This is a must read: Pure evil- Who did this to Kelly Thomas and what they did to Kelly Thomas must never be forgotten until justice is served.


Dana Pape, the step mom of Kelly Thomas and Tina, the sister of Kelly Thomas both spoke at Public Comments last night at the Fullerton City Council.

They spoke from their hearts and they spoke the truth. The pain of loosing a loved one does not diminish much over time especially when justice was not served at all.

Comment To Those That Are Heartless! Yes you should care about what happened to Kelly Thomas and not rationalize that because he was homeless and mentally ill that he was somehow less of a person. He died a horrific death, murdered by members of the FPD. They were not found guilty but what do you call that senseless brutal beating with three, then four, then five and finally six officers present at various times during the horrific assault carried out by some of FPD’s so-called finest? What do you call that beating death of an innocent man as proclaimed by none other than former Police Chief Danny Hughes. Hughes stated that he was an innocent man officially at a City Council meeting. Yet his training officer Steven Rubio testified under oath that no Fullerton policies or procedures were broken that fateful night.

Meet Training officer Rubio “In the video, all things considered, I don’t see anything out of policy,” Rubio said.


Kelly Thomas after no procedures were violated according to Rubio


Training officer Rubio on the right pictured with Pat McKinley on the left who proudly proclaimed on TV that “I hired em all” referring to the killers cops that murdered Kelly Thomas including hiring a one eyed cop Jay Cicinelli who failed to meet even the most minimum standards-


Pat Mckinley pictured on the right- a police chief who didn’t even follow his own departments rules or procedures when it came to hiring a one eyed cop-

The highest ranking officer on the scene, Sgt. Kevin Craig testified under oath that no Fullerton policies or procedures were broken that fateful night.

Sgt Kevin Craig was named supervisor of the year by his union after helping the killers go free.

Kelly Thomas after no procedures were violated according to Craig

Question to Danny Hughes now retired and VP of Security for the self proclaimed Happiest Place on Earth, Disneyland. How could two of your officers testify under oath that no FPD policies or procedures were broken that night let alone criminal statutes, when you proclaimed he was an innocent man?


Kelly Thomas after no procedures were violated

Is that what your Fullerton Policies and Procedures manual calls for former Police Chief Danny Hughes? Does your FPD Policies and Procedure Manual state that it is within procedure for FPD officers to start a savage gang attack on an innocent man resulting in his death? Not one of the officers present had the decency to say to all the other officers enough already, while Kelly was repeatedly and incredibly courteously pleading for his life, referring to all of them as sir.

When I watched the entire video, there were so many thoughts floating through my mind.

First I thought as bad as I had heard the beating was there was nothing to prepare me for the savagery and the total lack of any reason to hit Kelly Thomas not even once let alone hundreds of times.

Second, it hit me that a homeless mentally ill man was the only person who acted sanely that evening. In my humble opinion it was the cops who acted like mentally deranged savages.

Thirdly, I thought how horrible, how unimaginable to die needlessly in that fashion. The actions of those police officers present was so brutal, so inhuman and so barbaric.

And now two of them Cincinelli and Wolfe are suing the City of Fullerton for their jobs back with back pay.




Finally, in my opinion due to the statements of one Danny Hughes


Dan Hughes pictured on the right with one of “his untouchables” FPD PIO Radus on the left. “One piece of evidence introduced in the Irish arbitration that shed some light on the Fullerton Culture of Corruption was a copy of a poster that was hanging in the locker of Fullerton Police PIO Sgt. Jon Radus. It is a photo-shop likeness of a movie poster from the movie the “Untouchables”. It depicts the face of Dan Hughes overlooking a gun toting gang of thirty’s era cops with the faces of Sgt. Corbett, Sgt. Radus, Sgt. Garah and Sgt. Petropulos superimposed on the bodies. All of these police supervisors played a dubious role in the termination of Corporal Paul Irish.”

and the testimony under oath of the FPD trainer and Sgt Craig, they will probably end up with multimillion dollar settlements from the Fullerton taxpayer. How do you uphold their firing when two of the FPD’s so-called finest testified under oath that no FPD Policies or Procedures were broken that night.

