Shawn Nelson’s 2 term on the council darling, Jennifer Fitzgerald

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  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on March 24, 2018 - 3:42 am

    This is the face of a politician who repeatedly tells us that she “Loves Fullerton”. She even promoted again the Love Fullerton Day. How much meaner would she look if she hated Fullerton?

    Jennifer Fitzgerald’s scowls, her looks of contempt and general rudeness to public speakers who challenge her positions are legendary. We who frequent our City Council meetings know those looks unfortunately all too well.

    Jennifer Fitzgerald did the exact same thing when my wife was specifically addressing her about her thanking Andy Dick right after he called all people with Autism retards as host for a fundraiser for a local Autism charity. Instead of apologizing to the community for her praising a man who just insulted all people with Autism, she just snarled at my wife and did not even have the guts or the courtesy to respond to her. You see my wife told Fitzgerald that we have a very high functioning Autistic son and her comments were very painful to us and I am sure to many others. That is the real Jennifer Fitzgerald. The truth is that people with autism are very bright, apparently much smarter and nicer than Andy Dick and Jennifer Fitzgerald combined.

    Now you get to see the real council members when we roll the cameras on them. You notice that Fitzgerald, Chaffee and Whitaker were all looking down, reading the agenda book or looking at something else. Their rudeness to the public speakers speaks volumes for their contempt for their constituents. They really are all poor excuses for Fullerton City Council members!

    Please remember this when you go to vote in June and then November. None of them deserve to be reelected and certainly none of them deserve a promotion.

    Therefore do not vote for Doug Chaffee, who told Fullertonians as early as last year that he would not be seeking reelection to the council. Now we learn he is running for OC Supervisor for the 4th District. Remember Chaffee previously took the position of having all of West Coyote Hills become a park. Now he seems to favor the latest Chevron deal of splitting it up and putting the same amount of homes as before (760) on less land. What a guy? I remember all to well when Don Bankhead reached Chaffee’s age how he would fall asleep on the dais.

    We just learned that Chaffee’s wife is running for Fullerton City Council in the 5th District. Only problem is that she does not live in the 5th District but in the 2nd District in Fullerton. Did somebody say carpetbagger?

    Sebourn and Silva are running for reelection to council. Please vote them both out of office for they have done extremely little to deserve another 4 years.

    And finally Bruce Whitaker who has accomplished nothing of substance in his almost 8 years on the council, now whats a big pay raise by running for the State Senate. His platform is that he will fight corruption like he did on the Fullerton dais, which means like in Fullerton he will do absolutely nothing of the sort in Sacramento.

    Tell them all that we already know them all too well and that is why we want all of them out of office.

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