You talk about this on You Tube and your channel goes down for good. There are two distinct reasons folks. The government wants the American people to believe their propaganda films with crisis actors and the government wants us disarmed because they have such horrible things planned for us that they don’t want any resistance. Such things as a currency collapse, staged outbreaks of disease, forced relocations, confiscation of assets, bank accounts, property, retirement accounts, forced vaccinations, forced irradiation with the 5G systems and forced medical procedures are to name just a few of the sinister eugenics agendas on the table.
The government will kill children and run real shootings and frame a patsy, and they will run false flag Hollywood productions just like Sandy Hook.Watch this video that You Tube keeps taking down. I have tried to upload it several times and this is what happens. TOTAL CENSORSHIP. WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF?
It is amazing. The media including You Tube which is all run by the government, is beyond a joke, it is an outright criminal enterprise. The movie documents the extraordinary journey of Wolfgang Halbig, a former state trooper, teacher, insurance adjuster and most importantly, a professional school safety advisor on his quest for truth. This man sought basic public information from the officials of Newtown. What he found instead, was an illegal and impenetrable wall of secrecy. This makes you have to question what they are hiding and why the government wants us disarmed. That right there alone should send shivers up and down your spine if you really have one.
Here are the things that stood out for me from Dear Wolfgang, the Sandy Hook documentary, in case you didn’t get a chance to watch (self.conspiracy)
I want to be clear that none of this should be taken as a justification for harassing anyone. Not only is that unnecessary, but it’s counterproductive in that it creates a negative stereotype that further stifles discussion. Moreover, it is terribly wrong in the case that we are wrong– we should never presume to have certainty that we are right, and from there reason that the ends justify the means, because the downside is that we are missing something and we end up doing serious harm; and there are alternative ways with a much smaller potential for downside ( in this case, reasonable discourse with emphasis on facts and logic) of arriving at the intended goal. That has to be the path for something like this.
[–]jbrs_[S] 7 points
[–]joe_jaywalker 8 points
[–]swansong19 9 points
[–]jbrs_[S] 8 points
[–]Zenyx_ 9 points
[–]jbrs_[S] 5 points
[–]joe_jaywalker 12 points
[–]Comethatmebro 2 points
[–]battlehorns 2 points
[–]tpYOURfb 9 points
[–]joe_jaywalker 9 points
[–]jbrs_[S] 10 points
[–]fraac 11 points
[–]haveyouseenmymarble 2 points
[–]jbrs_[S] 1 point
[–]perfect_pickles 2 points
[–]joe_jaywalker 2 points
[–]MollysBrownPizza 5 points
[–]bagginse 2 points
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Comments, continued…
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