The second wave-the planned 60GHz millimeter wave attack in schools

  1. #1 by Kevin on June 4, 2020 - 7:07 pm

    Hi Joe.
    I’m from the U.K. First, thanks for all the work you do in raising peoples awareness of the true ‘climate’ of their reality. I like to think, we’re by and large well meaning, albeit easily misled, but hopefully with an in built sense to recognize truth and sincerity when present. We see that in your passion for what you’re trying to convey, . . it’s evident and much appreciated. You’re not alone, but nonetheless the world needs all the good messengers it can get at the moment.
    I watched your YT video today, and the main reason for this comment was hopefully to put to you an answer to the big question ‘why’ things are happening the way they are.
    A combination of processes is leading to a system clash, and to understand what i mean, i’d like to question the idea behind money creation known as ‘fractional reserve banking’ or what we call over here the ‘money multiplier’. Joe we’re complicit in our ignorance, . . excluding the central bank fiat cash, 97% + of the money in circulation is created by it’s borrower when they take out a loan, be it whatever, . . .we self issue our own credit. This was actually admitted to by the Bank of England in a document entitled “Money Creation in the Modern Economy”, i think in 2014 after a German economist conducted an experiment to determine that very question (where does the money come from?). This i’m pretty sure is how it is in Europe and Canada and i think also the United States. This process is different to FRB. Also it has to follow that ‘money’ is destroyed (the principal) when it’s paid back otherwise we’d run into a slight inflation problem.
    A sad realization is that some at the top of the tree regard others’ justification for existence as purely economic.
    At the same time you have an automated technological system (a very broad term), that is displacing more and more people out of ‘meaningful’ employment (profit related).
    To make a long story short, i think a good analogy would be two trains heading towards each other on the same track, where a system of wealth creation through human labor/labour is on collision with a much more efficient automated machine technology system, (even though machines don’t go into debt), in a nonetheless monetary profit driven society, and what you would call free market capitalism, is providing the line. This is not even adding the expected global population growth to approx 9 billion by mid century. I know there’s plenty of land, but what about the jobs?
    Some are definitely playing chess, while others are playing checkers in order to survive, that’s for sure.
    Thanks again for all the information made available Joe, you have a considerable waking army of followers. Good Health, Prosperity and Life to you and your family.

    P.S. A little light relief. You may not be aware that the U.K. was hit with a pandemic back in the 50’s as documented by The Goon Show in “Lurgi Strikes Britain” it’s on YouTube i think, . . You may or may not find this funny, it’s British humor which is an acquired taste, i know.

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