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#1 by Council of Europe's Parliamentary Committee on the Environment on January 15, 2016 - 3:50 pm
Dear Chairman and Trustees,
I am attaching for your information and consideration the latest global news on the issue of wireless technology.
It comes from the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Committee on the Environment, which was appointed to study the effects of electromagnetic fields on the environment and human health.
This Committee’s report, including the draft Resolution, was adopted unanimously on April 11, 2011 by 17 signatories representing 15 countries. The report is a factual 12 page summary of the current knowledge and issues surrounding the use of electromagnetic fields. Notably, in the context of wireless technology, it recommends that European governments “take all reasonable measures to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields”, including banning cell phones and Wi-Fi from schools.
This Report is compelling in its urgency and definitive stance on the substantial evidence of harm which exists about this industry-driven technology.
Please click here to view:
This report makes a number of important points, including that:
– there is sufficient scientific evidence of potentially harmful biological effects of electromagnetic fields on plants, insects, animals, and humans;
– it is necessary to reconsider the scientific basis for currently low government standards which have been developed by the ICNIRP, an NGO with questionable ties to the industry which stands to benefit from these low standards;
– overwhelmingly, scientific claims of ‘no harm’ tend to be industry-funded, and an urgent need exists for objective scientific evidence and publicly-funded research to assess risks and appropriate standards; and
– given the unprecedented level of electromagnetic radiation in all forms and the scientific uncertainties regarding health hazards, the Precautionary Principle must take precedence over the economic, technological and social development of society, with particular emphasis on the health of children.
It is hard to deny the facts, conclusions and recommendations presented in this report.
It is harder still to believe that any Canadian school board, with the knowledge provided in this report (by countries which have had the experience of wireless for longer than we in Canada), would allow the children under its care to be forcibly exposed to the inarguably cumulative effects of wireless radiation.
Please note that the content of this report is consistent with the two European Parliament resolutions passed in 2008 and 2009, which highlighted the harm of wireless technology (mobile phones, Wi-Fi / WiMAX, Bluetooth, DECT landline telephones), particularly to pregnant women, newborn babies and children.
In addition, all of these reports: (1) asserted that the standard set by the World Health Organization (and thus Health Canada) is not only inadequate but outdated; and (2) affirmed that electrosensitivity is a valid physical disability, and electrosensitive patients require special protection.
The Council of Europe is comprised of 47 countries and the EU Parliament represents 27 countries. These two separate institutions of European leaders have examined the issue thoroughly and come to the same conclusion regarding the need to protect their citizens from electromagnetic radiation.
As school trustees, who have been entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring our children’s education and safety while in school, we are imploring you to implement a ban on wireless technology in our schools.
After comprehending the findings and implications of this report, responsible parents will not consent to Wi-Fi in our schools, convenience be damned. As trustees, we would expect you to heed our wishes and concur that our school children are as deserving of the same care and priority on health that Europe is advocating for its citizens.