The plan may be different in the USA. You guys are the last armed “Capitalistic” county on earth. America runs on small businesses, etc.

They will need to destroy small business and the middle class in America. The rest of the Western nations have long been 100% socialist (Canada, Australia, EU, NZ etc).
They are already starting the propaganda for another Covid outbreak and vaccine booster push here in Canada. They need the cover of flu season to do it.
There are already universities demanding proof of vaccinations to attend university or to live on campus this fall.
They have so many options.
I think they will continue to let the economy deteriorate so they can bring back Trump. “It’s the economy stupid.” They seem to be exposing their own pandemic pay-op. Deliberately putting out information in both the alternative and mainstream media that the vaccines were not effective and have side effects. That the lockdowns were not needed and our incompetent governments bankrupted the nations.  They have to destroy the old system to bring in the new.
They are even now telling us that the new booster shots are being released without human testing.
It’s the same with all the liberal/democrat transgender/LGBT/Gender fluidity/woke/pedophilia minor attracted persons/satanism nonsense. They are ramming it down our throats, knowing people will eventually rebel against it.
Now they are even trying to normalize pedophilia. They always use the liberal “Useful Idiots’ to destabilize a nation.
They want a reaction out of the American public.
They may want civil unrest only to usher Trump back in. I could be wrong and they may use it to divide and conquer the USA. Create civil unrest as an excuse for martial law, The Kissinger Plan. Although I think that would come after Trump goes to war and bankrupts America.
I think Trump will be back in 2024.
Who knows, they may push more lockdowns to get the public to rebel. Create civil unrest. Order out of chaos.
What do you think is coming?
I don’t live in the US, so I don’t have a feel for what the American public is feeling. Maybe they will demonize the Patriots/conservative/Christian/Conspiracy Theorists to give the government an excuse to clamp down on them.
They have so many options.
You know some type of UBI is coming as they make us more dependent on the system. They will push more austerity under the guise of “Climate Change.”
One day the Patriotic groups will be used to start something so that the big boys can clamp down and tell the general public “Look, there are crazy people living amongst you, and we are going to do something for your safety”. 
This is what they want to do and they have written about this, infact, from the top. 

Western University to require vaccinations and masking, says updated COVID-19 policy

U of T requiring anyone living in campus residences to be triple-vaxxed against COVID-19

Sex therapist calls pedophiles ‘minor-attracted persons,’ sparking backlash online

Take it with a grain of salt

They have not stopped. They have just changed tactics. Now they will talk about food shortages, climate change, polio, and monkeypox.

They are going to bombard us with so many things because they have to scare us back into submission. 
They will start with the mask mandates. They don’t have the power to target the entire country at once. So they will target the weakest of institutions.  
You will see universities call for mask mandates and boosters. That will just be the beginning.
They will start a campaign of rising covid deaths around the world. They are going to use it as an excuse to bring Covid back. They will tell us that vaccines are not working like they used to, so we need to bring back the masks.
They will make excuses for all the adverse reactions to the vaccines. They have already admitted that Canada has over 50,000 officially reported adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines. Over 10,000 are considered serious.  
They are going to expand the vaccines with monkeypox, polio, covid, etc.
They want to inject you with so many vaccines so that when you get sick and die, you will not know what to blame. You cannot prove what caused your death.  
They will soon push polio. The Polio Psyop worked and scared the public in the 1950s into getting polio vaccines.  
Every vaccine you take further reduces your immune system. People are already lining up for monkeypox vaccines.  
Again, they want you to take as many vaccines as possible so you cannot prove what is causing you to get sick. They do not want accountability for your illness/death from the vaccines.  

They have now combined the climate change movement with the pandemic/vaccine/virus agenda.   
They have tried to push the climate change agenda on us with cohesion and it did not work. They tried brute force, and it did not work. They have tried subterfuge/deception, and it did not work.
So they are going to do what every tyrant in the history of humanity has done. They are going to starve the public into submission.  
They have already done this under the guise of “Climate Change/Crisis.”
We need to curb our grain, our fertilizer, and our livestock. We need to starve the individual to save the planet.
That is why farmers/truckers are going ballistic in the Netherlands. They understand the implications of this.
They want to reduce our food supply by over 30% by 2030, while increasing the population of Canada to 50 million people.  
So what is going to happen to the food supply and food prices? Your standard and cost of living are going to go down and it will create a food shortage.
But don’t worry, they have a solution. They want you to eat bugs.
Inflation is only going to get worse. Higher energy costs to heat your home and drive your car.  
The more we comply, the more the government will push ahead with their agenda. They will try to label everyone a conspiracy theorist, anti- vaxxer, and anti-masker. 

