The Two things you can’t talk about on You Tube: Nobody died at Sandy Hook and the Government wants our guns.

  • attorney general Eric Holder made a trip to Newtown to speak with governor Malloy mere weeks before the event (someone had “spoken to him”)
  • 0 murders in Newtown in the 2012 FBI Crime Report
  • kid literally says it was a drill on the Dr. Oz show before Dr. Oz nervously changes the subject
  • the best evidence anyone can present to even prove Adam Lanza was a real person is a video of a guy with longish hair playing Dance Dance Revolution, which doesn’t even show the guy’s face. Also Lanza’s death was listed in the Social Security Death Index as occurring on 12/13, one day before the event.

you can go on and on with these bullet points. It’s the hoax that keeps giving.

[–]jbrs_[S] 7 points 

can you link to the Dr Oz thing?

and that’s crazy about Adam Lanza

[–]joe_jaywalker 8 points 

Yeah there’s a documentary about Lanza that I forget the name of, never actually watched it, but I’ve seen people link to it here a few times, which basically questions his existence.

Dr Oz clip:

The shill rebuttal to this clip is that the kid was nervous and/or he was comparing the emergency scenario with a drill. If you want to believe that, sure I guess. But it’s obvious that the women next to him and Dr. Oz are both not keen on letting him finish that thought.

[–]swansong19 9 points 

It’s called The Life of Adam

[–]jbrs_[S] 8 points 

tbh that just seemed like the kid wasn’t making much sense and he was trying to focus him on a topic

it is notable that he said “we were having a drill” though

[–]Zenyx_ 9 points 

You can tell Oz doesn’t even have a question. He’s clearly steering away from the “drill” comment. He tells the kid to take his time and then immediately cuts him off to ask a question he hasn’t even finished in his mind.

[–]jbrs_[S] 5 points 

Yeah, I agree “what would you like to say to your teachers … about friday” is a terrible question and seems like a deflection

[–]joe_jaywalker 12 points 

It seemed to me that whatever else can be said about the kid, he did not have the demeanor of someone who actually lived through a mass shooting that killed 20 of his schoolmates.

Not to mention you can possibly brush his interview off, just as you can dismiss one of your bullet points as a coincidence, but taken among the multitudinous others they are overwhelmingly definitive. Similarly, there is a whole compilation of Sandy Hook kids who “say the darnedest things.”

[–]Comethatmebro 2 points 

They do jump on it quick but I think the kid just ment during the lock down drill.

[–]battlehorns 2 points 

God bless you for posting the documentary. This is so chilling.

[–]tpYOURfb 9 points 

It’s all fucked up. if you believe that 9/11 was an inside job… this is peanuts compared to that.

[–]joe_jaywalker 9 points 

Yeah there’s actually a “no one died on 9/11” theory but that has always seemed a little far-fetched to me…. unlike Sandy Hook where clearly no one died and everyone went home richer.

[–]jbrs_[S] 10 points 

I mean… you can see videos of people jumping out of the towers to their deaths. I know someone who died. That no one died in 9/11 is a seriously implausible theory. In this case, hardly anyone (not EMT) saw the bodies– not even the parents!

[–]fraac 11 points 

If the parents were actors, why prevent them from seeing the bodies?

Conspiracy theories need to have internal consistency, rather than just ladling contradictory suspicious features atop one another.

[–]haveyouseenmymarble 2 points 

That’s a good point. I’d imagine that to be for simplicity’s sake. If the story was that the parents had to identify the kids, they might be asked to describe how it felt seeing their child in that way or what kinds of injuries they had. It would be a dick move by any reporter to go there, but by no means unheard of.

My guess is that barely anyone could convincingly describe such a tragedy, making any poor acting that much more obvious, and they already have plenty of that.

[–]jbrs_[S] 1 point 

I agree, I am just posting all of the interesting data points from the documentary for others to scrutinize and help build a coherent theory.

as for how those two might cohere, maybe the intention is to keep the operation as small as possible so that there are fewer chances for a slip up. if you bring in a morgue, you have to register all the dead bodies, have the parents show ID and sign in… just gets more complicated.

[–]perfect_pickles 2 points 

only so many died that day, there are some very pissed off relatives that suggests that some did die that day.

[–]joe_jaywalker 2 points 

I agree, I don’t think the buildings were full of people who actually worked there. They wanted a number of people killed to be reminiscent of the death toll of Pearl Harbor.

[–]MollysBrownPizza 5 points 

Let’s not forget about the photo of Noah Pozner that was killed at Sandy Hook but somehow ends up in Pakistan as a victim of an attack on a school.

Or good old Gene Rosen, who reports that a school bus dropped kids off at his house AFTER the shooting and said that the kids were crying that their teacher was just killed. Why were kids on a bus, weren’t they at the firehouse? (just go to YouTube, tons of his videos on there)

There’s tons more… I don’t know what happened, but it was so screwed up (their false flag) and poorly planned, you know SOMETHING was fishy.

[–]bagginse 2 points 

What about the video of Gene rehearsing his lines to camera??

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Comments, continued…

[–]a-n-o-n-88 6 points 

I’ve always found this one as hard to believe simply because I cannot really see who benefited from it. Not saying it isn’t possible, just that there aren’t somewhat obvious gains made from it

[–]jbrs_[S] 7 points 

Newtown has received over $200 million dollars from the federal government since the shooting; each parent got $281,000, and complained in a letter to the Connecticut AG when they didn’t get more (not standard practice)

That’s what Wolfgang says about this. I don’t know if it’s true, needs more research. But there’s also the gun control angle– that it was intended to shift public opinion to help gun control measures to pass.

