The Lynching

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You’re CARICATURES, ALL of you! Without your masks, you’re CARICATURES! Look what you have become.

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You must believe in the magic . The dust is magic, it is magic, it is the dust that changes hate into love. You have to believe in the magic.



It’s important to get with the majority, isn’t it? That’s… that’s a big thing nowadays, isn’t it Reverend? That’s all there is is the majority.

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The minority must have died on the cross two thousand years ago. You’ve all been so consumed by hate. It is the darkness.

Fullerton is the Twilight Zone ladies and gentleman and like I have said all along, it is never too late to do the right thing.

  1. #1 by R.D. on October 28, 2014 - 10:18 am

    Fullerton Observer is obviously against Barry also. They printed numerous articles in the same paper, convicting him without any solid proof.

    • #2 by Monica on October 28, 2014 - 8:31 pm

      I agree RD. I for one am very disappointed in Sharon Kennedy. Wow, she has really outdone herself on this one. Looks like she just provides cover for the establishment.

    • #3 by establishment friends on October 29, 2014 - 6:03 am

      Yeah Sharon Kennedy has proven to be part of the Fullerton establishment. They will go a long way to protect the power structure.

    • #4 by Joe Imbriano on October 29, 2014 - 8:40 am

      I am curious as to WHY Sharon Kennedy refused to publish the following statement from Diane Hickey that was provided to Sharon Kennedy,a witness to the non event that was attempted to be escalated to felony charges against Mr. Levinson. Sharon Kennedy instead decided to print what appear to be libelous statements against Mr. Levinson and Mr. Gutierrez.

      “Statement by Diane Hickey

      I was present at the time in which the allegations were made against two individuals, one of them being Mr. Levinson. I was interviewed by a Fullerton police detective a few weeks ago.
      Of the allegations made against Mr. Levinson, I was not able to corroborate one of them. That is, the claims made against Mr. Levinson I did not know as true or what actually happened.

      There appears to be a preoccupation with Mr. Levinson by members of the city council. The city of Fullerton has more pressing matters than to intervene and inject itself into matters going through the legal process.”

      Sharon Kennedy also refused to print my statement in its entirety as well as it relates to the issue

      Statement by Joe Imbriano

      Why are you asking a citizen to provide footage when you should be asking the City. The lobby cams cover a very sensitive area. It is the MAIN entrance to a government building. Many high level government officials, business owners, members of the general public and even the homeless travel in and out of the building at all hours of the day and the evening. It is a very high priority area in terms of security. Surely with hundreds of millions of dollars allocated to it and the health and safety of the aforementioned as well as the hundreds of employees entrusted to it, the City of Fullerton would ensure that there would be adequate surveillance with system redundancy to record events that transpire in their lobby.

      The burden of proof is on them. They brought the allegations Sharon, be objective and get them to release their footage. I am a private citizen. There will be no further comment from me on this matter due to legal reasons. I am sure you will understand. Thank you.

      Sharon Kennedy, in my opinion, has and continues to violate the trust of Fullerton by continuing to run cover for those in high positions.

      It is now time to expose Sharon Kennedy and what I believe to be her phony “Fullerton Observer” for what it is. I believe that it is a forked tongue mouthpiece for the establishment, a propaganda paper dedicated to maintaining the status quo and a weapon to attack those who have the guts in this town to speak the truth.

    • #5 by biased reporting on October 29, 2014 - 9:45 am

      Agreed, if you look at the latest Fullerton Observer lots and lots of space was provided to people to voice their biased opinion of something to which they were not present and did not witness.

      Is Pam Keller a valuable member of the establishment too? Her biased opinion was quite lengthy.

    • #6 by Anonymous on October 29, 2014 - 12:11 pm

      Let it go down. You need to let everyone know to stop advertising in it.

    • #7 by Fullerton Lover on May 8, 2016 - 8:14 am

      I think that it would send a powerful message if your readers were to boycott ANY of the businesses that advertise their services in the Fullerton Observer.

      They are all contributing to the delinquency of an elder, and are clearly providing the financial support for the propaganda that Sharon Kennedy spews forth so freely upon the residents of Fullerton.

