1. #1 by jorge on April 18, 2020 - 9:43 pm

    Well # 5 Just-In-Time, lol…

    It goes way deep beyond the mind of any surface-level-dweller.

    Start with queen lizzy beth is finally decaying; that artiface body can no longer tolerate in-breeding of their own blood… one can only artificially exist so long before becoming DUST (think the Sanderson Sisters or Voldemort) You cut off your vine, you are no longer Divine, and thus you are vampiric and feed from an unnatural source, rather than an organic one;

    Therefore you do hit the nail at the greatest sense guessing “some pill” or ‘detox device,’ simply put, most of the beings doing these things are not entirely human; or they are simply under mind programming against the wills of their spirit. (Think MK-Programs-destroying inner child essence and reprogramming preposterous~ Thoughts to subjugate victims into a mode of control– it can be surface or it can run deep)

    THEN think DRONES; easy to fly humanless airplanes from A-B in a straight line at multiple times simultaneously with different launch times to create the HEX SHAPES (HENCE THE CRISS CROSSing DUH!)

    So does this information answer or reveal your curiosity?

    REALLY to think you are a CHILD of the Divine, i can’t believe your imagination right and logical left never shared you these answers! HMP! insult to the GODDESS.

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