Years back the 911 system needed some good fiber optic cable at the haunted house of horrors on Commonwealth installed. Well some good people put some good cable in those walls. Apart from the city workers warning the installers of the constant noises in the walls, no one in upper management ever took it seriously until the rats chewed through the cable and took down the 911 system.
Of course instead of blaming the rats in the walls at city hall for the outage, the brass blamed the installers for doing shoddy work. Ladies and gentlemen, I have news for you. The rats are still there and especially in the police station.
They run around behind the walls working their deeds in darkness gnawing away at the lifeline of Fullerton while the brass ignore the verminous activities that are blamed on the innocent, hard working and well intentioned.
The reason they never get caught is because they only set the traps outside the walls and let the rats inside the walls operate with impunity.
Think about this for a moment, who is in charge of policing the police?

INTERNAL AFFAIRS OFFICER BONG SCHOEN in front of south Fullerton youth
Who is supposed to protect us from the traps they set for us that really should be sprung on them?

What is one to do when he or she is falsely accused, when the accuser and law enforcement have no physical or credible evidence and the entire prosecutorial apparatus of the municipal corporation and a majority of the elected officials are hell bent on trying to destroy an innocent man’s reputation and political career? You stand your ground.

Barry Levinson
But what happens when the system breaks the legs out from under the innocent?’
What happens when the system fails even the most vulnerable?

What happens when the very people we trust to keep us safe are the very ones who are the greatest threat to our safety?

Who is supposed to warn the public when agents of the state turn their weapons on the innocent?

So who is standing in the way of a civilian police oversight commission in Fullerton as they keep trying to sell us out to the developers while the roads and water infrastructure lie in ruin as the police get away with murder?

FITZGERALD AND FLORY both need to be thrown out in November
What recourse do we have when the system from the top down is corrupt and locked down? To quote one of my speeches at the Fullerton City Council. “There are three remedies as an American- there is the soap box which we have used, the ballot box which is next….. and I think you all know what the third box is.” Joe Imbriano 8-2-11 Fullerton City Council Meeting. I have strong convictions as an American that are unwavering.

Folks, you, your wife, your child, neighbor, dad, cousin, co worker or friend could be next. The more we tolerate, the more the rats in the walls will multiply, wreak havoc, chew through our lifelines, spread their filth and urinate and defecate all over where we live and breathe and all while you sleep. The murder rate in the United States was about 40 per million in 2011, the year Kelly Thomas was murdered by the Fullerton Police Department. There were a total of two murders in Fullerton during a 12 month period from 2011 -2012 and there were an additional two murders that I believe were committed by The Fullerton Police department in Fullerton during the same period. Here are the victims.
Kelly Thomas

Dean Gochenour
Dean Gochenour supposedly killed himself in jail while the FPD jailer destroyed his DAR device. FULLERTON POLICE OFFICER Vincent Thomas Mater allegedly smashed a digital audio recorder that is believed to have captured his conversations with a 52-year-old man who later committed suicide. Does this concern you? The guy is dead and the cop destroys the recording device? Are you kidding me?
In other words, the murder rate by the 100 member FULLERTON police department equaled that of the 140,000 people in the city. That translates to the fact that a Fullerton police officer is 1400 times more likely to murder you than a complete stranger! Fullerton is not what it used to be ladies and gentlemen and there are more problems than just the police killing and framing people.
Now we have even more rats in the walls at city hall rolling out phony conservative candidates like Larry Bennett who ran the anti recall campaign defending the murderous cops a few years back defending the old tax and spend RINO guard at city hall and who is clearly a police union goon who ran with Democrat police union good Doug Chaffee in the last election.
He held hands with police union goon and pro development establishment hack Doug Chaffee
And now he is holding hands with Fitzpringle in the November election.
Fullerton is well on its way to becoming an overdeveloped hell hole with third world roads run by people like Jencurt Fitzpringle who just can’t wait to rudely and disrespectfully squash public expression at meetings, give away generous raises to the police and fire departments when Fullerton is millions in the red, deficit spending with busted up roads and water mains just so she can get re elected by the union endorsements so she can ram massive development projects of thousands of units for her bosses.