They will try to bring back the Covid restrictions this fall/winter. Watch for them to start the propaganda with more covid deaths and “Cases” on the rise.  
“How many more Covid deaths are we going to allow before we do something, etc.”
Doing something means taking mandatory vaccines, contact tracing, wearing masks and vaccine passports.  
If you don’t believe me, Germany has already made masks mandatory from October to mid April.
Wearing masks on planes and during long-distance travel by train and bus will be mandatory from October to early April all over Germany. Mandatory mask-wearing and the presentation of a negative coronavirus test will apply to hospitals, nursing homes and similar institutions with vulnerable people.
Germany  has introduced a Chinese-style, colour coded vaccine passport system. When you get your vaccine, it’s green to show someone freshly vaccinated you and up to date. There is no such thing as “fully vaccinated” anymore. After three months, your colour coded vaccine passport turns yellow. To remind you that your vaccine is wearing off. To insure your compliance with getting a new booster, you are legally required to wear a mask again.  
German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has announced that the nation’s digital contact tracing and vaccine passport app, Corona-Warn-App (“CWA”), will start assigning different colours to citizens based on whether they received a Covid-19 vaccine within the last three months.
The CWA will assign one colour to citizens who add proof that they received a vaccine within the last three months and a different colour to citizens who add proof of vaccination that’s more than three months old. Only those with the colour showing that they’re “freshly vaccinated” (have received a vaccine within the last three months) will be exempt from Germany’s mask requirement in public indoor spaces.
Berliner Zeitung also reported that this new German vaccine passport system would be similar to China’s colour code vaccine passport system. China’s system assigns a green, yellow, or red code to citizens. Those with a green code are allowed to move freely, those with a yellow code may be asked to stay home for seven days, and those with a red code have to quarantine for two weeks.
They are literally trying to get Germans to inject this poison every 3 months.  
If people take Covid vaccines/boosters every 3 months, it will destroy your immune system and you will see people really get sick and die.
Thank goodness in Canada that only 1% of parents have been getting their children vaccinated for Covid.  
We are going to see more real sickness from taking all these vaccines and our government is going to sweep them all under the rug.  
You are going to see more and more people develop heart conditions and heart attacks. 
The more men that stand up to this tyranny, the more the public will unite. It is not up to the women to stand up..i. it is up to the men. Men need to be men.  
7 Days ago:
Mon Aug 15, 2022 – 11:16 am EDT

Germany announces color-coded vaccine passport system similar to Communist China’s

Those who aren’t ‘freshly vaccinated’ will be subject to restrictions.

COVID masks will return in Germany, says justice minister

But Marco Buschmann warns against ‘Chinese conditions,’ like lockdowns and school closures.

Germany likely to impose mask mandate if Covid-19 spreads in winter

Germany’s Health Minister Wants Vaccine Passports To be Colour Coded for Compliance, Just Like China

Student backlash builds over Western University mask, vaccine mandate

A back-to-school backlash has erupted at Western University over its requirement that students and teachers wear masks and provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination when classes resume this fall, with one affiliated school declining to enforce such rules.

Western University to require vaccinations and masking, says updated COVID-19 policy

U of T requiring anyone living in campus residences to be triple-vaxxed against COVID-19

Mask mandates revisited for some as COVID-19 surges in Sask.

“Thank you for your patience and understanding in keeping our women and families safe and healthy,” reads a sign at the YWCA.

Author of the article:

Jennifer Ackerman

Publishing date:

Aug 19, 2022  •  2 days ago  •  3 minute read  •   Join the conversation

A sign on the front doors of the Regina YWCA on Aug. 19, 2022 alerts visitors of a temporary mask mandate currently in place from Aug. 19 to Sept. 9 in light of a recent surge in COVID-19 in Saskatchewan.A sign on the front doors of the Regina YWCA on Aug. 19, 2022 alerts visitors of a temporary mask mandate currently in place from Aug. 19 to Sept. 9 in light of a recent surge in COVID-19 in Saskatchewan. PHOTO BY REGINA LEADER-POST

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 The reemergence of polio is a public health emergency. And a tragedy.