    • #9 by Fullerton Lover on May 8, 2016 - 9:22 am

      Hey Joe,
      You don’t suppose that when Sharon Kennedy was writing the article below that she was taking a thinly veiled swipe at you do you?

      Polly’s Pies
      Rumors swept through
      Chicken Little’s neighborhood
      recently- the pie was falling. The
      wrecking ball would soon knock
      our beloved Polly’s Pies
      Restaurant to the ground in
      favor of what many told us
      would be a less tasty multi-level
      apartment building, banishing
      the original location that started
      it all. 50 years of serving the best
      pies in the land (my words)
      would be gone, over a decade
      left on their lease be damned, as
      they would not be invited back
      once the project was completed.
      That area is in need of some Fullerton
      love for sure, and certainly, some type of
      development will be approved. To the
      north across Wilshire, witness expanses
      of dirt where buildings burned and were
      swept away, cracked and littered parking
      lots, and nearby, boarded up and empty
      Yet, Polly’s still looks and tastes as good
      as always, a beacon in the asphalt jungle
      and a jewel in a long ago forgotten strip
      What can be done? We did find that
      the mixed use project has NOT been
      approved but nothing is settled so all we
      can say is, they are still there and once the
      final decisions are made we will be sure to
      let you know.”

    • #10 by Joe Imbriano on May 8, 2016 - 10:04 am

      I believe Sharon Kennedy lacks the intellectual honesty and the journalistic integrity accurately report to the residents what is going on with that parcel of land. She like Fitzpringle are providing a smokescreen for the machinery that is already running behind the scenes to hand it over to the developers. Sharon. like Fitzgerald are experts at parsing words. Polly’s is toast at that location. The handwriting is on the wall and the number is up on that place. Plans exist, handshakes have been made, and you are all being lied to. 500 units are coming to Raymond and Chapman unless you show up on 5-11-16 and tell the planning commission to remove May’a An Johnson due to her conflict of interest as an employee of SCAG and to tell them to vote down the scam. Even then it will still go to the council and they will probably approve it unless we can get Fitzgerald removed for her conflict of interest with her position as VP at Curt Pringle and associates. Fitzpringle put Maya’ An Johnson on the planning commission and all five councilmembers voted to appoint her.

      Sharon wishes she lived in Chicken Little’s neighborhood. She also knows that the more Chicken Little’s name appears anywhere, the more the lights go on in people’s heads once they look Chicken Little up online. Does she even have the decency or courage to print my name in her pathetic rag? Of course not. All she and her secret gal pal Jan Flory writing in anonymously can do is take lame veiled pot shots at me. Here is how Sharon deals with my comments at city council meetings after embellishing the establishment sycophant drama queens presentations

      “For other comments see the video of the
      meeting on the city website.”

      Of course the crumbling establishment is terrified giving any more name recognition to Joe Imbriano because as soon as anyone googles my name, the Fullerton Informer comes up the party gets closer to ending for all these goons. Sharon no longer has a monopoly on information in this town. The lock down is over for her, her minions and the establishment that for decades has been protected by her and her ilk. The internet leaves jokes like her and her clan in the dust as her rag ends up in the landfill anyway. The old guard is retrogressing and crumbling. A new day is dawning in Fullerton and regardless of which side of the dais I end up on, unlike these tools, I get to freely speak the truth. Conversely, nothing of the sort can be said for her or her spineless lackey operatives.

      You know what is even more disgusting is how her reporters totally omit incredibly significant testimony at school board meetings as they relate to the safety, health and well being of the students. This has been going on for years. The behavior of Jan Youngman and Vivien Moreno as it relates to their outright censorship is despicable if not criminal. Sharon is already in the deep in the dregs as far as that goes as she may be the one that refuses to print what we present but regardless, children are being harmed and these women are totally responsible for covering it up.

      What I don’t understand is that If Jane Rands and her pal wish to maintain any sense of credibility, why do they remain connected at the hip to such a slanted rag?

      For now we will watch all of the lower life forms in Fullerton converge to discredit, derail, censor, twist, lie, cheat, steal, frame, maim, perhaps even murder and for sure, screw the residents even harder to keep their dirty train on the tracks. Will they be successful? How could evil ever triumph? It never has and it never will in the long run. Has history ever belied such a claim?

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