Democrat in Republican clothing developer lobbyist Jennifer Fitzgerald= Vice President of Curt Pringle running round masquerading as our mayor
This is what is in store for Fullerton ladies and gentlemen.
The time for change in Fullerton is now. To hell with the phonies and damn the torpedoes. Fullerton is going fast. If you want to be lied to and be told everything is fine, then vote for Jennifer Fitzgerald and Larry Bennett. If you want to deal with reality and real solutions, I am your man.
#1 by Anonymous on July 31, 2016 - 7:16 pm
Wow! Levinson’s level of ignorance and hatred for the police just shows that he is utterly pathetic figure, who seems to get more pathetic by the day.
The article states that the driver of the Honda was taken to the hospital in critical condition!!!Just because he has not been arrested yet doesn’t mean he won’t be. He can still be arrested, moron!!! There may be many reasons why he was not placed under arrest. He may be close to death for all we know. They may have performed other toxicology tests at the hospital.
As far as the driver of the Lincoln, it is quite routine to take a person into custody for a DUI and then release them hours later. Just because the person has been released, he may still face DUI charges. The police may also be investigating the possibility of other crimes in connection to the incident (narcotics, for example) and turn over the case to the DA, who may then file multiple charges for a variety of felonies.
Nothing about the way this unfortunate incident was handled by the police is out of the ordinary. If the cops would have placed the driver of the Honda (you know, the driver who was in critical condition), under arrest, Levinson would on here blathering out the cops had no right to arrest him.
Levinson, now you are just embarrassing yourself. And you wonder why Whitaker has distanced himself from you!
#2 by Joe Imbriano on July 31, 2016 - 10:34 pm
Downtown is awash in drugs and liquor turning out killers behind the wheel that park in the parking structure the taxpayers paid handsomely to provide parking for. The liquor mafia downtown has had blood on their hands for years.
Whitaker has distanced himself from being accountable and distanced himself from any semblance of reform. Whitaker has distanced himself from Barry Levinson because Whitaker is a coward. Whitaker is a 6 year running bag of wind who is nothing more than more of the same. He affects no change, and challenges nothing until it is dead on arrival. Perhaps we can apply pressure when the council majority changes and then he can begin to walk his talk.
#3 by Mat Caraffa on July 31, 2016 - 11:06 pm
It’s not cowardly to distance yourself from a moron.
#4 by Joe Imbriano on August 1, 2016 - 7:38 am
Tell us why cowardly Bruce fired Barry and then made up some BS excuse that he decided to feed into Kennedy’s establishment rag.
#5 by Anonymous on August 1, 2016 - 2:32 pm
Are you unable to comprehend english words in a coherent sentence?
#6 by You Give Fullerton A Very Bad Name on August 1, 2016 - 6:45 am
Anonymous and your friends have never uttered one bad word about 3 cops who got away with murder (of an innocent man as stated by your own Dan Hughes). Not one bad word. Totally innocent man is inhumanly beaten to death at the hands of 3 cops while 3 other cops arriving at the scene let it continue to happen. Then your FPD police trainer and the 2013 FPD Supervisor of the Year both testify that they did everything by the book. How can a totally innocent man get murdered by a brutal beating lasting many minutes by cops who are following the guidelines of the FPD training manual? How can that be? Therefore, following the convoluted logic of the FPD training officer any innocent person can be beaten to death by the FPD and those officers would never have to account for their actions.
#7 by A Fullerton Observer on August 1, 2016 - 11:47 am
If I was the Fullerton Police Chief, I would fire the FPD training officer immediately. But observing how the FPD operates, you can more likely expect the training officer to be promoted for his misbegotten loyalty.
I have also observed that not one member of the current city council speaks out on these huge problems with the FPD under Dan Hughes.
#8 by Reality Is... on August 1, 2016 - 12:43 pm
Jury said not guilty of all charges. All Kelly’s fault. You feel different. It’s over.
#9 by Fullerton Lover on August 1, 2016 - 1:22 pm
Kelly Thomas was also a mentally disabled man, and the Fullerton Police Department knew that before six of their officers harassed, beat,Tasered, and suffocated him till death.
The Fullerton Fire department wasn’t much better, as they testified in court that they ignored Kelly’s injuries and left him lying in a heap, so they could tend to the minor abrasions of the police officers who had just beat Kelly Thomas till death.
#10 by Reality Is..... on August 1, 2016 - 6:04 pm
You understand that just because Officer A knows someone is mentally disabled or a continual problem or likes to fight with the police or run from the police or a gangster or a jerk, that Officers B-Z probably don’t know that?. You realize that right? Show me where Sissy and Manny knew everything about Kelly Thomas before Kelly decided to run from them and fight with them on the ground? Not saying knowing him an officer would have handled it any different but trying to get that fact you said from you where those specific officers knew him like you say they did.
#11 by Fullerton Lover on August 1, 2016 - 7:52 pm
It’s a known fact that Manny Ramos had stopped Kelly Thomas many times over the years, and was well aware that he was mentally disabled.
If you watch the tape of Kelly Thomas being beaten to death that evening, you’ll see in the beginning of the tape that FPD’s Manny Ramos was talking with Kelly Thomas, and is asking Kelly if he isn’t getting tired of being harassed by himself all the time.
FYI…The mentally disabled are a protected class under federal law, and as such, FPD should have been charged with civil rights violation(s) for beating a mentally disabled man till death.
#12 by Reality Is..... on August 1, 2016 - 8:55 pm
Yes. I can buy it then that Manny knew him. So what do you suggest when you or other residents or bus riders continually call on someone that is homeless and bothering people or doing things suspicious? Just curious. No point in debating it because we just disagree on this case completely start to finish but I’m sure if it was your family being bothered daily or if you saw something suspicious you would want the cops called each time at least right?