While I do not use this kind of profanity in my own writings, I have chosen to publish this rant in its entirety because it deserves to be published in its entirety. It is not my work, and not my writing but I agree with everything he says.
This commentary has been provided in its entirety by Local artist and activist Steven Baxter
“In the last eight months i have been to shithole towns in New Mexico, Arizona, Missouri, Arkansas, Ohio, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Texas. (actually my time in Nashville was amazing, it’s not a shithole town), but the fact is that with the exception of New Jersey, which voted 55% to 41% for Hillary, every fucking place I have been to has overwhelming voted for Trump.
I left OC eight months ago. I left my amazing community of educators, artists, musicians, actors and activist. You guys are my friends, you are all I know, and I miss the shit out of you. But I made a choice to leave, and now you have been replaced by tradesmen, farmers, farm workers, homeless vets, homeless whatever, the poor, the unemployed, the exploited, and the under employed, and I hate to say this, but most of them voted for Trump or or they did not vote at all. I don’t hate to say this: I have fallen in love with almost all of them. They are good people. They are just gullible good people and they buy into the general viewpoint of those who feel fucked over and ignored, which is: “Trump is not a regular politician, he may be rough around the edges, but he says the shit no one else will dare say”. Well, maybe liberals need to say some fucking shit no politician would dare say, but we all kind of know that will never happen. We need to call out the corrupt bullshit in our own party. These good people who voted for trump (not including the racist cunts who also voted for Trump) are the result of a shite educational system (a big part of why our educational system is shite, is because the teacher association will protect the worst among them to save themselves. I am way the fuck left of center, but that does not mean I approve of what the teachers union does. You can all get fucked. When you protect the worst among you just so you can ensure that you get that 3% cost of living raise, you are no better than a dirty cop and you are certainly not thinking about the welfare of children … and fuck all Democrats who don’t have the balls to say that, and that is exactly every fucking Democrat who holds office today. Not one of them has ever spoken out about how fucked up the public employees unions are. So fuck all of them in the face.
There is a part of me that wants to say that I don’t give a fuck if a Republican or Democrat wins an election, because both are so corrupt and useless, but the more rational part of me must acknowledge that there is a difference. Liberals are lazy fucking, arrogant, cowards but at least we do not nominate a known rapist. Well done liberals. That is really all you can say for yourself. You don’t vote for a known rapist.
We all must know by now that Trump is bat shit crazy, easily diagnosed as narcissist (the most annoying of all mental illnesses), stupid as fuck (I would bet my life on my ability to win a game of chess, trivial pursuits, or the ever popular SAT version of Chutes and Ladders against that orange muppet) as well as him clearly being a spoiled, privileged, racist, opportunist cunt/dimwit. So, I do actually care about who fucking wins even if my candidate is a coward.
So my liberal friends … let me ask you: what the fuck are you going to do differently in the next three fucking years until the next election? I may actually want to return to the U.S. one day, so get your fucking shit together. If you hate Trump, and the only opposition to Trump you can make claim to, is that you voted last year and now you try to stay busy reposting a bunch of unvetted anti Trump shit on Facebook, you are in fact the reason Trump won. If your contribution to social media is that you only yell at people who voted for Trump, and only hang around people who voted for a Democrat, you are in fact the reason Trump won. Regular folk know you think of them as assholes, so why the fuck would they ever listen to your trite bullshit about inclusion. Please do something real for fucks sake. Take a risk, piss the wrong people off and let those who are suffering know that you will fight for them. Stop preaching to your own little hand picked social media fuckwittwitter choir, hoping for at least a dozen “likes” on every fucking meaningless liberal post you make on Facebook. There is far more important shit to tackle than your go to “we are better than them validation”.
Example: Cops are fucking killing unarmed brown men in your fucking town and they have been killing unarmed brown men since they day there were cops in your town. (there is one cop in Anaheim who has now shot three Hispanic men, Killing two of them, and he still has a fucking job). Why the fuck does that not seem to matter to most of you? It’s your fucking back yard. Please stand up for the families of these victims. The homeless, your fucking homeless, are ignored 70% of the time and treated like criminals the other 30% of the time. They are literally tortured by the police and municipal policies which exist only so we can push them into another community. We Liberals in fact give the police the best oily, guilt free, edging hand jobs north of Bangkok. Our rent boy attitude towards the police and fire association rises to the level of embarrassment. Please reflect upon all the times you have utter the words, “not all cops are bad” then ask yourself why you have never felt compelled to say “not all cobblers are bad”, “not all doctors are bad”, “not all hairdressers are bad”? The reason you feel compelled to utter those words is because, unlike every other profession, where you don’t need to make excuses for the members of that profession, the police have zero accountability, and without accountability every fucking one of those cunts becomes bad. it may make you feel better to think that there are a few of them out there that are not assholes, but the fact is they are all assholes. Not one of the 147 cops, who held a job in Fullerton on the day that Kelly Thomas was murdered, came forward to testify against those who murdered Kelly. Not fucking one.
Fact: Every fucking Democrat ever elected in Fullerton (The Silva’s, Jan Flory, Molly whatever, Chaffee .. even Josh Newman, whom I actually like) has been too cowardly to take on the Police Unions. Why the fuck is that? Some of them are my friends, but why do I need to turn to Republicans when I need help form officials to call out the police? Answer: Our elected liberals are cowards. For some reason having empathy towards the disenfranchised seems to also castrate people (if you think that sounds masochistic I don’t give a fuck). If Democrats actually had the balls to address issues like police violence, more than 35% of black and Hispanic registered voters might actually fucking show up to vote. Reflect upon how many Anglo OC liberals have ran for office, and at one of their campaign kick of meetings discussed their “get out the Hispanic vote strategy”. I’ve been there. Now reflect upon how many of them were actually successful. People are not as stupid, and they do not like being pandered to. If certain voter demographics don’t know who the fuck you are, it’s because you never wanted to know who the fuck they where, until you ran for office. So please, dig deep and try to start giving a fuck. Then 10 years after you give a fuck run for office, and no sooner.
Just because someone is a liberal, does not make them good and just because someone voted for Trump, does not make them bad. When we have science, logic, and righteousness on our side, and we still manage to alienate 1/2 of our citizens with our arrogance and refusal to call out our own corruption, we are to fucking blame. We need to do a better job of getting our message out and that means we actually need to come up with a fucking message.
(When I ramble on so long I realize that most of you can’t be arsed to read my shit, but so it goes. It was a nice cathartic experience and wanted to get this out there while I was still on American soil)”
#1 by Barry Levinson on January 22, 2018 - 1:47 pm
Ariel if the left in this country would stop believing that America is the worst country or at least one of the worst countries in America that would be a productive start to moving forward.
As you very well know, I criticize much that the local politicians are doing to us. Obviously the governmental problems do not end with Fullerton or Orange County but go all the way to both our state house and federal government.
But I will never hate this country. On the contrary, I love this country very much and that is one of the reasons I am willing to stick by neck out and take the time to expose the Fullerton phonies and crooks in our government.
For I strongly believe that our great country is worth fighting for to try to take it back from the phony, crooked politicians who only seem to care about themselves and little else.