The staging of an epidemic

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  1. #1 by Anonymous on September 10, 2018 - 7:11 pm

    Who is Bill Hicks aka Alex Jones? Does this individual truly speak for and represent a majority of President Trump followers? The “self – proclaimed” “Q” representative mouth pice and guru of Q wisdom does NOT represent President Trump nor his well-rounded and logical thinking voters who fully understand that to MAGA, America must repentant of social behavior against Moses’ 10 Societal Commandments given by God and understand according to God’s Will and His Timing there will be in the future a “Talmudic Zionist One World Government.” In the mean time, however, Bill Hicks aka deep State Mossad Alex Jones appears to be a distraction from the Google, Facebook, and Twitter Congressional investigation taking place for the Shadowbaning, discrimination, stealing sensitive personal data to sell to foreign countries, and etc from social platform users: weapons of mass ideological steering, emotional and mental traumatizing by lies and FAKE NEWS by MSNBC, CNN, NYT, Bob Woodward – “ACEFACE” & “Q&NON”, Australian Q+ – Ctrl (Q – Bristlecone) Quantum Spy computer, Q- IBM, Q-SUMMIT, CERN, D-WAVE, D5 and Schoology, Instagram, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and AT&T – all of which seem to be tools for using the SOCRATIC METHOD , also known as MAIEUTICS , method of elenchus, elenctic method, or Socraticdebate, a form of COOPERATIVE ARGUMENTATIVE DIALOGUE between Q – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presumptions about the Constitutionally and the Honorable President Trump voters…
    The unhinged and Cognitive-dissonance global “The Deep-State Government and like-minded peoples will “scrutinize and fault you” as if you were just nefarious; and if you prove you have power, when before they would have treated you as just dirt under their feet and just as a wannabe somebody!” Hence, there is one way g “IN GOOD FAITH” – which one can get Google, Facebook, Instagram, and their mobile carrier’s attention for AT&T customers: call Kitira Smith, Office of the AT&T CEO make reference to case#FG-FL1815438 and ask what AT&T is going to do to protect you from having the above mentioned social platforms and search engine from spying and stealing your personal private conversations and mobile phone data at home or about, while NOT using your mobile phone. File a complaint (class action lawsuit) about possible criminal and nefarious actions by the above which collectively make you a victim of interstate and global unauthorized and unwanted data spying and theft of diginity, emotional peace, privacy, personal data and intellectual ideas and words which were not meant for public viewing or scrutiny by government contract social platforms, by communist China, by North Korea, by Saudi Arabia, by Germany, by 5 Eyes nations, and any other individuals willing to buy your thoughts, expressions of emotions, and religious preferences:
    Hi Tonio,
    Thank you for your submission to the FCC. Your request has been received and assigned Ticket No. 2716620. Throughout the complaint process, you will receive periodic emails updating you about the status of your complaint.
    If you have information to add to your complaint, please respond directly to this email.
    You can view a list of frequently asked questions about the informal complaint process at:
    Your submission provides the FCC with important information we can use to develop policies to protect consumers, remedy violations of the Communications Act, and encourage future compliance with the law.
    Thank you for your help in furthering the FCC’s mission on behalf of consumers.
    This email iscz a service from FCC Complaints.

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