This should be a case study presented in every police academy on what every officer should never do concerning the brutal death of Kelly Thomas. It should also be training as how to not as law enforcement employees try to justify those dastardly police actions after the fact in court by an official training officer.

And to all the City Council weasels siting on the dais last night, not one of you had the decency to state that what was done to Kelly Thomas was a low point in the entire history of the FPD and that you feel for the loss suffered by Dana and Tina and will do everything possible to make sure it can never ever happen again in the City of Fullerton. Instead some legal mumbo jumbo by the Mayor and total silence from the other four council members.

Heartless and cold blooded Jennifer Fitzgerald once again ignored the pleas for justice by the decedents family

Downtown bar owner sycophant Greg Seborn pictured on the right ignored the impassioned pleas for justice by the bereaved family members even after the city attorney cleared them to speak on the incident.

Jesus Silva was given the green light to give his condolences to the family members present and couldn’t give the simple we are sorry for what happened to Kelly Thomas.

Mayor Doug Chaffee failed to show any humanity towards the community or the family of Kelly Thomas last night when all he could muster was some legal jargon

Downtown bar owner sycophant State Senate candidate Bruce Whitaker chooses to do the wrong thing once again by remaining silent ignoring the hearyt wrenching testimony of Kelly Thomas’s family.





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  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on February 28, 2018 - 4:26 pm

    Just look at the picture above of Kelly Thomas in the hospital right after he was beaten so badly by a gang of Fullerton police officers that his face is unrecognizable.

    Yet FPD Trainer, Corporal Steven Rubio and Sergeant Kevin Craig testified that all the actions of the FPD that night violated no FPD policies or procedures.
    Are you kidding me? Yet Danny Hughes claimed to have reformed the FPD. Are you kidding me?

    Yet Disney Corporation still employs Danny Hughes as VP of Security even though I called their Security Department after he was hired to document the actions of Danny Hughes as the Fullerton Police Chief. Specifically, I reported to them how he tried to frame me in my humble opinion as Police Chief with the supposed victim failing to state that I did what I was accused of and with the City’s own videotape clearly exonerating me of any wrongdoing from day one as well. But that did not stop Danny Hughes from recommending that the DA file charges against me. Are you kidding me?

    I also told Disney how his actions in the Joe Felz DUI case very well might result in obstruction of justice charges being filed against him by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office. I asked them to investigate those actions and then reconsider his very high level position with Disney. Of course Disney would not give me anything in writing. I then checked back with the same security department employee about a month later to be told that apparently the investigation/case had been closed. Are you kidding me? I personally will not return to any Disney property until Dan Hughes is no longer a Disney employee. It is not a boycott but it is that I just would not feel safe doing so.

    This is one more incredible act in my opinion, of total vengeance and vindictiveness towards me by Danny Hughes. Police Chief Danny Hughes took the unprecedented step of handing out dozens of copies of the completed police report (dozens of pages long) on my case to anyone in attendance at the Fullerton council meeting after the DA just concluded that he would not file any charges against me for lack of evidence. He actually picked up a very large pile from his waist to his chin stacked full of those reports and proactively asked if anyone would like a copy as he was handing then out like Halloween candy. As far as I know this was the first and last time anything like that was ever done by the FPD and by the FPD Police Chief no less. Are you kidding me?

    The claim by Bruce Whitaker at a Fullerton City Council meeting that Danny Hughes told him that he hates Levinson makes a whole lot of sense in conjunction with the actions Danny Hughes took towards me. Compare the action of a Police Chief handing out an FPD Police Report requesting I be charged with a crime that had already been determined due to lack evidence to proceed by the OC DA with the difficulty of getting any information about FPD officers. It is just one more example in my opinion of disgraceful behavior by Danny Hughes in the performance of his duties as police chief.

    What a guy!

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