee seeing a large group of speakers waiting to speak before the council attempted to reduce each person’s time from 3 minutes down to 2 minutes to try to keep the total time within 30 minutes. I also recall that the remaining four council members all voted him down.

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4 more years of this Greg?

Greg Sebourn is the same Mayor who at a recent Fullerton California Republican Assembly meeting lectured about the importance of knowing and supporting the Republican Party platform. I must have missed the part that states it is the Republican Party’s goal to limit our free speech before our elected officials. Mayor you talked the talk at that CRA meeting but you certainly did not practice it at the last Fullerton City Council meeting.

Mayor Sebourn, Conservative Republicans do not limit free speech but rather welcome and celebrate it.


I am sure it was not only conservatives that were very unhappy with the Mayor’s need to greatly limit our free speech I hope all of you make your opinions known to Mayor Sebourn at our next council meeting.



Barry Levinson

  1. #1 by Anonymous on February 7, 2015 - 6:46 pm

    I hear crickets!

    • #2 by nut job on February 8, 2015 - 4:07 pm

      No one gives a shit about what you guys think. Look at all these empty seats, just look all around. Bring your friends and you can circle jerk each other. Hahahaha.

    • #3 by KA-CHING on February 10, 2015 - 9:55 am

      Nut Job you very obviously care what we think. You more than care…..you are very fearful that our truth will reach the people in Fullerton.

      Remember Fullertonians that the Downtown Core and Corridor Special Project embodies everything that is wrong, corrupt and undemocratic about Fullerton City Government.

      Do not let the special interests take over our city.

    • #4 by Why are you here? on February 10, 2015 - 10:51 am

      If no one cares, why are you here, nut job?

    • #5 by Fullerton Police Officers Association Public Servant Announcement on February 12, 2015 - 11:00 am

    • #6 by Barry Levinson on February 12, 2015 - 3:42 pm

      The February 11 post on Mayor Sebourn and his relationship with the FPD points out some troubling statements made by our new mayor.

      Mayor Sebourn is parsing words when he claims that the FPOA and the rank and file are totally different. Why would Mayor Sebourn try to make a distinction that does not exist? The FPOA PAC put out a mailer that stated erroneously that I had a cushy well paid taxpayer position. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. As former Chairman and current member of the Park and Recreation Committee, I receive no salary or fees for my service since my start date of February 2011. But no acknowledgements of that misstatement has been forthcoming from the FPOA or any of its members. Questions: Should the public be concerned when an organization made up of Fullerton police officers makes an erroneous statement? Do any misstatements of fact make you more likely or less likely to have confidence in the truthfulness and integrity of any of those same individuals that are represented by the FPOA?

      On his campaign website, Council member Sebourn listed the past corruption of the FPD as an issue. He stated that it was important to rebuild trust in the FPD. The only way to rebuild trust is for our council members to hold that department accountable to the people it serves. I for one am more than a little tired of politicians bringing up issues that concerns the electorate and then putting that issue on the back burner as soon as their victory party ends.

      Question: Has the Fullerton electorate been fooled again? I report, you decide.

    • #7 by Sebourn-more of the same on February 12, 2015 - 5:13 pm

      Sebourn is on the council but not for the right reasons. If he was there for the good of the people, he would have no tolerance for the dishonesty that continues to pervade the city of Fullerton.

      All of it is false and continues to perpetuate the status quo. Sebourn is playing politics, rather than dealing honestly about the issues, head on. Just more of the same . . .

    • #8 by Anonymous on February 16, 2015 - 12:51 pm

      Greg is a pussy.

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