[–]a-n-o-n-88 5 points 

Giving a town $200M isn’t a benefit to the deep state, nor is paying out the parents. I don’t recall any gun legislation being passed in it’s wake, but I could be wrong.

Boston was much more apparent to me, as it enabled the roll out of locking down a whole town and allowing for warrant-less searches of peoples homes

[–]jbrs_[S] 2 points 

I don’t think the money is the benefit; think of it as that’s all they had to pay to carry out this agenda in order to pass gun control measures. The documentary said connecticut passed several gun control measures after Sandy Hook.

[–]mpg1846 1 point 

What gun control measures?

[–]jbrs_[S] 1 point 

here is one. I would guess there are others.

[–]bagginse 2 points 

I believe it may have also acted as some kind of high-audience ritual/psychological experiment. It certainly induced terror and fear to the public.

[–]fraac 3 points 

School shootings never affect gun control laws (except in other countries). They help gun sales. Insider trading?

I’m trying to imagine what kind of event might cause gun restrictions in America. Not easy. If black people started shooting white people, they’re more likely to restrict black people than guns.

[–]jbrs_[S] 1 point 

the doc claims that gun control legislation was passed in CT following Sandy Hook. will have to double check. but yeah, if that’s a known trend, maybe insider trading, though it seems less plausible.

I don’t think that second part is true.

[–]joe_jaywalker 2 points 

$$$$$$$. They got a ludicrous sum to rebuild the school, which apparently now has low enrollment trouble, not to mention the countless millions of donations from gullible and shaken Americans.

and each one of these events steers the conversation in the direction the government wants. I can no longer say to a normal person that video games don’t cause violence because they can say Adam Lanza played video games and I am expected to take for granted that Sandy Hook was a real shooting.

We need more comments like yours.

[–]a-n-o-n-88 3 points 

I can get behind the “steering the conversation” part, but there is no reason to think the MIC gives a fuck about rebuilding a school in some small town.

[–]joe_jaywalker 2 points 

Oh yeah; I’m saying they received like 7x the amount of money that it would have taken to rebuild the school so that money was laundered/disbursed to the participants and perpetrators. Like I said, the school apparently now isn’t even doing well.

[–]QbertPro543211 3 points 

Tell them the supreme court found video games don’t cause violence. It was an epic opinion.

[–]TrappedInThePantry 1 point 

So… their best money making scheme was to hatch a massive conspiracy with hundreds of actors? Relying on there being not one single actor who will spill the beans, intentionally or not?

Even if we accept that this is possible, if you could levy such an immense amount of coordination and secrecy, that is the best plan for making money you’d come up with?

[–]joe_jaywalker 2 points 

By “actors” I guess you mean “players” or “participants,” because there certainly weren’t hundreds of actual actors playing roles, more like dozens. Indeed the number of conspirators necessary for any given conspiracy is always exaggerated by people who don’t believe in conspiracies.

Anyway, the money-making aspect of Sandy Hoax was a definite side effect, but not the primary goal. It was a FEMA Capstone event and Obama signed over twenty executive orders involving gun control as a direct result. Also as this video is illustrating it is a sort of social experiment that is still being studied by the perpetrators.

You’re better served looking at the evidence rather than remaining in the realm of speculation. It may seem unlikely that such a scam is possible, but undeniable after even a modest amount of honest research and critical thinking. Put it this way, I’m not 99.9% sure it was a hoax, that’s too low.

[–]perfect_pickles 1 point 

to rebuild the school,

‘SHES’ was never a school to begin with, the new building does not look like a normal school. more like a govt research building.

[–]swansong19 2 points 

50 million to build a new school in an area that had been seeing steadily decreasing enrolment numbers. Makes perfect sense to me.

[–]horridCAM666 2 points 

As a newish father, I can understand nit wanting to see my baby boy riddled with bullets. The mere typing that out almost made me sick 🙁 that said, Good post OP, thanks for giving me a list of bulletpoints for my own research.

[–]swansong19 2 points 

There’s a difference between choosing to not identify/see your loved one and being told you are not allowed to see them.

Both Gilles Rousseau and the McDonnells claimed publicly that they were straight up told they would not be allowed to see their child.

Rousseau made the claim to the CBC and the McDonnells made the claim in their interview with Anderson Cooper.

Beyond that, the odds that every single family would abdicate the identification process to strangers based on descriptions and photos is beyond coincidence.

[–]horridCAM666 2 points 

Oh thats insane. I would equally lose my shit if I was told I wasnt ALLOWED to if I wanted to. People would be bloodied. Badly.

[–]swansong19 2 points 


Here’s a vid I did on the subject and other issues

Rousseau’s comments to the CBC

And the McDonnells bizarre interview with Cooper

[–]martini-meow 2 points 

What where huh on the port a potties?

[–]Argh_Me_Maties 1 point 



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  1. #1 by Anonymous on March 9, 2018 - 11:50 am

    All these YT accounts that get deleted are for sure a sign that the narrative for Sandy Hook was BS. For some reason, they were really afraid of exposure on this one. Not sure why aside from the obvious. Pulse shooting and Columbine had similar inconsistencies as well. HR 5087 will never pass.

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