9-11: Was it a secret encounter of large powerful entities involving the highest echelons of economic, military and government power as they converged to the shrink the collective mind of America and to pillage the entire planet?

Trust no one and question everything

THIS IS A REPRINT FROM 2 years ago-SOME THINGS BEAR REPEATING-The hole has been dug deeper than ever.

As Americans, we have not only the right, but also the duty to question government. We must keep it on a short leash and not the other way around. Thousands tragically lost their lives that morning. Hundreds of thousands if not millions more lost theirs in the illegal illegitimate wars following the disaster. Billions more hang in the teetering balance of power today.

Because you have a right to know, we at The Fullerton Informer.com dare to push the envelope. On 9-11-13, in the midst of our quest to end the largest radiation experiment on young school children that the world has ever seen, we revisit this issue. The result of this mass deception that weighs in equally as heavily whose ramifications that, to this day, continue to wreak havoc around the globe, is the creation of the pretext to attack any nation, anywhere for just about any reason and bomb them back to the stone age to pillage their resources and subjugate their people. Now here in America anyone can be arrested for anything at anytime and be held indefinitely with cause or a trial. Privacy is merely a myth and 1984 arrived in the twinkling of an eye for those of you that were not paying attention. The justification for all of this has been established in the minds of the deluded people by the demonically controlled media at the hands of those who aimlessly wander the halls of power.

On this Patriot Day, flanked by the Patriot Act, under the ominous umbrella of the NDAA we now live in a total scientific kill grid surveillance society in which you are tracked, traced and controlled by computers and cameras.  24/7 operation mockingbird fear mongering is the instrument of psychological control on the 3000 channel idiot box and cattle stall talk radio circuits. Insidious meta data gathering, bio metrics, forced vaccinations, forced aerial spraying of poisons from the skies, drugging of our water supplies, forced wireless exposure at school, work and even at home, eavesdropping, wiretapping, and flicker rate manipulated blue glow melatonin disrupting TV screens everywhere jamming constant fright, propaganda and lies down our throats now accompany us 12 years later with the ridiculous official story still being propped up by the crumbling institutions who no longer have or deserve our trust. Do we as a people have the courage to face the compelling evidence as well as the width and depth of the reality that our once trusted institutions are actively betraying the American people and the world? If they will lie about something as in your face as this, there are no limits to depths of the pit that they are digging for humanity. The sooner we face the facts, the better the chances that our children may actually have some semblance of what we once took for granted but we have since abdicated with our eyes wide shut and our inexcusable apathy.



  1. #1 by Joe Imbriano on September 11, 2013 - 9:11 pm

    “We are dedicated to exposing truth hidden in plain view in an age of lies and agendas. We go only where the language of placation is spoken and denial has become the very nature of existence. This is where we intend to take up residence, welcome or not”

    -the mission statement of The Fullerton Informer from our 3-5-13 launch date.

    • #2 by Anonymous on September 12, 2013 - 8:14 pm

      True to form and very well stated.

    • #3 by Anonymous on September 13, 2014 - 11:59 am

      We need more men like yourself and your associates to make their voices heard. The hour is late and the darkness will be soon upon us. Godspeed Mr. Imbriano.

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