Does the Register’s opinion editor Brian Calle have an opinion on endangering the community with The Political Correctness of the Ragister?
We have violent armed robbers running loose in Sunny Hills and FPD is putting the public at risk by failing to properly disclose an accurate description of the suspects. I initially called the FPD to get a description of the suspects. I was told by desk officer that there were 2 black males and 1 black female suspects involved in the armed home invasion roberry. I then went to seek the FPD press release to see what the official pronouncement was concerning the event. The press release states there 2 males and 1 black female. This differs from what I was told by the officer at the department. Another source that went to the station today also confirmed that all three suspects were black.

FPD’s Public Information Officer Jon Radus on the left with former Chief Dan Hughes
Why is the press release different? The public has a right to know for their own safety. This is not only problematic for the public but also for the police. A full description of the suspects should always be released and never withheld especially when they are armed and dangerous, still on the loose and prey on the most vulnerable people of all-senior citizens.
Calls to Sgt Radus have not been returned while an email from him revealed the following:
Now as far as the media reporting of this event it gets even worse. The Register reported the following on 8-25 in the morning:
“On Thursday, August 24th, 2017 at approximately 11:10 PM, Fullerton Police Officers responded to a residence in the 100 block of West Las Palmas regarding a possible home invasion robbery that had just occurred.
Upon arrival, Officers determined that the residence is actually a live-in Elderly Care Facility. Inside the Care facility at the time were two female Care Givers and four elderly patients, who were sleeping, in their nineties.
Further investigation revealed that just a few minutes prior to Officers’ arrival, the Care Givers heard a knock at the front door of the Care Facility/Residence and saw that there was black female at the door. Believing that it could have been a late night delivery, one of the Care Givers opened the door.
Immediately upon opening door, two male suspects, both of whom were approximately 6’1” tall and thin, emerged. One of the males was armed with a black handgun. The other male was armed with a shot gun. The two males and the black female entered the Care Facility/Residence and ordered the two care givers to the ground at gun point.
The suspects then began looking for items of value in the residence and then stole one of the Care Givers cars”
Now later in the day, towards the evening, The Register whitewashed the subject descriptions even further by removing any racial description of the criminals-
“….two men in white masks appeared behind the woman – one with a shotgun and the other with a handgun, said Sgt. Jon Radus of the Fullerton Police Department.”
Ok so who are we to be on the lookout for? First of all I did confirm in speaking with the desk officer on duty that all three suspects were black, two black men and one black woman. In addition, credible sources to the Fullerton Informer went to the board and care home the following day and spoke with the caregiver that was present during the armed home invasion robbery. The person described the three suspects as two black men and one black woman.
So why is the Fullerton Police department hiding vital information regarding the descriptions of the suspects? How are we as neighbors and residents supposed to be vigilant when all we are told to keep a look out for is 2 men and a woman?
This is PC correctness to the extreme where it is not only foolish and silly but potentially dangerous to the public. They release the color of the car but not the suspects? It was confirmed that the suspects were two young black males and one black female. They would rather go along with the pressure of PC correctness than protect and defend the honest public. Its bad enough that we have to pay millions and millions for the police department’s criminal behavior that we end up picking up the tab for but when the police cannot even report correctly to the public, it is just another insult. Isn’t it about time the innocent people in our community are considered first and foremost and not the criminals or the crooked cops.
It’s just shameful and could be extremely harmful to the people in that neighborhood to withhold key information that could be used to keep others safe. I don’t know about you but when I have strange people coming to the door, I don’t open my doors to strangers but most people do.
Why is the Fullerton Police department refusing to properly disclose the most important thing about the crime, an adequate and accurate description of the perpetrators? The police department and the media have a responsibility to give the public a complete description of the suspects. By intentionally leaving that out, they are potentially putting the residents at risk of greater harm.
As far as the Register goes, this not not only makes the story useless, but it also makes the story dangerous. Why does the media and the Fullerton police department intentionally leave out vital information about identifying suspects involved in a Fullerton home invasion armed robbery? How about the stabbing yesterday? When you leave that information out, you basically make the story useless to the public and once again dangerous. When people are not warned to be on the lookout for the specifics such as racial description, sex, build, height and clothing, they can be of no use in aiding law enforcement’s apprehension of the the criminals.
