1. #1 by Anonymous on September 14, 2018 - 2:01 pm

    These trannies are having a trannie FESTIVAL! It is very interesting to watch these trannies in action! PRAY FOR THESE TRANNIES -PEOPLE, IN JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY NAME. If you want to know what Aretha Franklin meant when she/he (born a male) sung, “You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman”.. View all the trannies (Celebrities are all tannies and Obama – born a woman and Michelle (aka Michael) born a male, celebrating this song together. These are our REAL enemy in the spiritaul realm, but GOD IS GREATER!! They have been working hard to depopulate our world so most everyone will be trannies and robots and human slaves. They are the SECRET SOCIETY!!! One thing Satan didn’t count on is the GREATEST OUTPOURING of God’s Holy Spirit upon all flesh and that includes the trannies!!! The MOST POWERFUL BRIDE OF CHRIST IS BEING RAISED UP AT THIS VERY MOMENT TO TAKE DOMINION OVER THE ENEMY! GOD BLESS!

    Watch Aretha Franklin Make President Obama Emotional

    PRINCESS DIANA IS ALIVE AND HER NAME TODAY IS, Ondine De Rothschild, she has always been a Rothschild. Her fairy-tail – fake-actor boyfriend, Dodi Al Fayed is also alive. Proof. God bless and please share.

    Princess Diana Death Hoax The Final Chapter By OceanPink Inc

    I am in the deliverance ministry and this is REAL!!! PLEASE WATCH.
    ILLUMINATI EXPOSED: Satanism In Music Industry!!!

    And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Revelation 12:9

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