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As the country battles COVID-19, some are looking back to another health crisis in living memory

Richard Cuthbertson · CBC News · Posted: Apr 02, 2020 6:00 AM AT | Last Updated: April 2, 2020

Poliomyelitis, also known as the ‘crippler,’ struck Canada in waves of epidemics from the 1920s to the 1950s, paralyzing many children. (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)

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Government of Canada officially logs nearly 50,000 adverse reaction reports to the vaccine


August 19, 2022

The Government of Canada has officially logged nearly 50,000 adverse reaction reports to COVID vaccines, 10,047 of which were classified as severe.

Canada officially logs 50,000 adverse reaction reportsCanada officially logs 50,000 adverse reaction reportsAs of July 22, 2022, there have been 49,921 reports of adverse reactions to the various COVID vaccines, 10,047 of which were considered “serious.” According to the government’s own figures, this puts reports of adverse reactions at a rate of 57.9 per 100,000 doses administered.

Of the vaccines taken, the Pfizer vaccine resulted in the most adverse reaction reports, followed by Moderna and AstraZeneca.

Most adverse event reports came from females, with the reporting rate for females being 78.1 reports per 100,000 doses administered, compared to 31.2 per 100,000 doses administered for males. However, within the 12 to 17 age group, the proportion and reporting rate in males was slightly higher.

Health Canada says they are now actively monitoring the following:

  • thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome following vaccination with the AstraZeneca
  • myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining around the heart) following vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines
  • capillary leak syndrome following vaccination with the AstraZeneca
  • immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) and venous thromboembolism (VTE) following vaccination with the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine
  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) following AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination

Despite these reports, the government maintains that “the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines continue to outweigh the risks of the disease.”

This contradicts public health officials who’ve stated that individuals, particularly those who are young and healthy, should weigh the risks of the COVID vaccine before lining up to get a booster.

Germany announces color-coded vaccine passport system similar to Communist China’s

Those who aren’t ‘freshly vaccinated’ will be subject to restrictions.
Featured ImageVaccination passportShutterstock
Mon Aug 15, 2022 – 11:16 am EDT
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(Reclaim the Net) – German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has announced that the nation’s digital contact tracing and vaccine passport app, Corona-Warn-App (CWA), will start assigning different colors to citizens based on whether they received a COVID-19 vaccine within the last three months.

The CWA will assign one color to citizens who add proof that they received a vaccine within the last three months and a different color to citizens who add proof of vaccination that’s more than three months old. Only those with the color showing that they’re “freshly vaccinated” (have received a vaccine within the last three months) will be exempt from Germany’s mask requirement in public indoor spaces.

Other citizens, including those who received multiple vaccines but had their last vaccine more than three months ago, will have to show proof of recent recovery from COVID or a current negative test to get an exemption from this mask requirement.

Germany’s Berliner Zeitung noted that the color codes in the vaccine passport app would “give different rights in the future” and said the system would put citizens who are already quadruple vaccinated on the same legal footing as those who are unvaccinated.

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Berliner Zeitung also reported that this new German vaccine passport system would be similar to Communist China’s color code vaccine passport system. China’s system assigns a green, yellow, or red code to citizens. Those with a green code are allowed to move freely, those with a yellow code may be asked to stay home for seven days, and those with a red code have to quarantine for two weeks.

Despite moving to this color code vaccine passport system, Lauterbach has admitted that the goalposts could shift at any time and that if too many freshly vaccinated people make use of the mask exception, Germany will change the rules and close the exception.

Lauterbach, who is quadruple vaccinated, announced this new color code vaccine passport system four days after he contracted COVID. The new system is being introduced as part of Germany’s “Infection Protection Act.”

Health agencies defended the rollout of vaccine passports and other COVID surveillance measures by claiming that they would prevent the spread of the coronavirus. However, in recent weeks, government health experts have admitted that COVID vaccines don’t prevent infection.

Despite this admission, Germany and other nations are continuing to push far-reaching, restrictive vaccine passport systems. Some countries are also combining vaccine passports with digital ID or rolling out more invasive COVID surveillance devices such as wristbands and ankle bracelets.

  1. #1 by Clare on September 21, 2022 - 2:21 pm
    Going on your video posted recently on YouTube. Prepare to get drafted.

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