Yesterday there was a stabbing on Commonwealth and Cornell. A man was attacked and stabbed from behind multiple times by 2 strangers. The statement from the Fullerton police department that was done in a video interview conducted by Jon Radus advised the public that “the suspects were reported to be two male Hispanics in their early 20’s. ”
Here is what the Register reported yesterday:
“About 10:35 a.m., a man in his 30s said he was crossing at the corner of North Cornell Avenue and East Commonwealth Avenue when two men came up from behind and stabbed him twice in the torso, police Lt. Robert Bastreri said. The two men, who appeared to be in their 20s, then ran off, Bastreri said, adding the victim was not robbed or acquainted with the assailants. An investigation into the stabbing is under way. It doesn’t appear the attack is gang-related, Sgt. Jon Radus said. Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact Fullerton police Sgt. Matt Rowe 714-738-6776”
Once again, the politically correct Register puts the community at risk and protects the criminals by withholding vital information from the public. What is their motivation? We their motivations certainly do not have the interests or safety of this community in mind.
When someone robs, kills, stabs, rapes, murders, assaults, or whatever, and a crime has been confirmed to have taken place, an investigation begins. That must involve releasing as much information about the bastards that pulled it off as soon as possible so the other 139,876 residents of this community can help the 120 police officers that are supposed to be looking for these scum bags help lock them up and get them off the streets.
Here are some final comments from The FPD’s Jon Radus in his email to me regarding the stabbing yesterday:
“This is an active, on-going investigation. The information we release takes into account that our investigators are actively working the case and while I understand you may want to have more information, in many cases the release of that information to the public may hamper our ability to not only conduct our investigation, but also come to a successful resolution with an arrest. When the time comes that we are seeking the public’s help in locating an individual, then of course we will release all necessary information that the public would need in order to help us locate that particular suspect. If there is ever a time that, based on our investigation, we believe the public is at risk and needs to know a suspect description, then of course we would release the suspect description at that time as well.”
Well there you have it folks. That is complete BS. You never hide the description of a wanted man or woman EVER! Common sense out the window for 251 thousand dollars a year. When a tiger gets out of the zoo and is roaming the streets of a residential neighborhood, we can’t let anyone know its description until it eats a child, I mean until we believe the public is at risk. Every damn violent crime puts the public at risk!
What good are descriptions that give no identifying information? What good are news sources that purposely withhold suspect descriptions? What good is a police department that holds back, or omits complete suspect descriptions?
Maybe you will be asking these and other hard questions when one of these thugs that have no regard for the law kick your door in, and murder or rape your wife, mother or daughter. You see these thugs are not politically correct and the more they realize the media and the police are, the more brazen these monsters will become.
Let’s hope the FPD can get with the program and work with the community instead of conducting its operations cloaked in secrecy. Let’s hope the gerbels at the Register can get some psychiatric treatment soon before the entire building on Grand Avenue in Santa Ana becomes a homeless shelter. Until then, stay safe Fullerton and stay vigilant because for the most part you are all still by the looks of things, on your own.
#1 by Ramona Heck on February 24, 2025 - 11:57 pm
NeoAbiogenesis – Origin of Life Hypothesis.
By Kevin Reuter (the ‘ctrl-h text macro indi app dev) NY
Nucleic acids form spontaneously in certain chemical and atmospheric conditions without biosynthesis (Nat. Commun 2016, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11238). The first nucleic acid catalysts were most likely binary two-complementing nucleotide pairs as the likelihood of all nucleotides being biologically synthesized is an order of magnitude less likely than just 2 encoding base pair partners. Nucleic acids form phosphodiester bonds with other nucleic acids spontaneously in the presence of sufficent energys, thus creating RNA strands spontaneously. These strands of spontaneously and randomly encoded RNA then find their corresponding base pairs spontaneously in no particular order by forming hydrogen bonds in the presence of or lack their of energy. The 40th nucleic acid, for instance, in the RNA chain can find its corresponding nucleotide 40th before the 10th nucleic acid, for instance, thereby creating a reverse copy of the original RNA molecule piecewise non-linearly. This newly formed RNA pair, commonly known as DNA, then goes through a spontaneous physical split down the hydrogen bonds (the weakst bond in a dna structue) of the DNA, like a “zipper,” thus creating 2 copies of RNA. The new RNA strand being a mirror image of the original RNA molecule with possible mutations. This split doesn’t have to happen all at once and can be done in parts, promoting a DNA strand with multiple split sites. This process then repeats from there, with the ongoing repeating process for an indefinite time, and the newly RNA molecule performing its first replication, thus explaining the beginning of self-replication and the evolution of biomolecules.
