Sure WiFi is safe for growing children, just not for growing seeds.

 I believe that a public health crisis is in the process of unfolding right before our very own eyes with 1 in 5 children now being diagnosed with a mental illness: CDC-1 in 5 children suffer from a mental disorder

We all want what is best for our children. As parents, we all want the best tools for learning, the best schools, the best teachers, and the best curriculum so that our children have a chance at a bright future in an extremely competitive world. There is no doubt about the need for technology. It is here to stay. It is because of it that you are reading this. But why does it all have to be wireless?  What about the health and safety concerns as they relate to our children? Could these emissions be harming our children? What is wrong with wires connected to computers? That is our contention: hard wire the devices in light of the recent L.A.U.S.D EXPERT TESTIMONY  and the recent  letter sent to the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees on 5-13-13 that all strongly suggest that WiFi is not safe for children in a room full of wireless transmitters (tablets).

We at the  submit to you that we must delay the roll out of these wireless classrooms as the health concerns continue to mount. There needs to be designated classrooms at each grade level that have the technology hard wired for parents that choose NOT to subject their children to these emissions coming from the routers and the devices. The convenience is simply not worth the risk to our children.  Are you willing to take that chance? I believe we simply cannot afford to especially when it is totally unnecessary.  We have fiber optic connectivity right to the classroom walls. Why does it have to stop there?   

Our good friends over at shared the following  link to a story of a remarkable  group of 9th graders in Denmark, with no formal medical training, who with about 5 bucks produced a priceless experiment:

Experiments with Cress [and Wi-Fi] in 9th Grade attracts international attention [Denmark] 16th May 2013

Parents, look for yourselves and get a load of what two WiFi routers do to a bunch of poor little innocent seeds that were simply sitting too close to a pair of friendly WiFi routers. Poor things-they were just trying to grow up and make it in life.  What is all of this 21st Century learning nonsense gonna do to all of yours?   So which children will be getting the best seat in the house closest to the Cisco Aironet enterprise class WiFi routers in Fullerton’s new wireless classrooms that stay on all day long and have perfect attendance 180 days a year?  Hey gang, I am just the messenger and yes this experiment was peer reviewed- by the whole 9th grade class.



  1. #1 by Ray on May 29, 2013 - 5:51 pm

    I’ve been a community health advocate for several years now, and have seen several instances of wireless radiation toxification. It’s an extremely sad thing and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.

    Sure it’s anecdotal, but when you see children who grew up with a WiFi router under their bed, and despite good nutrition, excellent genetics, and many other factors lined up have serious developmental issues, it leaves a mark on you.

    Then you see it again in another home, and another, etc. You meet kids who have blood coming out of their noses and whose hair falls out when they are exposed to wireless radiation, and who are fine when they aren’t exposed.

    The problem here is that these school board members and other administrators don’t have the personal strength to break ranks.

    School board members, your actions have far reaching consequences. You are responsible not just for your kids in your schools, but for kids in all other schools as well. You are making it harder for parents in other parts of the country to protect their children.

    Take a stand. You won’t impede technology, you won’t prevent these kids from having the tools they need. It is entirely possible to give these kids the technological tools they need, and to do it in a safer way.

    • #2 by Chicago on May 29, 2013 - 7:17 pm

      The Fullerton School District has a golden opportunity to opt for wired technology in their schools. By doing so, they would be putting the children first, which would let the parents and the community know that they can be trusted to make the responsible decision.
      Please do the right thing and stand up for a healthy classroom environment for the children.

    • #3 by Joe Imbriano on May 29, 2013 - 9:29 pm

      So does the F.J.U.H.S.D. I asked them again last evening at the Board of Trustees meeting. We shall see what they decide to do with the facts that can no longer be ignored.

    • #4 by Joe Imbriano on May 29, 2013 - 9:31 pm

      Very well stated Ray. WiFi emissions affect blood viscosity and its coagulant properties. Nosebleeds are common tell tale indicators of excessive microwave EMF exposure. As awareness of the impacts of these emissions grows, public opinion will sway.

      Ladies and gentleman, if you are crossing your fingers and hoping that these levels of emissions both at home and in the classrooms won’t affect your children and that they will skate by unaffected, you are deceiving yourselves. It will take many years for the effects to show up possibly in their children or latent effects down the road on them that will be conveniently blamed on something else. This is the first generation in human history to be subjected to 24/7 WiFi microwave bombardment in the classroom, the bedroom and even the workplace someday. I have already hypothesized the role that these emissions play in Autism:

      You are banking your entire lineage on the parroted safety claims of school administrators rooted in 30 year old antiquated and woefully inadequate FCC emission standards. These standards were based on thermal effects on inanimate objects set by an agency that doesn’t have a single solitary medical doctor on its payroll. The FCC is not a health care agency. The non thermal effects at power levels far below the FCC guidelines are damaging. The school district administrators at the local level even up to the County level, at this point so far, refuse to engage us and address these concerns. The school boards are silent as well. Ignoring this issue will not make it go away.

      I believe that all of these school district administrators will have long since been retired by the time the damage done to your children will be evident. These administrators have fully developed bodies and brains and don’t have these routers and 35 WiFi enabled devices emitting all day long in their offices either. Your kids do get no reprieve even at home because the tablets that the school is forcing the kids to use requires WiFi at home as well. These things don’t have ethernet plugs for hard wiring them.

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