1. #1 by Anonymous on September 14, 2018 - 10:54 am

    YES, the Holy Spirit revealed this to me in several visions in the night and one with my eyes opened! First the Lord revealed to me that Princess Diana is alive and her name is Ondine De Rothschild. She is a ruler of the earth spiritually and naturally speaking! Then I found the rest of the information online about the secret societies are trannies on YouTube. God in heaven is EXPOSING the Kingdom of darkness to his people and to the world! Father God is intervening right now in the earth realm to bring his people into intercessory prayer which is the language of GOD and fasting, to destroy the works of the devil!!! Intervene meaning is to come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events. This is what God and the Lord’s holy angels are doing right now in our time line and generation. The BEST is yet to come in Christ Jesus!!!!! God bless you and please share with others. JC -|-


    THE SECRET SOCIETY ARE TRANNIES by birth and these are the people out to kill the general public off. PLEASE READ: Oprah Winfrey was born a man!! THE VIEW – women are all Trannies at birth. Whoopi Goldberg was born a man!!! All born men but live as women fooling the general public…The Secret Society are trannies aka transgenders at birth!!! In the USA they are pushing transgender on our elementary K1 children. They are confusing our children about what gender they are!! I know six families who took their children out of the public school system just because of this great (EVIL) deception!

    Go to YouTube & TYPE : Truthful Spirit Blue Heron. These are the people that want to kill us and take over the earth!!! Practically everyone you see on your tv, in the movies, Hollywood celebrities, music industry, Presidents and their families and politicians, TV Reporters are trannies, the sports arena, Television Preachers and Ministers and large ministries you see on tv, the Rothschild family and the few families that rule over our world are trannies at birth.!!! The Kardashians are all trannies at birth. Kim Kardashian just had a sex change and put out a sex tape to deceive the world and to become a wealthier tranny. Paris Hilton did the very same thing!! Victoria’s SECRET – SECRET exposed they are all men transgender trannies – lingerie models!! Lady gaga, Madonna, Micheal Jackson, Micheal Jackson kids, ALL OF THE CELEBRITIES and Famous Singers & SO ON, are TRANNIES!! MISS AMERICA and other Pageants are ILLUMINATI TRANNIES!

    Queen Elizabeth was born a man. All the royal families around the world!! Oprah Winfrey was born a man!!! Jackie Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe were born men! Barbie Dolls are trannie dolls made from a trannie family! THE VIEW program are all TRANNIES!!! Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sherri Shepherd, Rosie O’Donnell and the rest of the cast. Ellen Degeneres was born a man. Brad Pitt born a woman! Angelina Jolie born a man! Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are openly transgendering their child, Shiloh Nouvel. This is generational and they call it the royal bloodline! This is a curse NOT a blessing! This is like one of the worst child abuse parents can do to their children is to lie to them and change and confuse them! They are everywhere!!! Learn the anatomy of the male and female and you will notice how EASY it is to spot them.

    They are in magazines, tv commercials, the SECRET SOCIETY IS EVERYWHERE WHERE THEIR IS GRAND WEALTH! Take the time and get on YouTube and do a Transvestigation. The bible tells us Satan deceives the whole world. NOW YOU KNOW!

    And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Revelation 12:9

    Jackie Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe were born men!!! (the smoking gun… the adam’s apple…)

    Tranny Music Hall of Shame 2: the 60’s and 70’s

    Shhhh-irley Temple Transvestigation: Poster Child for Pedophilia

    Paris Hilton Transvestigation

    Jodie Foster Transvestigation

    Transvestigation: Exposing False Prophets– Joyce Meyer Transvestigation:

    Joseph Prince (TV PREACHER)

(will not be published)

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