Furthermore, I hypothesize that RNA would replicate in branches if RNA/DNA as a cobweb/branches of genomic information self-relocating/mutating piecewise, not as a whole, breaking off in random RNA/DNA pieces as well anywhere from 1 to N nucleotides. The entire genetic sequence does not need to be completely intact in order to have small segments of RNA/DNA replicate/mutate. This could mean that a huge cobweb/intertwining branches of RNA/DNA could suddenly lead to a mutation/advantageous dna sequence that completely sequesters itself from the huge RNA/DNA cobweb/intertwined branches of DNA in a vast part of and become a self-sufficient small chain of quickly replicating/mutating dna molecule without all the slag of its mother dna conglomerate molecule.
This spontaneous branching process of dna, which needs no precursor genes, catalysts, or enzymes, is purely to point out the fact that genetics don’t need to rely on precursor genes, catalysts, or enzymes to evolve and replicate, as self-replication evolution can occur without large precursor genes, catalysis, or enzymes at all. It would be a messy process.
I believe the fatty cell membrane developed as a result of liquid turbulence from tidal forces forming fatty bubbles around random collections of RNA, DNA, and loose nucleic acids with osmotic stress from salt concentration differentials inside and outside the cell membrane, causing the fatty membrane to pop, then reform around the RND, DNA, loose nucleic acids in a kind of extremely messy cell division with fractions of the whole carrying copies of the mother cells RNA and DNA.
Possible Experiment:
Make a sterile soup of individual nucleic acids via the abiogenesis experiment them at various temperatures and atmospheric conditions that change over time mimicking early Earth. See over time if ANY DNA forms. If any DNA forms without a biological precursor, we know that some RNA/DNA had to have randomly replicated itself using free nucleotides, resulting in a new DNA strand. This DNA, when heated (assuming near 98°C), should unzip down the hydrogen bonds and repeat the replication process with mutations.
Other related thoughts currently held by the belief for the origins of life states that nucleic acids form spontaneously in certain chemical and atmospheric conditions without biosynthesis (Nat. Commun 2016, DOI:10.1038/ncomms11238), yet binary chains of RNA formed without the ability to copy themselves until some random chunk of RNA lucked into a biomechaisum that replicated the RNA strand by nuclaic acid esterfication untill self replication devloped. I think this hypothesis is far more unlikely to be true because this would make self-recall of encoded RNA information an unlikely event.
The alternative hypothesis would be that the RNA molecule that split spontaneously replicated and created a copy of itself. Enzymes are called catalysts for DNA/RNA replication, which implies that DNA/RNA can replicate without enzymes at all, however much more slowly. This implication only goes further with the idea of my hypothesis, meaning RNA turns into DNA spontaneously (however slowly) more than into unique enzymes or without any enzyme catalyst involved.
Conditions That Must Be Met To Prove NeoAbiogenesis:
1. Phosphodiester bonds must form spontaneously without any bio precursor under any physical condition.
2. Hydrogen bonds must form spontaneously without any precursor, forming DNA from RNA spontaniously either due to high or low energys(raidation and or Electrostatic)
3. The newly formed hydrogen bonds must be broken much frequently brokem than any other bonds in the DNA/RNA structure, causing 2 RNA strands to result. It doesn’t have to be completed as a partial decoupling of the DNA allows
for new RNA copies to be split off with the origonal in tact, this allows the new and old RNA to duplicate/mutate further
If all these conditions are met in laboratory conditions, replication of any strand length of DNA/RNA, this hypothesis should be considered true in cases across the cosmos as the actual origin of life and very likely the origin of life on Earth.
Previous Experimental Evidence:
The Miller-Urey experiment has already been proven that DNA can be synthesized in a sterile environment, thus providing my theory with background supporting evidemce. But it has never been postulated that DNA is an RNA molecule replicating itself, thus the “neoAbiogenesis” model. To prove my theory, we must rerun the experiment again and see if DNA strands are made in a sterile jar and never before seen in that sterile model. This is how we will know true “neoAbiogenesis” has occurred.
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