The Oregon Shooting, forced vaccinations, and the digital age of deceit dovetailing into all of our demise.

When broadcast networks went to digital programming some years ago, what little objectivity was left in the media evaporated like acetone on a hot surface. Folks, what you are witnessing before your very eyes is pure propaganda, mind control and eugenics rolled into an HD set in your living room populated by a cast of degenerate Politicans who simply love unarmed peasants.



What is paraded nightly before your very eyes is illusory, carefully agendized and slickly packaged in order to curtail the faint remnants of the critical thinking skills that were once a part of your birthright.

Folks, forced vaccinations are coming. SB 277 will become law next July, and your right to say no is on its way out along with your ability to resist. The Oregon shooting along with others like Sandy Hook were all an elaborate hoax designed to disarm the nation.


Guns are not evil, and vaccines are indeed part of a much larger agenda: a sterilization agenda.

There exists a very small cabal of incredibly powerful and evil people that are responsible for everything you see, believe, eat, drink, inject and worship. They are a cabal of eugenicists. They claim to come in peace but in  reality, they come in clandestine fashion to tear us all into pieces. Their goal: reduce the human population to under 500 million or on some of the more extreme wishlists, down to a mere 5 percent of what it is now. They are at a point in the Grand Plan where they have to disarm us.

As your sons and daughters in the prime of their youth, are fed into the military industrial complex’s meat grinder, as your parents are pushed into becoming walking petrochemical poison pharmaceutical pill boxes, and as your children are forced to become rendered infertile by the schools’ wireless technology programs and pediatric pin cushions with forced vaccinations, all of you are being fattened up and herded back onto the plantation and right into the slaughterhouse just like the poor Farmer John packing house pigs are up in Vernon.

They are cramming us into these compact cities which are nothing more than scientific kill grids. We are at the mercy of a system they almost totally control. Think about what life would be like if they shut off the power and the water for an extended period of time.

Yes they irradiate us with whatever power levels and frequencies they so desire with the wireless  telecom infrastructure all around us beaming through our walls, sterilizing our children in the classrooms

They dose our water with whatever halide compound that they deem necessary, push the beverages that dissolve our bones, destroy our livers, and degenerate us into a bread and circus flock of Pavlovian sheep as they force us off the land so we have no choice but to eat what they feed us, enslave us with endless debt, taxation, levies and materialism and rewild North Ameica as 95 percent of the US is currently rural open space. All while they pervert and corrupt our children as they are taught lie after lie in the schools, forcibly indoctrinated into accepting evolution, perversion, bogus science and  having their critical thinking skills dulled by having them stare into backlit screens all day and night while their once virgen bloodstreams carry the metals, cancer viruses, toxins, nanotechnology and sterilants injected into them at truancy point by someone arrogant whitecoat idiot who spent 8 more years than the average person getting brainwashed just so they could have their skulls split open and filled with big pharma’s petrochemical poison allopathic chemical concocting pseudoscience.

NOW THEY WANT THE GUNS, and for good reason. You see when people realize that everything they own is no longer theirs, that the forced vaccination of their children is really for them to be culled and sterilized, chemically castrated, and poisoned, that their parents are being slowly euthanized by their doctors, that their unborn children are being brain damaged with the wireless and the barbaric hospital birthing procedures, and the rest of everyone else is being satanized by those posing as our saviors and role models on the blue glow flicker rate manipulated idiot box that they call a smart TV, people will snap out of their WiFi and halide toxicity induced catatonic states and get mad as hell and rebel.

Folks, these mass shootings are nothing more than elaborate Hollywood productions to effect the passage of legislation to disarm the American people so resistance will be futile. Ladies and gentlemen, you are being lied to about everything. Open your eyes. Sandy Hook was a prime example of a complete false flag event that pulled on everyone’s heartstrings and greased the gun control lobby’s skids inching us ever closer to the purest form of medical tyranny in human history.


Now in this psy op, the ante has been upped whereby the Christians are being played like a wigi board and the results will be disastrous. They are turning the the last bastion on its head by using this manufactured crisis to get what is left of a remnant to go against their very grain. I will quote Luke’s Gospel where Jesus Christ, on his last night on earth, gave this command to his followers-Luke 22:36  “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.”

Gun ownership is Biblical and as American as you can get. Gun confiscation is tyrannical and as evil as all hell. Democide (death by government) was the leading cause of death in the 20th century-hundreds of millions of people were MURDERED BY THEIR OWN GOVERNMENTS. Do your homework folks. Do not EVER turn your guns in. The Second Amendment was put in place to protect the citizens from the GOVERNMENT. The founding fathers envisioned medical tyranny as a reality as well. Their remedy was proscribed long ago. It is called a balance of power and gun ownership gives the citizenry that luxury and peace of mind. The recent refusal of the Supreme Court to hear the case on the century old forced vaccination landmark ruling ties all this together. They are coming for your bloodstreams ladies and gentlemen but they have to be able to mentally and physically get you to submit.

Today the eugenicists weapons of choice are no longer just abortions, engineered plagues and food control genocide. The three most effective tools these monsters have in their chest today are the television for mind control, forced wireless radiation exposure that activates the injected nano technology and forced vaccinations which delivers the final blow. What is being created before our very eyes is a scientific dictatorship and you are all soldiers living in a minefield or casualties in the making. May God help us realize the deceptions and grant us wisdom to make prudent and wise decisions in the days ahead. We live in perilous times ladies and gentlemen, there can be no doubting that any longer.

  1. #1 by Anonymous on October 11, 2015 - 4:56 am

    Really amazing site. I spent the past 2 days combing through this and I am shocked that they haven’t tried to take this thing down. You need to be really careful. The amount of research here is mind blowing.

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