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Barry Levinson


There are many people who are upset about the FPD sending 6 police officers and several vehicles all the way up to Pasadena for a half day just to arrest AJ Redkey on a misdemeanor warrant, for failure to disperse during the January 18th protest over the not guilty verdicts of Ramos and Cincinelli. On June 3rd you will have the opportunity to speak before our city council. This issue is on the agenda as Item No. 9 under Regular Business. It will be very interesting if our Police Chief responds to questions from our council members if not from the public.

FPD chief Dan Hughes

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Every time I think of that arrest the only two words that make any sense are; political payback! Unless, AJ is a violent felon (and based on all newspaper reports this is not the case), the FPD’s actions are indefensible. Please note that all 5 people streaming (broadcasting) over the internet during the Kelly Thomas not guilty verdict protest on January 18th, 2014 were arrested by the FPD. Coincidence or payback! Remember it was reported that those that were arrested that day while in the police van were heckled by the FPD’s finest with the chant….Not Guilty, Not Guilty! If true just another example of the total lack of professionalism of some of our men and women in blue. I believe that story because I personally know a woman who was not allowed to use a bathroom that day within FPD headquarters after 2 police officers asked her if she was a protester. She said she was peacefully protesting and they told her to take a hike. This woman had major surgery a few days prior and any fool could see that medically she was not doing well. I happened to talk with her right after this alleged innocent and I believe her story 100%. But I guess it was not those 2 officers day to serve and protect the public. 

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Dan you must be so proud of those 2 officers for refusing a sick woman the “privilege” to use our taxpayer funded FPD bathroom as well as those officers in full riot gear taunting those arrested protesters. A reasonable person would begin to notice a pattern of harassment, by taunting some of the citizens they come into contact with. We all witnessed for ourselves the taunting of Kelly Thomas by Officer Ramos on July 5th, 2011. Instead of police training Dan, how about sending those officers to a class with “Miss Manners”? How about a civics class that teaches your officers the meaning of the words, public servants?

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Dan I know a half days pay for 6 highly paid FPD officers for a misdemeanor arrest warrant for an activity that occurred 4 months prior, may not seem like a lot of money to you since you make almost $200K a year plus another over $100K in benefits. However, it makes us taxpayers feel like we had our pockets picked by the FPD.

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piece of cake

The other words that I cannot get out of my head are these; 2013 FPD Supervisor of the Year, Sergeant Kevin Craig! You know him as the highest-ranking officer participating in the KT beating death. He testified for the defense that he saw no violations of any FPD policy or procedures the night of July 5th, 2011. He came on the scene and witnessed 4 officers literally beating the life out of a 135 pound unarmed shirtless man with enough of Kelly’s blood all around to make an ER doctor sick. Yet he apparently did nothing to stop this totally unnecessary and senseless beating.

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Question to Dan Hughes. Since your award winning Sergeant Craig and your FPD training officer testified under oath, that all officers conducted themselves within prescribed FPD policies and procedures, why sir did you fire Ramos, Cincinelli and Wolfe? Either they did something terribly wrong that night or they did not. You cannot continue to have it both ways. You cannot continue to state that you took care of the problem while you never have admitted any bad acts by those 6 men!

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We also know based on the testimony of a Fullerton fireman that Sergeant Craig nor any of the other 5 involved officers directed paramedics to help Kelly Thomas to give him the much needed immediate medical attention he desperately needed that night.

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In Dan Hughes reformed FPD, Sgt. Craig deserves an award!
In my world, Sgt. Craig and those like him would never wear a police officer’s badge.
Well if you were not there in person or watching on the TV or internet, you need to go the the City of Fullerton website under Departments, City Clerk and hit Agendas to pull up yesterday’s video. It was one of the few meetings where the people of Fullerton got a rare true glimpse of city leadership. Go to Public Comments first and then go to Item 9 and listen to the people speak again. Listen to your Police Chief, Dan Hughes and your Mayor, Doug Chaffee speak. It is very educational.
Decide for yourself who were the truth seekers and who wanted to deceive the public. Look at who behaved like adults and who screamed like spoiled children. By the way it was your Fullerton Police Chief, Dan Hughes who yelled out of turn the word “liar” to me, interrupting my few precious minutes our city gives its citizens to voice their concerns. Didi anyone notice that our police chief was not so cordial and easy going last night. I think we witnessed another side of Dan, another real side of Dan. We now know him much better after last night. The real Dan confronted by the truth by so many of us, cracked under the strain of having to listen to the people for a change. He was not supposed to interrupt,(but he did anyway), while the people got a rare opportunity thanks to Council member Whitaker, to speak their minds about how our police too often abuse their power and authority.Samara already knew the real Dan Hughes as he once yelled at her for no good reason during a break at a former Fullerton Council meeting a few years ago. By the way everyone in that chamber heard the despicable way Samara was treated by our Police Chief that night. We got another good look at the real Dan Hughes last night as well.It is interesting to note that this all took place on Election Day. But do not worry we have another election day coming up in a short 5 months and guess who can be shown the door to the front of the City Hall, right past his self-proclaimed VIP parking place, our own not so sweet, not so kind and not so gentle Mayor Chaffee. People we must ensure that Mayor Chaffee no longer has the honor that he squanders at every council meeting to represent the people of Fullerton. Get him out of here.Did you hear Fitzgerald, Flory and Chaffee suck up to our Police Chief last night. They could care less that AJ Redkey was singled out for political payback. Not a problem, because they like the status quo. They represent their own interests and not the interests of the people.

I ask everyone who reads this message to go out and tell at least 10 or your friends to watch the video of our meeting last night. Watch the video of the May 20th meeting concerning the Assessment of the Sex Offender Ordinance and see how rude and disrespectful our Mayor can be. We have work to do and we must start right now! 



  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on June 3, 2014 - 3:05 pm

    Anonymous, 3 out the 6 officers involved in the death of Kelly Thomas are still gainfully employed by Dan Hughes’ FPD. You explain the fact that collectively these 6 men have not spent one day in jail. Yet I do expect some of the protesters will spend some time behind bars. I guess in Fullerton, it is more dangerous for a United States citizen to practice their 1st Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of assembly than it is for 6 Fullerton Police Officers to go out and brutalize and then kill an innocent man. The innocent man conclusion came from none other than Police Chief Dan Hughes.

    But do not worry ladies and gentlemen because Dan Hughes has completely fixed what he and his men continue to claim was never broken.

    The saddest part of all of the above is that a large segment of the Fullerton population buy into every word uttered by a new police chief. They hold him and our entire police force on the same level as God, since in their eyes the FPD can do no wrong.

    A senseless murder is murder even at the hands of our own police.

    Wake up Fullerton and wake up America before there is nothing left to take back.

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