The second wave-the planned 60GHz millimeter wave attack in schools

  1. #1 by Joe Alexander on June 3, 2020 - 7:25 am


    I have spent weeks and dozens of hours by now watching Joe’s videos.

    I do not have a science background. So a lot of these concepts I do not readily grasp. And certainly I am not equipped to debate someone who is a scientist and who can talk circles around me. But I am coming up to learning curve. If what Joe is saying is true, this is the greatest false flag in the history of the world. If Joe’s warnings are true, then people who understand what’s going on, owe it to their fellow man to be able to explain what’s going on to a save lives.

    I have searched this website, and I’m sure it’s there I just can’t find it, for the scientific evidence that what Joe is saying is factually correct.

    There should be, and I’m guessing there is, scientific proof that the millimeter waves (and the certain frequencies) are bad for humans…That the effects of the oxygen molecules absorbing the energy, and the water molecules and the iodine molecules having their respective absorption frequency, are unhealthy and catastrophically dangerous. There needs to be presented, in a layman’s format, the proof, the scientific explanation. It would strengthen Joe’s warnings.

    People with a science background and who do not agree with Joe or who primarily probably don’t BELIEVE what he saying, can make statements that are “rebuttals”, and they can be persuasive and convince many that Joe is full of crap.

    I would like to persuade Joe to post a bibliography of sorts, that he can point to which scientifically justifies his message. if somebody knows of this type of resource, then let me know. In the meantime, here is one article I found, that links to many other scientists and doctors who agree with Joe.

    This is one thing (see link below) I found after quite a bit of research. As you know, if you do search this topic, you are treated to search results loaded with websites and testimonies which say 5G is not dangerous and that people who warn about it are just conspiracy theorists. It is difficult to find people out there explaining the dangers. Censorship is rampant.

    The “authoritative”-sounding attacks need to be overcome with science, facts, studies, etc. I would love for Joe to do a podcast or a video which rebuts the rebuttals!

    He should know all of the main talking points of those who oppose him scientifically. So he should address them one by one. Please, Joe, do this!

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